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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

Previous Contents Index Creating and Configuring a Two-Node Disaster Tolerant Cluster Using IP

Cluster over IP can be used to create and configure a two-node disaster tolerant cluster. Node ORCHID is a standalone node at SITE A and node TULIP at SITE B, is already a member (the only member) of the cluster. In this scenario, Cluster over IP is not configured in TULIP. SITE A and SITE B can be in the same or different LAN, building or any other geographical location. It is required to have IP connectivity between SITE A and SITE B and should be within the supported inter site distance.

Step 1. Configuring Node TULIP to Enable Cluster over IP

To configure the node TULIP (OpenVMS Alpha node) for enabling the Cluster over IP feature, execute the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM procedure on node TULIP and select the appropriate option as illustrated:

Example 8-4 Configuring Node TULIP to Enable Cluster over IP

                 Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an Alpha System 
DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
Alpha satellites will use LANCP, not DECnet, for MOP downline loading. 
Enter a "?" for help at any prompt. If you are familiar with the execution of 
this procedure, you may want to mute extra notes and 
explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
TULIP is an Alpha system and currently a member of a cluster so the following 
functions can be performed: 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD an Alpha node to the cluster. 
   2. REMOVE a node from the cluster. 
   3. CHANGE a cluster member's characteristics. 
   4. CREATE a duplicate system disk for TULIP. 
   5. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   6. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   7. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [7]: 3 (1) 
   1. Enable TULIP as a boot server. 
   2. Disable TULIP as a boot server. 
   3. Enable a quorum disk for TULIP 
   4. Disable a quorum disk for TULIP. 
   5. Enable TULIP as a disk server. 
   6. Disable TULIP as a disk server. 
   7. Change TULIP's ALLOCLASS value. 
   8. Enable TULIP as a tape server. 
   9. Disable TULIP as a tape server. 
  10. Change TULIP's TAPE_ALLOCLASS value. 
  11. Change an Alpha satellite node's LAN adapter hardware address. 
  12. Enable Cluster Communication using IP on TULIP. 
  13. Disable Cluster Communication using IP on TULIP. 
  14. Enable the LAN for cluster communications on TULIP. 
  15. Disable the LAN for cluster communications on TULIP. 
  16. Enable Memory Channel for cluster communications on TULIP. 
  17. Disable Memory Channel for cluster communications on TULIP. 
  18. Change TULIP's shared SCSI port allocation class value. 
  19. Return to MAIN menu. 
Enter choice [19]: 12 (2)
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? Y (3)
UDP port number to be used for Cluster Communication over IP[49152]?Y (4)
Enable IP multicast for cluster communication(Y/N)[Y]? Y (5)
What is the IP multicast address[]? [Return] (6)
What is the TTL (time to live) value for IP multicast packets [32]?  [Return] (7)
Do you want to enter unicast address(es)(Y/N)[Y]?  [Return] (8)
What is the unicast address [Press Enter to end the list]? (9)
What is the unicast address[Press Enter to end the list]?  [Return] (10)
        Cluster Communications  over IP  has  been  enabled.  Now 
        procedure. Please select the IP interfaces to be used for 
        Cluster Communications  over IP  (IPCI). This can be done 
        selecting "Core Environment"  option from the main menu 
        followed by the "Interfaces"  option.  You may also use 
        this opportunity to configure other aspects. 
Press Enter to continue. 
       Checking TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS configuration database files. 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Core environment 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: 1 (11)
       HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 2 (12)
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=TULIP, Active=TULIP 
 Configuration options: 
                 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: TULIP) 
                 1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
                 2  -    TULIP                  Configured,Active 
                 3  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
                 4  -   *noname*              Configured,Active 
                 I  -  Information about your configuration 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 2 (13)
  HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Address Configuration Menu (Node: TULIP) 
      IE0 TULIP Configured, Active IE0 
 Configuration options 
                 1  - Change address 
                 2  - Set "TULIP" as the default hostname 
                 3  - Delete from configuration database 
                 4  - Add to IPCI database 
                 5  - Deactivate from live system 
                 6  - Add standby aliases to configuration database (for failSAFE IP) 
                [E] - Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 4 (14)
Updated Interface in IPCI configuration file: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
Updated Default Route in IPCI configuration file: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
Added address IE1: to IPCI database 
   HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=TULIP, Active=TULIP 
 Configuration options: 
                 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node:tulip) 
                 1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
                 2  -    TULIP                  Configured,IPCI,Active 
                 3  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
                 4  -   *noname*              Configured,Active 
                 I  -  Information about your configuration 
                [E]-  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: E (15)
      HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Core Environment Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options: 
                 1  -  Domain 
                 2  -  Interfaces 
                 3  -  Routing 
                 4  -  BIND Resolver 
                 5  -  Time Zone 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 5 
                [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: E 
        HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Configuration Menu 
        Configuration options:                                                 
                 2  -  Client components 
                 3  -  Server components 
                 4  -  Optional components 
                 5  -  Shutdown HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 6  -  Startup HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 
                 7  -  Run tests 
                 A  -  Configure options 1 - 4 
                [E] -  Exit configuration procedure 
Enter configuration option: E 
    The configuration procedure has completed successfully. 
    Tulip has been enabled for IP communications  (16)
    Please run AUTOGEN to reboot TULIP:           
Field Description
(1) TULIP is a single-member cluster without Cluster over IP enabled. The cluster member characteristics can be changed to enable Cluster over IP for this node by selecting option 3.
(2) Select option 12 to enable cluster over IP. By selecting this option, the SYSGEN parameter, NISCS_USE_UDP is set to 1, which enables the PEDRIVER to use IP for cluster communication. This requires reboot of the node. If LAN is not already selected as the cluster interconnect, this option sets NISCS_LOAD_PEA0 to 1 to load PEDRIVER during the next reboot.
(3) Enable IP for cluster communication.
(4) The UDP port number used for cluster communication. The UDP port number must be same on all members of the cluster. Also, ensure that there is no other cluster in your environment using the same UDP port number and this port number must not be used by any other application.
(5) You can enable IP multicast for cluster communication if your environment allows IP multicast traffic between cluster nodes. Check with your network administrator, if IP multicasting is enabled in your environment.
(6) Enter the IP multicast address for the cluster, if IP multicasting is enabled. By default, the IP multicast address is selected from the administratively scoped IP multicast address ranging from 239.242.x.y. The last two octets x and y are generated based on the cluster group number. In the above example cluster group number is 1985 and can be calculated as follows:
X= 1985/256

