The RUN command creates a process to execute the specified image. If
you specify the /UIC or the /DETACHED qualifier, the RUN command
creates a detached process; otherwise, the RUN command creates a
When you specify any qualifiers with the RUN command, the RUN command
creates a process and displays the process identification (PID) code in
SYS$OUTPUT. The newly created process executes the image named in the
file specification. When the image has finished executing, the system
deletes the process that was running that image.
By default, the RUN command creates a subprocess with the same user
identification code (UIC), current disk and directory defaults,
privileges, and priority as the current process.
If the detached process terminates unexpectedly and you want to find
out why, you can use the Accounting utility to display the final exit
status of the process. For more information, see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
Both the /DETACHED and the /UIC qualifiers request the RUN command to
create a detached process. You must have the user privilege IMPERSONATE
or CMKRNL to create a detached process with a different UIC. When you
create a detached process, the resource quotas are established as
- If you do not specify a value for a particular quota, that quota is
given the value of the corresponding PQL_D* (default) system parameter.
- If you specify a value for a particular quota, that value is
compared with the quotas for the creator process (maximum) and the
system parameters PQL_M* (minimum). If the value you specify is within
the allowed range, it is used for the new process. If you specify a
value greater than the creator process's quota, the creator process's
quota is used. If the specified value is less than the corresponding
system parameter, the system parameter value is substituted.
However, if you have the IMPERSONATE or CMKRNL privilege, you can
specify any quotas for the detached process.
Input, Output, and Error Streams
Use the following qualifiers to assign equivalence names for the
logical names SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, and SYS$ERROR for the process:
The equivalence names you specify for these process-permanent files are
interpreted within the context of the process you are creating. For
example, file type defaults, and logical name use and translation are
image- and language-dependent.
Defining Process Attributes
Use the following qualifiers to override the default attributes for a
Assigning Resource Quotas
When you enter a RUN command to create a process, you can define quotas
to restrict the amount of various system resources available to the
process. The following resource quota is deductible when you create a
subprocess; that is, the value you specify is subtracted from your
current quota and given to the subprocess:
Qualifier |
Quota |
The quota amount is returned to your current process when the
subprocess is deleted.
The system defines minimum values for each specifiable quota. If you
specify a quota that is below the minimum, or if you specify a
deductible quota that reduces your current quota below the minimum, the
RUN command cannot create the process. To determine your current
quotas, enter the SHOW PROCESS/QUOTAS command.
You can also specify limits for nondeductible quotas. Nondeductible
quotas are established and maintained separately for each process and
subprocess. The following qualifiers specify nondeductible quotas:
Qualifier |
Quota |
A third type of quota treatment is pooling. Pooled quotas are
established when a detached process is created. They are shared by that
process and all its descendent subprocesses. Charges against pooled
quota values are subtracted from the current available totals as they
are used and are added back to the total when they are not being used.
The following qualifiers specify pooled quotas:
Qualifier |
Quota |
Hibernation and Scheduled Wakeup Requests
Use the following qualifiers to schedule execution of the image:
If you specify any of these qualifiers, the RUN command creates the
process and places it in hibernation. The process cannot execute the
image until it is awakened. Time values specified with these three
qualifiers control when the process is awakened to execute the
specified image.
You can schedule wakeup requests for a specified delta time (/DELAY
qualifier) or absolute time (/SCHEDULE qualifier). You can also
schedule wakeup requests for recurrent intervals with the /INTERVAL
qualifier. If you specify an interval time, the created process is
awakened to execute the specified image at fixed time intervals. If the
image terminates normally (for example, by a RET instruction), the
process returns to a state of hibernation, awaiting the next scheduled
wakeup time and user-mode exit handlers are not called. At the next
wakeup time, the image is recalled at its entry point; the image is not
reactivated. If the image terminates abnormally, or by an $EXIT
command, or by a $FORCEX command, the process does not return to
hibernation, further scheduling requests are terminated, user-mode exit
handlers are called, the image exits, and the created process is
Use the /PROCESS_NAME qualifier to give the created process a name. You
can use this process name in a subsequent STOP or CANCEL command. A
STOP command terminates execution of the image in the process and
causes the process to be deleted. The CANCEL command cancels wakeup
requests that are scheduled but have not yet been delivered.
