HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Sets the rate at which output is written to a batch job log file.

For use only within command procedures that are submitted as batch or detached jobs.


SET OUTPUT_RATE [=delta-time]



The time interval at which output is written from the output buffer to the batch job log file. If no delta time is specified, the information is written in the output buffer to the log file, but the output rate is not changed from the default of once per minute. Specify delta-time as [dddd-][hh:mm:ss.cc]. For more information on delta time, see the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic Date.


When you submit a batch job, the output to be written to the log file is stored in an output buffer. Periodically, the buffer is flushed and its contents are written to the batch job log file. By default, the buffer is flushed once a minute; therefore, you can type the log file to determine how much of the job has completed while the job is still executing.

To change the default output rate, include the SET OUTPUT_RATE command in the command procedure that you are submitting as a batch job. When the SET OUTPUT_RATE command is executed within a batch job and a delta time is specified, DCL flushes the buffer, sets the default output rate, and starts a new output interval.

If the SET OUTPUT_RATE command is executed within a batch job and a delta time is not specified, DCL flushes the buffer but does not change the default output rate and does not start a new interval.

If you issue the SET OUTPUT_RATE command interactively, or within a command procedure that is executed interactively, then no action is performed.



This command, when executed within a batch job, changes the default output rate from once a minute to once every 30 seconds.

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