Y= 1985 - (256 *x)

The system administrator can override the default multicast address by a unique address for their environment.
(7) TTL is the time to live for IP multicast packets. It specifies the number of hops allowed for IP multicast packets.
(8) Enter "Yes" to enter the IP unicast addresses for the remote nodes of the cluster, which are not reachable using IP multicast address.
(9) In this example, is the IP unicast address for the node ORCHID. Although, the IP multicast is selected, ORCHID's IP address is entered because the IP multicast connectivity between SITE A and SITE B is presumed to be not existing in this example.
Note: Enter the list of IP address of the cluster. All the information entered in [4],[6],[7] and [9] are entered into the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file. The PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file is generated as shown in the following example. Also, to allow the remote node to join the cluster, the Unicast list in the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT on the local node must contain the IP address of the remote node.
In this example, TULIP must have ORCHID's IP address and ORCHID must have TULIP's IP address.
! CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN creating for CHANGE operation on 10-JUL-2008 

(10) Press [Return] after entering the Unicast list.
(11) CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM invokes TCPIP$CONFIG.COM to configure the IP interfaces used for cluster communication. Select the core environment option.
Assuming that TCP/IP is already configured, the node can be pinged from outside the subnet.
(12) Select the interface option from the core environment menu.
(13) Select the appropriate interface for cluster communication. In this example, option 2 is selected.
(14) In the configuration option for the selected address, select option 4 to add to IPCI database. The interface information along with the default route is entered in the TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT as shown:

(15) Exit from the TCP/IP configuration procedure, which returns to CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM.
(16) Proceed with cluster configuration.
(17) After rebooting the system, run AUTOGEN. PEDRIVER in ORCHID will start using IP in addition to LAN for cluster communication and must be able to join TULIP.

Step 2. Configuring Node ORCHID as a Cluster Member

To configure ORCHID with Cluster over IP enabled, execute CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM on node ORCHID and select the appropriate option as shown in the following example:

