HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP Pay per use (PPU) User's Guide for versions 8.x > Chapter 4 Using the PPU Software

PPU Web Portal

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You have access to detailed PPU usage information through a web portal. The PPU web portal contains the sample usage information for every five-minute measurement interval. You can access the information for a particular day, or a selected range of days.

NOTE: In an HP Integrity Virtual Machines environment (HPVM), the usage information for billing purposes is based on the overall usage for the VM Host. However, you can examine the usage report at the portal to see a detailed breakdown of the usage for each virtual machine guest. Guest information is associated with the Virtual CPU column.

The PPU web portal can be accessed from the HP web site:


Initial access to the PPU web portal requires registration using your system-identification information. The system-identification consists of the system serial number plus a unique ID. The unique ID can be identified from the MP on partitionable systems, from the getconf CS_MACHINE_IDENT command on HP-UX partitionable systems, or it can be found at the tag <uniqueidentifier> in a PPU usage report. See “PPU Usage Report” for more information. After your password-protected account is set up, you can access usage information for your PPU servers.

NOTE: Usage data is posted to the PPU web portal two days after it was collected. For example, usage data for today is available at the portal two days from today.

For OpenVMS

The system-identification information can be displayed for the partition by entering the following DCL command:

$ ppu show portal
Unique ID: a1db8784-1111-2222-3333-908070A0B03f
System serial number: XX07740001