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Upgrading SSH for OpenVMS

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This version of SSH for OpenVMS is based on Version 3.2 of the SSH product offered by SSH Communications, Inc. If you are upgrading SSH for OpenVMS from the version available on TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.4 and lower, read the product release notes to understand the changes in setting up and managing this version of SSH.

Server and Client Configuration Files

The server and client configuration files in this version of SSH are different in several ways from those used with earlier versions of SSH for OpenVMS. When you upgrade to the current version, you must recreate both the server and client configuration files.

For this version of SSH, the server configuration file is:


The client configuration file is:

NOTE: When you extract these files, make sure to specify the final dot in the file name. For example:

For more information about recreating the configuration files, refer to the product release notes.

Some of the configuration keywords have changed in this version of SSH. For more information, see Appendix B.