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Configuring the SSH Client

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When you choose Client components from the TCPIP$CONFIG Main Menu, the Client Components Configuration Menu is displayed:

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Client Components Configuration Menu
Configuration options:
1  -  DHCP Client      Disabled Stopped
2  -  FTP Client       Enabled  Stopped
3  -  NFS Client       Disabled Stopped
4  -  REXEC and RSH    Disabled Stopped
5  -  RLOGIN           Disabled Stopped
6  -  SMTP             Disabled Stopped
7  -  SSH Client       Disabled Stopped
8  -  TELNET           Enabled  Stopped
9  -  TELNETSYM        Disabled Stopped

A  -  Configure options 1 - 9
[E] -  Exit menu
Enter configuration option: 7 

Configure the SSH client as described in the following procedure.

  1. Enter option 7 (SSH Client) at the prompt. The SSH Client Configuration Options menu is displayed:

    SSH CLIENT Configuration
    Service is not defined in the SYSUAF.
    Service is not enabled.
    Service is stopped.
      SSH CLIENT configuration options:
         1 - Enable service on this node
         2 - Enable & Start service on this node
         [E] - Exit SSH_CLIENT configuration
    Enter configuration option:

  2. Choose the appropriate menu option. For example, choose configuration option 1 to enable the SSH client on this node. The configuration procedure copies the systemwide client configuration file SSH2_CONFIG. from the distribution kit into the directory TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH.SSH2].


    The SSH2_CONFIG file contains keywords and values that each client process reads when it starts. In many cases, the system manager may want to edit this file to make it user specific and to provide a secure environment for the client host. You can copy and edit your own version of the configuration file. For more information, see Chapter 3.

    After the SSH client is configured, the following message and prompt are displayed if, for example, the SSH server is not enabled and has not been configured:

    The SSH SERVER is not enabled.
    * Do you want to configure SSH SERVER [NO]:

If you want to configure the SSH server, type YES. Otherwise, press Enter or type NO.