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Configuring the SSH Server

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When you choose Server components from the TCPIP$CONFIG command procedure Main Menu, the Server Components Configuration Menu is displayed:

HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Server Components Configuration Menu
Configuration options:
1 - BIND         Disabled Stopped        12 - NTP         Disabled Stopped
2 - BOOTP        Disabled Stopped        13 - PC-NFS      Disabled Stopped
3 - DHCP         Disabled Stopped        14 - POP         Disabled Stopped
4 - FINGER       Disabled Stopped        15 - PORTMAPPER  Disabled Stopped
5 - FTP          Disabled Started        16 - RLOGIN      Disabled Started
6 - IMAP         Disabled Stopped        17 - RMT         Disabled Stopped
7 - LBROKER      Disabled Stopped        18 - SNMP        Disabled Started
8 - LPR/LPD      Disabled Stopped        19 - SSH         Enabled  Started
9 - METRIC       Disabled Stopped        20 - TELNET      Disabled Started
10 - NFS         Disabled Stopped        21 - TFTP        Disabled Stopped
11 - LOCKD/STATD Disabled Stopped        22 - XDM         Disabled Stopped

A  -  Configure options 1 - 22
[E]   Exit menu

Enter configuration option: 19

Configure the SSH server as described in the following procedure.

  1. Enter option 19 (SSH configuration) at the prompt. The SSH Configuration Option menu appears.

    SSH Configuration
    Service is defined in the SYSUAF.
    Service is defined in the TCPIP$SERVICE database.
    Service is enabled on specific node.
    Service is started.
      SSH configuration options:
         1 - Enable service on all nodes
         2 - Disable service on this node
         3 - Stop service on this node
         4 - Disable & Stop service on this node
         [E] - Exit SSH configuration
    Enter configuration option:
  2. Choose the appropriate menu option. For example, choose option 1 to enable SSH on this server. The configuration procedure creates the SSH service entry and server configuration file:

    Creating SSH Service Entry
  3. Respond to the following question:

    Create a new default Server host key? [YES]
    Creating private key file: TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH.SSH2]HOSTKEY
    reating public key file: TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH.SSH2]HOSTKEY.PUB

    Type YES or press Enter to create new host key pair files, HOSTKEY and HOSTKEY.PUB. The TCPIP$CONFIG command procedure creates the default key pair in the directory TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH.SSH2].

    If you type NO to bypass creating new keys, your server may have no host keys (unless the host keys were created at an earlier time). You may need to run the key generation utility, SSH_KEYGEN, to generate keys before you can run SSH.

  4. After the SSH server is configured, the following message and prompt are displayed if, for example, the SSH client is not enabled and has not been configured:

    The SSH CLIENT is not enabled.
    If you want to configure the SSH client, type YES.