/ACCOUNTING (default)
Requires ACNT (accounting) privilege to use the /NOACCOUNTING
The /NOACCOUNTING qualifier stops the current accounting file tracking
the resources used by the created process.
The /ACCOUNTING qualifier (the default) has no effect.
Specifies the maximum number of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) that
the created process can have outstanding.
If you do specify an AST limit quota, the default quota established at
system generation time is used. The minimum required for any process to
execute is 2.
The AST limit quota is nondeductible.
/NOAUTHORIZE (default)
Requires IMPERSONATE privilege.
When the image to be executed is the system login image (LOGINOUT.EXE),
this qualifier searches the user authorization file (UAF) to validate a
detached process. The /NOAUTHORIZE qualifier creates a detached process
that runs under the control of the command interpreter.
When you specify the /AUTHORIZE qualifier, quotas are derived from the
user authorization file (UAF) record of the process' owner. Any
qualifiers to the RUN command that specify other quotas are ignored in
favor of the UAF quotas.
When you specify the /NOAUTHORIZE qualifier, quotas are derived from
the system parameters that set process quota default limits (parameters
prefixed with PQL_D).
Specify the /AUTHORIZE qualifier if you want the login image to check
the UAF whenever a detached process is created. The process-permanent
files specified by the /INPUT and /OUTPUT qualifiers are made available
to the command interpreter for input and output.
Specifies the maximum amount of memory, in bytes, that the process can
use for buffered I/O operations or for temporary mailbox creation.
If you do not specify a buffered I/O quota, the default value
established at system generation time is used. The minimum amount
required for any process to execute is 1024 bytes.
The buffer limit quota is pooled.
Places the created process in hibernation and awakens it after a
specified time interval.
Specify the delta time according to the rules described for entering
delta times in the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.
If you specify both the /DELAY and /INTERVAL qualifiers, the first
wakeup request occurs at the time specified by the /DELAY qualifier.
All subsequent wakeup requests occur at the interval specified by the
/INTERVAL qualifier.
Creates a detached process with the same user identification code (UIC)
as the current process. (To create a detached process with a different
UIC, use the /UIC qualifier.) By default, the created process is not a
detached process.
By default, resource quotas for the detached process are limited by the
quotas of the creator process (maximum) and the system parameters
PQL_M* (minimum). The IMPERSONATE or CMKRNL privilege allows you to
specify any quotas for the detached process that exceed the normal
range. Unless you have the IMPERSONATE or CMKRNL privilege, the maximum
number of detached processes that you can create is limited to the
quota defined by MAX_DETACH in your UAF.
/NODUMP (default)
When an image terminates because of an unhandled error, the /DUMP
qualifier causes the contents of the address space to be written to the
file named image-name.DMP in the process's default device and
directory. You can then use the Analyze/Process_Dump utility to analyze
the dump.
Specifies the maximum number of locks that a process can have
outstanding at any one time.
The default quota is that established at system generation time. The
minimum required for any process to operate is 2.
Defines an equivalence name string of 1 to 63 alphanumeric characters
for the logical device name SYS$ERROR. The logical name and equivalence
name are placed in the process logical name table for the created
process. (The /ERROR qualifier is ignored if you are running
Specifies the maximum size to which the image being executed in the
process can increase its physical memory size.
The default quota is that established at system generation time. The
minimum value required for any process to execute is 10 pages.
Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on
Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system rounds
up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount of
physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on
The extent quota is nondeductible.
Specifies the maximum number of files that a process can have open at
any one time.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time.
The minimum amount required for any process to execute is 2.
The file limit quota is pooled.
Defines an equivalence name string of 1 to 63 characters for SYS$INPUT.
The logical name and equivalence name are placed in the process logical
name table for the created process.
