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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_LENGTHReturns, as a longword integer value, the physical length of the specified form in lines. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_BOTTOMReturns, as a longword integer value, the bottom margin of the specified form in lines.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_LEFTReturns, as a longword integer value, the left margin of the specified form in characters.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_RIGHTReturns, as a longword integer value, the right margin of the specified form in characters.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_MARGIN_TOPReturns, as a longword integer value, the top margin of the specified form in lines.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_NAMEReturns, as a character string, the name of the specified form or the mounted form associated with the specified job or queue. Because the form name can include up to 31 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 31 (bytes).For more information about mounted forms, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB, QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function codes) QUI$_FORM_NUMBERReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of the specified form.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_SETUP_MODULESReturns, as a comma-separated list, the names of the text modules that are to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before a file is printed on the specified form. Because a text module name can include up to 31 characters and is separated from the previous text module name by a comma, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 32 (bytes) for each possible text module. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_FORM_STOCKReturns, as a character string, the name of the paper stock on which the specified form is to be printed. Because the name of the paper stock can include up to 31 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 31 (bytes).For more information about forms, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB, QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function codes) QUI$_FORM_WIDTHReturns, as a longword integer value, the width of the specified form in characters.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_GENERIC_TARGETReturns, as a comma-separated list, the names of the execution queues that are enabled to accept work from the specified generic queue. Because a queue name can include up to 31 characters and is separated from the previous queue name with a comma, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 32 (bytes) for each possible queue name. A generic queue can send work to up to 124 execution queues. This item code is meaningful only for generic queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_HOLDING_JOB_COUNTReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of jobs in the queue being held until explicitly released.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_INTERVENING_BLOCKSReturns, as a longword integer value, the size (in blocks) of files associated with pending jobs in the queue that were skipped during the current call to $GETQUI. These jobs were not reported because they did not match the selection criterion in effect for the call to $GETQUI.The value of QUI$_INTERVENING_BLOCKS is 0 when (1) the job is not a pending job, or (2) the job that matches the selection criterion is the first pending job in the queue, or (3) the preceding pending job in the queue was reported in the previous call to $GETQUI. This item code applies only to output queues. In a wildcard sequence of calls to $GETQUI using the QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function code, only information about jobs that match the $GETQUI selection criteria is returned. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function code) QUI$_INTERVENING_JOBSReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of pending jobs in the queue that were skipped during the current call to $GETQUI. These jobs were not reported because they did not match the selection criterion in effect for the call to $GETQUI.The value of QUI$_INTERVENING_JOBS is 0 when (1) the job is not a pending job, or (2) the job that matches the selection criterion is the first pending job in the queue, or (3) the preceding pending job in the queue was reported in the previous call to $GETQUI. This item code applies only to output queues. In a wildcard sequence of calls to $GETQUI using the QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function code, only information about jobs that match the $GETQUI selection criteria is returned. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function code) QUI$_JOB_COMPLETION_QUEUEReturns, as a character string, the name of the queue on which the specified job executed. Because a queue name can include up to 31 characters, the buffer length of the item descriptor should specify 31 (bytes).This item code has a value only if the QUI$_JOB_RETAINED bit is set in the QUI$_JOB_STATUS longword item code. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_COMPLETION_TIMEReturns, as a quadword absolute time value, the system time at which the execution of the specified job completed.This item code has a value only if the QUI$_JOB_RETAINED bit is set in the QUI$_JOB_STATUS longword item code. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_COPIESReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of times the specified print job is to be repeated.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_COPIES_DONEReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of times the specified print job has been repeated.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_FLAGSReturns, as a longword bit vector, the processing options that have been selected for the specified job. Each processing option is represented by a bit. When $GETQUI sets a bit, the job is processed according to the corresponding processing option. Each bit in the vector has a symbolic name.The $QUIDEF macro defines the following symbolic names:
(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_LIMITReturns the number of jobs that can execute simultaneously on the specified queue, which is a longword integer value in the range 1 to 65535. This item code is applicable only to batch execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code.) QUI$_JOB_NAMEReturns, as a character string, the name of the specified job. Because the job name can include up to 39 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 39 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_PIDReturns the process identification (PID) of the executing batch job in standard longword format.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_RESET_MODULESReturns, as a comma-separated list, the names of the text modules that are to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before each job in the specified queue is printed. Because a text module name can include up to 31 characters and is separated from the previous text module name by a comma, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 32 (bytes) for each possible text module. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_JOB_RETENTION_TIMEReturns, as a quadword time value, the system time until which the user requested the job be retained in the queue. The system time can be expressed in either an absolute or delta time format.For more information, see the /RETAIN qualifier for PRINT or SUBMIT in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_SIZEReturns, as a longword integer value, the total number of disk blocks in the specified print job.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MAXIMUMReturns, as a longword integer value, the maximum number of disk blocks that a print job initiated from the specified queue can contain. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_JOB_SIZE_MINIMUMReturns, as a longword integer value, the minimum number of disk blocks that a print job initiated from the specified queue can contain. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_JOB_STATUSReturns the specified job's status flags, which are contained in a longword bit vector. The $QUIDEF macro defines the following symbolic names for these flags:
