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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Specify one of the following speeds: 50, 75, 100, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, or 115200. If your line allows split speed, you can specify different speeds for input and output. If you only specify one speed, it is used for both input and output.


Identifies the starting Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM). This mask is used by the PPP driver to negotiate the final transmit ACCM for asynchronous ports. Specify a mask in the range of 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF. The default mask value is 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0. The masks are ordered from low-order longword to high-order longword. Specify the longword mask until the last mask bits are set. The remaining longwords are set to 0. With 8 longwords, there is 1 bit for every ASCII character position (from 0 to 255). The ASCII characters 0x20 through 0x3F and 0x5E cannot be quoted.


Use the SET command to specify the communications characteristic of a terminal device. Communications characteristics such as address compression, flow control, and line speed determine how data is transmitted and received. These characteristics take effect as soon as you invoke the CONNECT or DIAL_OUT command.


If you you invoke a SET command from the DCL command line (for example, PPPD SET/MTU=1000 tta0), the utility assumes you wish to connect and attempt to start a PPP connection on the specified device.

%PPPD-I-CONNECTTERM, converting connection on device _TTA0: to a
Point-to-Point connection

In this example, the SET command is setting up a permanent network connection over the serial port TTA0.


Allows you to display the communication characteristics for a specific terminal.


SHOW device-name[:]



Supplies the name of the device whose characteristics are to be displayed. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the device that is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0.



Indicates whether the address compression is on or off.

/ALL[=BRIEF] (default)


Displays all the current device and communication settings. BRIEF formats the output for the screen. LONG displays each setting on a separate line.


Shows the current values for the specified counter(s). You can specify one or more of the following keywords with this qualifier:
Keyword Description
ALL Displays all counters.
BAD_FCS_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with bad frame check sequence (FCS).
DATA_LOST Displays the count of lost characters that were reported by hardware.
DROPPED_CHARACTERS Displays the count of all characters thrown away.
FRAMING_ERRORS Displays the count of characters with framing errors.
LONG_PACKETS Displays the count of packets longer than the current maximum receive unit setting (MRU).
RECEIVED_PACKETS Displays the count of total packets received.
RUNT_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with too few characters.
TOTAL_CHARACTERS Displays the count of all characters received.
TRANSMITTED_PACKETS Displays the count of total packets transmitted.


Specifies the number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo requests and the interval (in milliseconds) between requests that must be sent without response before the line is considered down.


Shows the current receive and transmit FCS size in bits.


Shows the current flow control setting used over the asynchronous physical link. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier:
Keyword Description
HARDWARE Uses RTS/CTS flow control. If using this control, the transmit Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM) can be 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for lines set to /MODEM or /COMMSYNCH.
XON_XOFF (default) Uses band flow control. If using this control, the optimal transmit ACCM is 0xA0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for asynchronous lines.


Displays the action that occurs when a session is terminated.


Shows the number of attempts that are made to negotiate a magic number.


Shows the number of configure-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming that the peer is not responding.


Displays the number of configure-nak packets sent before sending a configure-ack and before assuming that the configuration is not converging.


Shows the number of terminate-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming the peer is unable to respond.


Displays the largest packet that the line can receive.


Displays the largest packet that the line can transmit.


Displays the current network protocol(s) allowed over the physical link.


Indicates whether this is a passive or active line.


Indicates whether this is a permanent or transient (nonpermanent) line.


Shows the status of protocol field compression.


Displays the value of the current receive ACCM for asynchronous ports.


Displays the interval used to time transmission of request packets.


Indicates the current input and output speeds of the line.


Displays the value of the current transmit ACCM for asynchronous ports.


The SHOW command allows you display the current terminal and communication settings. To display all available settings, use the /ALL qualifier.

Line TTA1: is being used for PPP connections

Debug trace:     OFF       Debug mailbox:
Address comp:    OFF       Max configure:        10  Restart timer:        30
ASN port name:   ASN13     Max failure:           5
Echo failure:           0  Max terminate:         2  Receive ACCM:   FFFFFFFF
Echo intervals:         0  MRU:                1500  Transmit ACCM:  FFFFFFFF
Flow control:    XON/XOFF  MTU:                1500                  00000000
Hangup:          DEFAULT   Mode:           ACTIVE                    00000000
Line type:       TRANSIENT Net protocol:   TCP/IP                    60000000
Magic retries:          0  Protocol comp:  OFF                       00000000
Input speed:     DEFAULT   Receive FCS:          16                  00000000
Output speed:    DEFAULT   Transmit FCS:         16

Counter totals for line TTA0:

Bad FCS packets:                   0   Packets received:                  4
Data lost (chars):                 0   Packets transmitted:               6
Dropped chars:                     0   Runt packets:                      0
Framing errors:                    0   Total chars received:            179
Long packets:                      0

The command in this example displays the current PPP characteristics assigned to port TTA1.

