HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
Sets the default day type specified in the user authorization file
(UAF) for the current day.
Requires OPER (operator) privilege.
The SET DAY command overrides the default primary and secondary day
types that are used to control daily logins. These default day types
are defined by the system manager in the user authorization file (UAF).
The SET DAY command is useful when you need to override the day type
because of a change in the work days of a particular week. For example,
Monday, which is normally a work day, is occasionally a holiday. You
can use the SET DAY command to override the normal day type for Monday
and set it to a different day type.
Overrides any previous SET DAY specification and specifies that the
normal UAF defaults are to be used to determine today's day type.
/NOLOG (default)
Controls whether log information is displayed at the terminal to
confirm that the new SET DAY information has been set.
Sets today until midnight to a primary day.
Sets today until midnight to a secondary day.
The SET DAY command in this example overrides the current default day
type and sets today until midnight to a primary day.
The SET DAY command in this example overrides the previous SET DAY
command and sets today's day type to the UAF-defined default.