(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_LAST_PAGEReturns, as a longword integer value, the page number at which the printing of the specified file should end. This item code is applicable only to output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FILE function code) QUI$_LIBRARY_SPECIFICATIONReturns, as an OpenVMS RMS file name component, the name of the device control library for the specified queue. The library specification assumes the device and directory name SYS$LIBRARY and a file type of .TLB. Because a file name can include up to 39 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 39 (bytes). This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_LOG_QUEUEReturns, as a character string, the name of the queue into which the log file produced for the specified batch job is to be entered for printing. This item code is applicable only to batch jobs. Because a queue name can contain up to 31 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 31 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_LOG_SPECIFICATIONReturns, as an OpenVMS RMS file specification, the name of the log file to be produced for the specified job. Because a file specification can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 255 (bytes). This item code is meaningful only for batch jobs.The string returned is the log file specification that was provided to the $SNDJBC service to create the job. Therefore, to determine whether a log file is to be produced, testing this item code for a zero-length string is insufficient; instead, you need to examine the QUI$V_JOB_LOG_NULL bit of the QUI$_JOB_FLAGS item code. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_MANAGER_NAMEReturns, as a character string, the queue manager name. Because a queue manager name can include up to 31 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 31 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_MANAGER function code) QUI$_MANAGER_NODESReturns, as a comma separated list, the names of the nodes on which this queue manager runs.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_MANAGER function code) QUI$_MANAGER_STATUSReturns the specified queue manager's status flags, which are contained in a longword bit vector. The $QUIDEF macro defines the following symbolic names for these flags:
(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_MANAGER function code) QUI$_NOTEReturns, as a character string, the note that is to be printed on the job flag and file flag pages of the specified job. Because the note can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 255 (bytes). This item code is meaningful for batch and output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_OPERATOR_REQUESTReturns, as a character string, the message that is to be sent to the queue operator before the specified job begins to execute. Because the message can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 255 (bytes). This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_OWNER_UICReturns the owner UIC as a longword value in standard UIC format.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_PAGE_SETUP_MODULESReturns, as a comma-separated list, the names of the text modules to be extracted from the device control library and copied to the printer before each page of the specified form is printed. Because a text module name can include up to 31 characters and is separated from the previous text module name by a comma, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 32 (bytes) for each possible text module. This item code is meaningful only for output execution queues.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_FORM function code) QUI$_PARAMETER_1 through QUI$_PARAMETER_8Returns, as a character string, the value of the user-defined parameters that in batch jobs become the value of the DCL symbols P1 through P8 respectively. Because these parameters can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 255 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_PENDING_JOB_BLOCK_COUNTReturns, as a longword integer value, the total number of blocks for all pending jobs in the queue (valid only for output execution queues).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_PENDING_JOB_COUNTReturns, as a longword integer value, the number of jobs in the queue in a pending state.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_PENDING_JOB_REASONReturns, as a longword bit vector, the reason that the job is in a pending state. The $QUIDEF macro defines the following symbolic names for the flags:
(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_PRIORITYReturns the scheduling priority of the specified job, which is a longword integer value in the range 0 through 255.Scheduling priority affects the order in which jobs assigned to a queue are initiated; it has no effect on the base execution priority of a job. The lowest scheduling priority value is 0, the highest is 255; that is, if a queue contains a job with a scheduling priority of 10 and a job with a scheduling priority of 2, the queue manager initiates the job with the scheduling priority of 10 first. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_JOB function codes) QUI$_PROCESSORReturns, as an OpenVMS RMS file name component, the name of the symbiont image that executes print jobs initiated from the specified queue. The file name assumes the device and directory name SYS$SYSTEM and the file type .EXE. Because an RMS file name can include up to 39 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 39 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY, QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function codes) QUI$_PROTECTIONWhen you specify QUI$_PROTECTION, $GETQUI returns, as a word, the specified queue's protection mask.The following diagram illustrates the protection mask: ![]() Bits 0 through 15 specify the protection value---the four types of access (read, submit, manage, and delete) to be granted to the four classes of user (System, Owner, Group, World). Set bits deny access and clear bits allow access. (Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_QUEUE_DESCRIPTIONReturns, as a character string, the text that describes the specified queue. Because the text can include up to 255 characters, the buffer length field of the item descriptor should specify 255 (bytes).(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_QUEUE function code) QUI$_QUEUE_DIRECTORYReturns a string containing the device and directory specification of the queue database directory for this queue manager.(Valid for QUI$_DISPLAY_MANAGER function code) QUI$_QUEUE_FLAGSReturns, as a longword bit vector, the processing options that have been selected for the specified queue. Each processing option is represented by a bit. When $GETQUI sets a bit, the jobs initiated from the queue are processed according to the corresponding processing option. Each bit in the vector has a symbolic name.The $QUIDEF macro defines the following symbolic names: