Description |
This routine provides a convenient means for client and server
programs to send authenticated messages to one another through network
connections. The krb5_sendauth routine
is the matching routine to krb5_recvauth for
the server. The krb5_recvauth routine will
engage in an authentication dialog with the client program running krb5_sendauth to
authenticate the client to the server. In addition, if requested
by the client, krb5_recvauth will provide
mutual authentication to prove to the client that the server represented
by krb5_recvauth is legitimate.
The fd argument is a pointer to the
network connection. As in krb5_sendauth,
in the MIT UNIX and OpenVMS implementations, fd is
a pointer to a file descriptor.
The arguments server, auth_context,
and keytab are used by krb5_rd_req to
obtain the server's private key.
If server is nonNULL, the principal
component of it is used to determine the replay cache to use. Otherwise, krb5_recvauth will
use a default replay cache.