The SET HOST/HSC command establishes a connection to an HSC disk and
tape controller by way of the CI bus. (The SHOW CLUSTER command lists
the names of HSC controllers that are accessible to your node.) No
password is required to access the HSC; however, only SHOW commands are
accepted when the HSC Secure/Enable switch is in the Secure position.
Once the connection is made to the HSC, operations can be performed as
if you were attached to the local terminal of the HSC; however, access
to ODT (Octal Debugging Tool) and offline diagnostics are not permitted.
Press Ctrl/C to obtain a prompt from the HSC before entering commands.
To exit from the HSC and return to the local system, press Ctrl/\.
A description of HSC commands and utilities can be obtained from the
HSC documentation.
Preparing for Use
To use the SET HOST/HSC facility, you must first install FYDRIVER,
which is the Diagnostic and Utilities Protocol (DUP) driver associated
with the CI. To load FYDRIVER, add the following commands to the
SYSTARTUP.COM command procedure in the SYS$MANAGER directory:
This operation requires CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) privilege.