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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Removes all jobs from one queue and merges them into another existing queue. This command does not affect jobs that are executing.

Requires manage (M) access to both queues.


ASSIGN/MERGE target-queue[:] source-queue[:]



Specifies the name of the queue into which the jobs are being merged.


Specifies the name of the queue from which the jobs are being removed.


The ASSIGN/MERGE command removes the pending jobs in one queue and places them in another queue. This command does not affect any executing jobs in either the target queue or the source queue. Jobs currently running in the source queue complete in that queue. This command is generally used with printer queues, although it can be used with batch queues.

The ASSIGN/MERGE command is particularly useful when a line printer malfunctions. By entering the ASSIGN/MERGE command, you can reroute existing jobs to a different printing device. To perform the merge operation without losing or disrupting any jobs, stop the source queue with the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command. Then enter the STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command to ensure that the current job on the source queue is requeued for processing on the target queue. (If the STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command fails to requeue the job, use the STOP/QUEUE/RESET command to regain control of the queue.) Once you enter the STOP commands, enter the ASSIGN/MERGE command.



In this example, the STOP/QUEUE/NEXT command prevents another job from executing on queue LPB0. The STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command requeues the current job running on LPB0 to the target queue LPA0. The ASSIGN/MERGE command removes the remaining jobs from the LPB0 printer queue and places them in the LPA0 printer queue.

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