HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Chapter 25
25 USB Configuration Manager (UCM)
     25.1     UCM Description
     25.2     USB and UCM Concepts
         25.2.1         Introduction to USB
         25.2.2         UCM Concepts
         25.2.3         The Discovery of Devices
     25.3     Configuring Devices Automatically
     25.4     Configuring Devices Manually
         25.4.1         Disabling Automatic Configuration
         25.4.2         Creating an Entry in the Permanent List
     25.5     Viewing Configuration Events
         25.5.1         Getting Information About Unknown Devices
         25.5.2         Getting Information about Configuration Failures
     25.6     UCM Usage Summary
     25.7     UCM Commands
          ADD DEVICE
          SET AUTO
          SET LOG
          SHOW AUTO
          SHOW DEVICE
          SHOW EVENTS
Chapter 26
26 XA Gateway Control Program Utility (XGCP)
     26.1     XGCP Description
     26.2     XGCP Commands
     26.3     XGCP Usage Summary
Appendix A
Appendix A ACL Editor Keypad Editing Commands
     A.1     ACL Editor Keypad Commands
     A.2     Additional ACL Editing Keys and Key Sequences
     A.3     ACL Editing Keys on the Supplemental Keypad (LK201-Series Keyboards)
Appendix B
Appendix B Customizing the ACL Editor
     B.1     Modifying Variables in the ACL Section File
     B.2     Using the ACL Editor CALL_USER Routine
Appendix C
Appendix C Accounting Information for Programmers
     C.1     Format of an Accounting File Record
         C.1.1         Types of Accounting Record
         C.1.2         Format of an Information Packet
             C.1.2.1             General Format
             C.1.2.2             File Name Packet (ACR$K_FILENAME)
             C.1.2.3             Identification Packet (ACR$K_ID)
             C.1.2.4             Image Name Packet (ACR$K_IMAGENAME)
             C.1.2.5             Print Resource Packet (ACR$K_PRINT)
             C.1.2.6             Resource Packet (ACR$K_RESOURCE)
             C.1.2.7             User Data Packet (ACR$K_USER_DATA)
Appendix D
Appendix D ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE---Stage Checks
     D.1     Stage 1
     D.2     Stage 2
     D.3     Stage 3
     D.4     Stage 4
     D.5     Stage 5
     D.6     Stage 6
     D.7     Stage 7
     D.8     Stage 8
     D.9     Annotated Example
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix F Security Audit Message Format
     F.1     Audit Header Packet
     F.2     Audit Data Packets
Appendix G
Appendix G Valid Combinations of BACKUP Qualifiers
Appendix H
Appendix H Supplemental MONITOR Information---Record Formats
     H.1     The MONITOR Recording File
     H.2     Conventions
     H.3     HP Control Records
         H.3.1         File Header Record
         H.3.2         System Information Record
         H.3.3         Node Transition Record
         H.3.4         RMS File Record
     H.4     Class Records
         H.4.1         Class Type Formats
             H.4.1.1             Class Header
             H.4.1.2             Class Prefix (Component Classes Only)
         H.4.2         Class Data Blocks
             H.4.2.1             CLUSTER Class Record
             H.4.2.2             DECNET Class Record
             H.4.2.3             DISK Class Record
             H.4.2.4             DLOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.5             FCP Class Record
             H.4.2.6             FILE_SYSTEM_CACHE Class Record
             H.4.2.7             I/O Class Record
             H.4.2.8             LOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.9             MODES Class Record
             H.4.2.10             MSCP_SERVER Class Record
             H.4.2.11             PAGE Class Record
             H.4.2.12             PROCESSES Class Record
             H.4.2.13             RLOCK Class Record
             H.4.2.14             RMS Class Record
             H.4.2.15             SCS Class Record
             H.4.2.16             STATES Class Record
             H.4.2.17             SYSTEM Class Record
             H.4.2.18             TIMER Class Record
             H.4.2.19             TRANSACTION Class Record
             H.4.2.20             VBS Class Record - VAX Only
             H.4.2.21             VECTOR Class Record (VAX Only)

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