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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Registers the attributes of a network service.

Requires SYSNAM (system name) privilege.


SET NETWORK network-service



Specifies the name of a network service.


The SET NETWORK command allows you to control information about network services on an OpenVMS system. This information is contained in structures pointed to by executive mode logical names SYS$NET_SERVICES_1 to SYS$NET_SERVICES_12. Each structure defines a particular network service and contains the following information:
  • Product name
  • Manufacturer
  • Type of network
  • Node name
  • Address(es)
  • Interface(s) (OpenVMS device driver)
  • Vendor-specific data
  • Status
  • Connections
  • Counters
  • Start command
  • Stop command
  • Path to the Point-to-Point Protocol utility (PPPD) shareable image

The following items are required for network registration: product name, manufacturer, type of network, node name, address. For each network service that supports the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), the file name of the PPPD shareable image must also be specified using the /PPPD_CALLOUT qualifier.

The SET NETWORK command allows you to perform the following actions on the information on network services:

  • Add a service (use the /REGISTER qualifier)
  • Delete a service (use the /REMOVE qualifier)
  • Modify the information for a service (use the /UPDATE qualifier)

The /REGISTER qualifier is the default, if you do not specify an action.



Specifies the network address of the local node.


Specifies a command to be executed to display the number of network connections.


Specifies a command to be executed to display the number of network counters.


Specifies a character string provided by the network service vendor.


Specifies the OpenVMS driver for the network service.


Specifies the manufacturer of the network service.


Specifies the protocol for the network service.


Specifies the name of the local node.


Specifies the name of the protected shareable image activated by PPPD. This image contains the routine PPPD$OPEN_CONNECT, which notifies the network service that a new physical transport exists that supports PPP. If the image resides in the SYS$SHARE directory, enter the file name of the image without the suffix (such as, PPPD_CALLOUT instead of PPPD_CALLOUT.EXE); otherwise, enter the system logical that identifies the location of the image.


Defines a new network service.


Deletes a network service from the database.


Specifies an image to be executed when you issue the START/NETWORK command for the network service.


Specifies a command to be executed to display additional status information.


Specifies an image to be executed when you issue the STOP/NETWORK command for the network service.


Allows you to modify the specified data for the network service.



_$     /MANUFACTURER= "Hewlett-Packard Company" -
_$     /NODE="GALENA" -
_$     /ADDRESS="19.129" -
_$     /NETWORK_TYPE="DNA V" -
_$     /INTERFACE="net 0" -
_$     /DATA="Router: No" -
_$     /STATUS="mcr ncl show node 0 all" -
_$     /CONNECTIONS="mcr ncl show node 0 session control port * all" -
_$     /COUNTERS="mcr ncl show node 0 session control all counters" -
_$     /START="@sys$startup:net$startup" -
_$     /STOP="@sys$manager:net$shutdown"


This command adds the network service DECnet-Plus (Phase V) to the database, with the specified characteristics.


_$ /MANUFACTURER="Hewlett-Packard Company" -
_$ /NODE="ipv6.ucx.mars.univers.com" -
_$ /ADDRESS="" -

This command creates a new TCP/IP network service, adds it to the database, and enables the PPPD utility by supplying a logical name that identifies the location of the shareable image.


_$                /MANUFACTURER= "Hewlett-Packard Company" -
_$                /NODE="EMARET" -
_$                /ADDRESS="12.378" -
_$                /NETWORK_TYPE="DNA IV" -
_$                /INTERFACE="net 0" -
_$                /STATUS="mcr ncp show exec characteristics" -
_$                /CONNECTIONS="mcr ncp show known link" -
_$                /COUNTERS="mcr ncp show exec count" -
_$                /START="@sys$manager:startnet" -
_$                /STOP="mcr ncp set executor state shut"

This command adds the network service DECnet (Phase IV) to the database, with the specified characteristics.

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