Requests that the created process be placed in hibernation and be
awakened at regularly scheduled intervals.
Specify the delta time according to the rules described in the
OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.
If you specify the /DELAY or the /SCHEDULE qualifier with the /INTERVAL
qualifier, the first wakeup request occurs at the time specified by the
/DELAY or the /SCHEDULE qualifier; all subsequent wakeup requests occur
at intervals specified by the /INTERVAL qualifier. If you specify
neither the /DELAY nor the /SCHEDULE qualifier with the /INTERVAL
qualifier, the first wakeup request occurs immediately by default.
Specifies the maximum number of system-buffered I/O operations that the
created process can have outstanding at any one time.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time.
The minimum required for any process to execute is 2.
The buffered I/O quota is nondeductible.
Specifies the maximum number of direct I/O operations that the created
process can have outstanding at any one time.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time.
The minimum required for any process to execute is 2.
The direct I/O quota is nondeductible.
Allows you to specify a quota for a detached process's jobwide logical
name table.
A value of 0 has a special meaning. It means that the table, for all
practical purposes, has infinite quota because its quota is pooled with
that of its parent table, the system directory table.
Note that the /JOB_TABLE_QUOTA qualifier is relevant only for detached
processes. If the /JOB_TABLE_QUOTA qualifier is specified in a RUN
command that results in the creation of a subprocess, it is ignored.
Specifies the unit number of a mailbox to receive a termination message
when the created process is deleted. If no mailbox is specified, the
creating process receives no notification when the subprocess or
detached process has been deleted.
Specifies the maximum size (up to 64K pages) to which the image being
executed in the process can increase its working set size. An image can
increase its working set size by calling the $ADJWSL (Adjust Working
Set Limit) system service.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time.
The minimum value required for any process to execute is 10 pages.
The maximum working set quota is nondeductible.
Specifies an OpenVMS Cluster node on which a detached process is to be
created. Quotas are determined by comparing the values you specify with
the RUN command with the quotas of the creator process (maximum) and
the PQL_M* system parameters on the target node (minimum). To specify
quotas outside that range, you must have IMPERSONATE or CMKRNL
privilege. Omitted quota values default to the values of the PQL_D*
system parameters on the target node.
The qualifier value node_name is a 1- to 6-character string
containing the SCS node name of the requested node.
For example, to create a process named BAR on node FOO that runs
MY_PROG.EXE, enter the following command:
Note that the disk containing the image must be mounted on the
specified node. Because the disk might not be mounted on the node on
which the command is entered, the RUN command processor does not check
whether the image exists. Consequently, the command can complete
without error even though the created process aborts immediately
because the image file cannot be found.
Defines an equivalence name string of 1 to 63 characters for the
logical device name SYS$OUTPUT. Both the equivalence name and the
logical name are placed in the process logical name table for the
created process.
Specifies the maximum number of pages that can be allocated in the
paging file for the process. The paging file quota is the amount of
secondary storage available during execution of the image.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time.
The minimum value required for a process to execute is 256 pages. The
paging file quota is pooled.
Requires ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege to set the priority
higher than your current process.
Specifies the base priority at which the created process executes.
On Alpha, the value of parameter n is a decimal 0 to 63, where
63 is the highest priority and zero is the lowest. Normal priorities
range from 0 to 15; real-time priorities range from 16 to 63.
On VAX, the value of parameter n is a decimal 0 to 31, where
31 is the highest priority and zero is the lowest. Normal priorities
range from 0 to 15; real-time priorities range from 16 to 31.
The default priority is that of the current process.
Requires SETPRV (set privilege) privilege to specify privileges
that you do not have.
Defines user privileges for the created process. You can extend any
privilege you possess to a process you create. By default, the created
process has the same privileges as its creator. If you specify only one
privilege, you can omit the parentheses.
For a list of process privileges, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
You can also use the keyword NOSAME as the privilege
parameter. If you specify /PRIVILEGES=NOSAME, the created process has
no privileges.