Chapter 19
POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility (PCSI)

19.1 PRODUCT Introduction

The DCL interface to the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (PCSI) is the PRODUCT command.

PCSI creates, installs, and manages software products. You can use it to do the following:

  • Install and reconfigure software products.
  • Remove software products.
  • Display information from the software product database, such as the names of installed products, the names of patches applied, product dependencies, the names of files provided by product, and historical information about past operations.
  • Locate software product kits.
  • Create a software product kit in sequential, compressed, or reference format.
  • List the contents of a software product kit or extract files from the kit, such as release notes or files you specify.
  • Perform other operations such as establishing default configuration choices offered by a product, copying a product kit or converting it to a different format, and registering information about a product in the product database.
  • Uninstall the last patch or set of patches applied to a product.


PRODUCT [subcommand product-name [/qualifiers]]


To use PCSI from the DCL prompt, enter the PRODUCT command, a subcommand, and any required parameters and optional qualifiers. For example:


This command installs FORTRAN V7.2-3 on your system from a product kit located in DISK1:[KITS].



Specifies an operation you want PCSI to perform. If you do not supply a subcommand, the utility prompts you to select one from a list.


Specifies the name of the product to which you want to apply the activity. Some subcommands do not require this parameter. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for all or part of the product-name. You can specify a list of products separated by commas (,).

The product name is the same as the third component of the file name of the product kit. For example, the product name parameter that you would use to refer to a kit named DEC-AXPVMS-FORTRAN-V0702-3-1.PCSI is FORTRAN. A product name can include an underscore character (_) but never a hyphen (-). For example, VMS73_DRIVER is the name of a remedial kit for OpenVMS whose file name is DEC-AXPVMS-VMS73_DRIVER-V0300--4.PCSI.

19.2 PRODUCT Commands

The following table describes PRODUCT subcommands:

Subcommand Description
ANALYZE PDB Verifies the product database and makes minor repairs, if possible.
CONFIGURE Creates a product configuration file (PCF).
COPY Copies a software product kit or converts it to another format such as compressed format.
DELETE RECOVERY_DATA Deletes one or more patch recovery data sets.
EXTRACT FILE Retrieves a specified file or files from a software product kit.
EXTRACT PDF Retrieves the product description file (PDF) from a software product kit.
EXTRACT PTF Retrieves the product text file (PTF) from a software product kit.
EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES Retrieves the release notes from a software product kit.
FIND Displays the name of product kits found in a specified directory.
INSTALL Installs one or more software products and updates the product database.
LIST Lists the files contained in a software product kit
PACKAGE Creates a software product kit in either sequenti.al or reference format.
RECONFIGURE Modifies the configuration of an installed product and updates the product database.
REGISTER PRODUCT Records information in the product database about one or more installed products that are not yet registered in the database.
REGISTER VOLUME Records a change in volume label in the product database.
REMOVE Uninstalls one or more software products and updates the product database.
SHOW HISTORY Displays in chronological order the operations performed on software products.
SHOW OBJECT Displays information about objects created during software product installation.
SHOW PRODUCT Displays information about installed products.
SHOW RECOVERY_DATA Displays patch recovery data sets in chronological order.
SHOW UTILITY Displays version information about PCSI.
UNDO PATCH Uninstalls one or more patches for which recovery data has been saved.


Verifies the structural integrity of the product database and, in some circumstances, performs minor repairs on the files in the database.




The product database refers to an interrelated set of files named *.PCSI$DATABASE. These files ordinarily reside in SYS$SYSTEM.

When you use this command, PCSI does the following:

  • Reads *.PCSI$DATABASE files referenced by the root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE and checks all fields for correct syntax.
  • Automatically performs minor repairs when a known corruption pattern can be identified and if a repair is feasible.
  • Provides instructions for rebuilding the database if an unrecoverable corruption is found.

The PRODUCT ANALYZE PDB command always reads the PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE file, even if you also select a subset of the database files for analysis.



Specifies the location of the product database files to be analyzed. Include only a device and directory name. This qualifier is useful if you copy the product database to a temporary directory to perform verification and repair on the copy rather than on the original files.

