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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Aborts a job that is printing or processing on an output queue, deletes it from the queue, and begins processing the first pending job in the queue. The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but the /ABORT qualifier is required.

Requires delete (D) access to the current job.


STOP/QUEUE/ABORT queue-name[:]



Specifies the name of the queue containing the job you want to abort.


When you abort a print job, the print job completes the page that is currently printing. Then the job is removed from the queue. If the output queue has been set up to put trailing pages at the end of jobs, a trailer page is printed after the current page is completed. For information on how a batch job is aborted, see the description of the STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command.

Use the STOP/QUEUE/ABORT command to abort the current print job and to delete it from the queue. You do not specify a job entry number with the /ABORT qualifier, because output queues can have only one current job at a time.

Use the STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command to abort one or more batch jobs that are executing currently on a queue and to delete them from the queue. To stop a batch job, you must specify an entry number because batch queues, unlike print queues, can have more than one job executing at the same time. (You also can use the STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command to abort a print job that is printing or processing currently on a queue, and to delete it from the queue.)

Use the STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command to stop batch or print jobs and to requeue them. Use the DELETE/ENTRY command to delete an entry that is queued and awaiting execution.


If you enter the STOP/QUEUE/ABORT command accidentally for a malfunctioning queue, enter the STOP/QUEUE/RESET command to stop the queue in an orderly fashion.



This example aborts the current print job on the queue LPA0. The print symbiont begins to process the first pending job in the queue. Assuming there is no problem with the printer, the current page of the file completes printing. If the printer queue has been set up to put trailer pages at the end of jobs, a trailer page is printed after the current page is completed.

For batch queues an entry number must be provided. To abort a batch job, use the STOP/QUEUE/ENTRY command.

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