Specifies a name of 1 to 15 characters for the created process. The
process name is implicitly qualified by the group number of the
process's user identification code (UIC). By default, the name is null.
Specifies the maximum number of timer queue entries that the created
process can have outstanding at any one time. This number includes
timer requests and scheduled wakeup requests.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time. A
process does not require any timer queue quota in order to execute.
The timer queue entry quota is pooled.
/RESOURCE_WAIT (default)
Places the created process in a wait state when a resource required for
a particular function is not available.
If you specify the /NORESOURCE_WAIT qualifier, the process receives an
error status code when a resource is unavailable.
Places the created process in hibernation and awakens it at the
specified time.
Specify the absolute time value according to the rules given for
entering absolute time values in the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help
topic Date.
Enables or disables an exception condition notification if an error
occurs during a system service request. By default, an error status
code is returned to the process.
If you specify the /SERVICE_FAILURE qualifier and an error occurs
during a system service request, the process encounters an exception
Valid on Alpha and I64 systems only. Requires CMEXEC,
CMKRNL, or SETPRV privilege to log argument values. The SYSGEN
parameter SYSSER_LOGGING must be enabled or the command will fail.
Creates a process with system service logging enabled.
Keywords are as follows:
Keyword |
Explanation |
Specifies how many P2-space buffers to log. (Default: 2)
Specifies whether or not service argument values are to be logged. The
default is ARG, which requires privileges. If the value is ARG but you
lack privilege, no argument values are logged.
When enabling SSLOG for a process, you can specify the number of
buffers to be used for logging. Buffers are allocated in P2 space and
are charged against the process's paging file quota. Each buffer is
65,02410 bytes or FE0016 bytes. The buffer space
remains allocated and the quota charged until the process is deleted.
Before you delete the process, stop the logging and close the log file
by executing the SET PROCESS/SSLOG=STATE=UNLOAD command. The log file
does not close automatically.
To analyze the log file, use the DCL command ANALYZE/SSLOG, which is
described in online help and in the System Service Logging chapter of
the HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual.
Specifies the maximum number of subprocesses that the created process
is allowed to create.
The default quota is the quota established at system generation time. A
process does not require any subprocess quota in order to execute.
The subprocess limit quota is pooled.
/SWAPPING (default)
Requires PSWAPM (process swap mode) privilege to inhibit
process swapping.
Permits the process to be swapped. The default allows a process to be
swapped from the balance set in physical memory to allow other
processes to execute.
With /NOSWAPPING in effect, the process is not swapped out of the
balance set when it is in a wait state. By default, a process may be
swapped out of the balance set whenever it is in a wait state.
Specifies the maximum amount of CPU time (in delta time) a created
process can use. CPU time is allocated to the created process in units
of 10 milliseconds. When it has exhausted its CPU time limit quota, the
created process is deleted.
If this quota is not specified and the created process is a detached
process, the detached process receives a default value of zero, that
is, unlimited CPU time.
If this quota is not specified and the created process is a subprocess,
the subprocess receives half the CPU time limit quota of the creating
If this quota is specified as zero, the created process has unlimited
CPU time providing that the creating process also has unlimited CPU
time. If, however, the creating process does not have unlimited CPU
time, the created process receives half the CPU time limit quota of the
creating process.
The CPU time limit quota is a consumable quota; that is, the amount of
CPU time used by the created process is not returned to the creating
process when the created process is deleted.
If you restrict CPU time for a process, specify the time limit
according to the rules for specifying delta time values, as described
in the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.
Specifies that the created process is part of the Trusted Computing
Base (TCB) and performs its own auditing. The /DETACH qualifier is
required as well as the IMPERSONATE privilege.
Specifies that the created process be a detached process and assigns it
a user identification code (UIC). Specify the UIC by using standard UIC
format as described in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.
Specifies the number of pages in the working set of the created process.
The default working set size is the size established at system
generation time. The minimum number of pages required for a process to
execute is 10 pages. The value specified cannot be greater than the
quota specified with /MAXIMUM_WORKING_SET.
The maximum working set quota is nondeductible.