If you do not use this qualifier, the default location of the product database files is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]. If you omit the device name, PCSI uses your current default device. If you omit the directory name, PCSI uses your current default directory.


Specifies that a subset of the product database files is to be analyzed. By default, all database files referenced by the root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE are analyzed.

Keywords are as follows:

PRODUCT=(product-name[,...]) Selects the product specific database files for the named products for analysis. Wildcard characters are permitted in the product name.
ROOT Selects the PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE file for analysis.


/NOREMOTE (default)

Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database.

When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined:

  • PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command.
  • PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root:





Analyzing product database files in DISK$V83SYS:[VMS$COMMON.][SYSEXE]


Completed product database analysis with no errors detected

The command in this example verifies the active product database files in their usual location on the system disk in SYS$SYSTEM.



Analyzing product database files in DKA300:[TEST]


Completed product database analysis with no errors detected


The command in this example analyzes the database files in the DKA300:[TEST] directory for the TCP/IP product and all the patch kits that have been applied to it. The root database file PCSI$ROOT.PCSI$DATABASE must also be in this directory.


Creates a product configuration file (PCF) for one or more products. Optionally uses the values in an existing PCF file to create the new PCF.


PRODUCT CONFIGURE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, for which product configuration files will be generated.



Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. Standard names are:
Name Description
AXPVMS Denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product.
I64VMS Denotes an OpenVMS I64 product.
VAXVMS Denotes an OpenVMS VAX product.
VMS Indicates a product that can be installed on more than one OpenVMS platform.


Specifies how the configuration choices are used. Keywords are:
CURRENT Uses values from the product database. These values are the configuration choices made when the product was installed or reconfigured.
PRODUCER Uses values specified by the software manufacturer of the product.
INPUT=pcf-name Uses values from the specified product configuration file.
OUTPUT=pcf-name Writes configuration choices to the specified product configuration file. If no file name is supplied, creates a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION in the current default directory.

The keywords CURRENT, PRODUCER, and INPUT are mutually exclusive. (CURRENT is the default if none of these keywords is specified.)

The OUTPUT keyword can be used with the CURRENT, PRODUCER, or INPUT keyword.

If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses.


/NOHELP (default)

Controls whether detailed explanations of product options and informational text are displayed. The first time you install a product, these explanations can help you decide which options to select. When you perform subsequent installations or upgrades, you might choose the brief explanations to save time.

When /NOHELP is selected, you can request a detailed explanation about a question by performing one of the following actions at the prompt:

  • Press the Help key or PF2 key
  • Type ? and press the Return key


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
COMPRESSED Compressed format in which a data compression technique has been applied to a sequential kit. A compressed kit has a .PCSI$COMPRESSED file type.
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree. A .PCSI$DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the directory tree denotes a reference kit.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in a container file. A file type of .PCSI indicates a sequential kit.
Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite).


/NOLOG (default)

Displays the file specification of the configuration file that is created.


/NOOPTIONS (default)

Specifies PRODUCT command options. The keywords are:
NOCONFIRM Omits the confirmation dialog that asks the user to verify the products that have been selected for the operation.

The NOCONFIRM and NODEFAULT_KIT keywords are mutually exclusive.

NODEFAULT_KIT Directs the utility to query the user instead of choosing a default kit when more than one kit that matches the selection criteria for the product is found in the source directory path. The selection criteria include the producer, base system, product name, and product version strings that are embedded in the file name of a kit.

If multiple kits are found for a selected product, and NODEFAULT_KIT is not specified, the utility determines the default kit to use by applying the following rules:

  1. The last character of the kit's file name (1-7) is used to order the kits by kit type. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: full, operating system, partial, patch, platform, transition, and mandatory update.
  2. The file type is used to order the kits by format. In descending order, the precedence is as follows: compressed (.PCSI$COMPRESSED), sequential (.PCSI), and reference (.PCSI$DESCRIPTION).
  3. If multiple kits are found with the same file name and file type, but differ in their directory path names, the case of their file specifications, or their file versions, then the first file found by RMS search rules takes precedence.

The NODEFAULT_KIT and NOCONFIRM keywords are mutually exclusive.

NOVALIDATE_KIT Disables validation of software product kits that are signed and have a manifest file in the source directory.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces.


/NOREMOTE (default)

Selects the product database located on a privately mounted system disk. By default, PCSI searches the currently booted system disk for the product database.

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