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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
This example assumes that the three tapes have no volume labels. This
command saves all files on the disk named DDA1 to the save set
PLAYS.BCK. The first tape in the save set is labeled ACT1, the second
is labeled ACT2, and the third is labeled ACT3.
Command Qualifier Format/LIMIT=n The value for n is the expansion size of the device. There are no limits on this value. exist
Specifying /LIMIT without a value instructs BACKUP that the target
device is to inherit the expansion size. This is the opposite of
specifying /IGNORE=LIMIT, which prevents the target device from
inheriting the expansion limit on a restore operation.
Command Qualifier Format/LIST [=file-spec] save-set-spec DescriptionUse the /LIST qualifier by itself or in conjunction with any other operation (save, restore, copy, compare, or journal). If /LIST is specified by itself (not with a save, restore, copy, compare or journal operation), the input specifier must refer to a save set, and the output specifier must be omitted. Example
Command Qualifier Format/[NO]LOG input-specifier output-specifier Example
Output Save-Set Qualifier Formatinput-specifier output-save-set-spec /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION DescriptionThe /MEDIA_FORMAT qualifier can only be used with tape drives that support data compaction. Example
Input File-Selection Qualifier Formatinput-specifier/BEFORE=time /MODIFIED output-specifier DescriptionYou must use the /MODIFIED qualifier with either of the input file-selection qualifiers /BEFORE or /SINCE. The date and time you specify with /BEFORE or /SINCE determines which files are processed. Example
Output File Qualifier Formatinput-specifier output-specifier/NEW_VERSION DescriptionIf BACKUP attempts to copy or restore a file when a file with an identical directory name, file name, type, and equal or higher version number already exists, a new file is created with the same name and type and a version number one higher than the highest existing version. Example
Command Qualifier Format/NOINCREMENTAL input-specifier output-specifier DescriptionIn OpenVMS Version 6.2 and prior versions, the system, by default, did not save files and subdirectories that were under directories that had been modified. In OpenVMS Versions 7.0 and 7.1, to ensure a successful restore, the system saved all files and subdirectories under directories that had been modified. This behavior, however, sometimes resulted in saving files and subdirectories that were not needed for later restore operations. Example
Output File Qualifier Formatinput-specifier output-specifier/OVERLAY DescriptionIf BACKUP attempts to copy or restore a file when a file with an identical directory name, file name, type, and version number already exists, the new version of the file is written over the existing version. The file identification of the new version is the same as the file identification of the file that is overwritten. Example
The /OWNER_UIC qualifier has been superseded by /BY_OWNER. HP recommends that you substitute /BY_OWNER for /OWNER_UIC in command procedures and operator instructions. See the description of /BY_OWNER for more information. /PHYSICAL
Command Qualifier Format/PHYSICAL input-specifier output-specifier DescriptionFor physical copy operations between disks, the output device must be either the same size or a larger-capacity disk.
#1 |
This example mounts RX02 diskettes in DYA0 and DYA1 as foreign devices and copies the contents of the diskette mounted in DYA0 to the diskette mounted in DYA1.
#2 |
This command restores a physical save set named 28SEP.BCK to DBA1.
Command QualifierUse the /PROGRESS_REPORT qualifier to display the progess of a BACKUP operation on the current output device.
(When you use BACKUP to back up or restore data interactively, press Ctrl/T) to display the progress of the operation.)
The value for n is the frequency of the message display, in seconds.
In this example, the command restores a save set called saveset.bck into DKA100. When you specify /PROGRESS=60, a progress report is displayed on the screen every 60 seconds, indicating the progress of the operation.
Output Save-Set QualifierWhen you create a save set on disk, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to an output save set. When you create a save set on magnetic tape, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the magnetic tape volume. (All save sets created subsequently on the tape will receive this same protection until the tape is initialized.)
input-specifier output-save-set-spec/PROTECTION[=(code)]
Because the file system treats a BACKUP save set as a single file, it is crucial that you protect save sets adequately. If you do not specify adequate protection, anyone who has access to a save set can access any file in the save set.The protection code indicates the type of access (read, write, execute, and delete) available to the four categories of users (system, owner, group, and world). For more information about specifying protection codes, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.
If the save set is written to either a Files--11 disk or a sequential disk and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies the process default protection to the save set. If /PROTECTION is specified, any protection categories not specified default to your default process protection.
Protection information is written to the volume header record of a magnetic tape, and applies to all save sets stored on the tape. If you specify /PROTECTION, any protection categories that you do not specify default to your default process protection.
To initialize a magnetic tape with the correct protection, specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with the /PROTECTION qualifier. If you do not specify /REWIND with /PROTECTION, the protection information, if any, in the volume header record is not changed. However, specifying /PROTECTION without /REWIND ensures that continuation volumes receive the correct protection.
If the save set is written to magnetic tape and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies no protection to the tape.
In order to initialize a magnetic tape volume that was previously initialized with the /PROTECTION qualifier, you must own the volume (your UIC matches the UIC of the volume) or have the VOLPRO privilege.
#1 |
This command saves the directory tree [CLEAVER...] to a save set named ACCOUNTS.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save-set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The output save-set qualifier /BY_OWNER assigns an owner UIC of [301,310] to the magnetic tape. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape read, write, execute, and delete access. SYSTEM users are assigned read, write, and execute access; GROUP users are assigned read and execute access; and WORLD users are assigned no access.
#2 |
$ BACKUP/IMAGE _From: DUA0: _To: MFA2:DAILY.BCK/REWIND/LABEL=TAPE1- _$ /PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W) $ BACKUP/IMAGE DUA2: MFA2:DAILY2.BCK/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W) %BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2 %BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 2 on _MFA2: for writing Press return when ready: [Return] |
This first BACKUP command creates an image backup of the disk DUA0 in a save set named DAILY.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save-set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape and SYSTEM users read, write, execute, and delete access; GROUP and WORLD users are assigned no access.
The second BACKUP command uses the same tape for an image backup of the disk DUA2. When the tape is full, BACKUP requests another volume. Because the /PROTECTION qualifier was specified with second BACKUP command, the continuation volume receives the desired protection.
Command QualifierRecords the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of each file header record once a file is successfully saved or copied.
/RECORD input-specifier output-specifier
The /RECORD qualifier can be used only in save or copy operations on Files--11 Structure Level 2 or 5 volumes. To use the /RECORD qualifier on files, the user privilege SYSPRV is required.When you use /RECORD in a copy or save operation, BACKUP writes the date and time that the copy or save set was created in the BACKUP date field of each file header record.
When you use /RECORD to perform incremental save operations on a disk volume, do not allow other users to use /RECORD in their BACKUP operations on the same disk volume. If other users specify /RECORD, the dates in the BACKUP date fields of file header records will change. This makes it impossible for you to save all files created or modified since you last performed a save operation.
If you use the command qualifier /VERIFY with /RECORD, files that fail verification are not recorded.
If /RECORD is not specified, the BACKUP date field of each processed file is not changed.
You cannot use the /RECORD qualifier with the command qualifiers /DELETE, /COMPARE, or /PHYSICAL.
This command saves all files on DBA1 that have been created or modified since the last save operation and records the current date and time in each file header record.
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