Example 8-5 Configuring Node ORCHID to Enable Cluster over IP

                 Cluster/IPCI Configuration Procedure 
                   CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN Version V2.84 
                     Executing on an IA64 System 
    DECnet-Plus is installed on this node. 
    IA64 satellites will use TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services for downline 
     TCP/IP is installed and running on this node. 
Enter a "?" for help at any prompt.  If you are familiar with the execution of this 
procedure, you may want to mute extra notes and 
explanations by invoking it with "@CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN BRIEF". 
This IA64 node is not currently a cluster member. 
MAIN Menu 
   1. ADD ORCHID to existing cluster, or form a new cluster. 
   2. MAKE a directory structure for a new root on a system disk. 
   3. DELETE a root from a system disk. 
   4. EXIT from this procedure. 
Enter choice [4]: 1 (1)
Is the node to be a clustered node with a shared SCSI/FIBRE-CHANNEL bus (Y/N)? N 
What is the node's SCS node name? ORCHID 
    IA64 node, using LAN/IP for cluster communications.  PEDRIVER will be loaded. 
   No other cluster interconnects are supported for IA64 nodes. 
Enter this cluster's group number: 1985 
Enter this cluster's password: 
Re-enter this cluster's password for verification: 
ENABLE IP for cluster communications (Y/N)? Y (2)
UDP port number to be used for Cluster Communication over IP[49152]?[Return] (3)
Enable IP multicast for cluster communication(Y/N)[Y]? Y [Return] (4)
What is IP the multicast address[]? [Return] (5)
What is the TTL (time to live) value for IP multicast packets [32]? [Return] (6)
Do you want to enter unicast address(es)(Y/N)[Y]?[Return] (7)
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]? (8)
What is the unicast address[Press [RETURN] to end the list]?[Return] (9)
                 Cluster Communications over IP has been enabled.  Now 
                 CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN will run the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$CONFIG procedure. 
                 Pleas select the IP interfaces to be used for Cluster Communications 
                 over IP (IPCI). This can be done selecting "Core Environment" option 
                 from the main menu followed by the "Interfaces" option. You may 
                 also use this opportunity to configure other aspects. 
Press Return to continue ... 
TCP/IP Network Configuration Procedure 
        This procedure helps you define the parameters required 
        to run HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS on this system. 
%TCPIP-I-IPCI, TCP/IP Configuration is limited to IPCI. 
-TCPIP-I-IPCI, Rerun TCPIP$CONFIG after joining the cluster. 
    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=Not Configured, Active=nodeg 
 Configuration options: 
   0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: ORCHID) 
   1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
   2  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
  [E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: 1 (10)
                    * IPCI Address Configuration * 
Only IPCI addresses can be configured in the current environment. 
After configuring your IPCI address(es) it will be necessary to 
run TCPIP$CONFIG once your node has joined the cluster. 
    IPv4 Address may be entered with CIDR bits suffix. 
    E.g. For a 16-bit netmask enter 
Enter IPv4 Address []: (11)
Default netmask calculated from class of IP address: 
    IPv4 Netmask may be entered in dotted decimal notation, 
    (e.g., or as number of CIDR bits (e.g. 16) 
Enter Netmask or CIDR bits []: (12)
Requested configuration: 
      Node     : ORCHID 
      Interface: IE0 
      IPCI     : Yes 
      Address  : 
      Netmask  : (CIDR bits: 23) 
* Is this correct [YES]: 
Updated Interface in IPCI configuration file: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; (13)
    HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Interface & Address Configuration Menu 
 Hostname Details: Configured=Not Configured, Active=ORCHID 
 Configuration options: 
 0  -  Set The Target Node (Current Node: ORCHID) 
 1  -  IE0 Menu (EIA0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
 2  - /23   *noname*              IPCI 
 3  -  IE1 Menu (EIB0: TwistedPair 100mbps) 
[E] -  Exit menu 
Enter configuration option: E(14)
Enter your Default Gateway address []:
* The default gateway will be:  Correct [NO]: YES 
Updated Default Route in IPCI configuration file: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT; 
TCPIP-I-IPCIDONE, Finished configuring IPCI address information (16)
Will ORCHID be a boot server [Y]? [Return] (17)
       TCP/IP BOOTP and TFTP services must be enabled on IA64 boot nodes. 
        services after ORCHID has booted into the cluster. 
Enter a value for ORCHID's ALLOCLASS parameter [7]: 
Does this cluster contain a quorum disk [N]? [Return]
The EXPECTED_VOTES system parameter of members of a cluster indicates the total 
number of votes present when all cluster members are booted, and is used to determine 
the minimum number of votes (QUORUM) needed for cluster operation. 
EXPECTED_VOTES value for this cluster: 1 
Warning:  Setting EXPECTED_VOTES to 1 allows this node to boot without 
being able to see any other nodes in the cluster.  If there is 
another instance of the cluster in existence that is unreachable via SCS but shares 
common drives (such as a Fibrechannel fabric)this may result in severe disk corruption. 
Do you wish to re-enter the value of EXPECTED_VOTES [Y]? N 
The use of a quorum disk is recommended for small clusters to maintain cluster 
quorum if cluster availability with only a single cluster node is a requirement. 
For complete instructions, check the section on configuring a cluster in 
the "OpenVMS Cluster Systems" manual. 
  WARNING: ORCHID will be a voting cluster member. EXPECTED_VOTES for 
           this and every other cluster member should be adjusted at 
           a convenient time before a reboot. For complete instructions, 
           check the section on configuring a cluster in the "OpenVMS 
           Cluster Systems" manual. 
Execute AUTOGEN to compute the SYSGEN parameters for your configuration and reboot 
ORCHID with the new parameters. This is necessary before ORCHID can become a cluster member. 
Do you want to run AUTOGEN now [Y]? N 
    Please run AUTOGEN to reboot ORCHID: 
Field Description
(1) Node ORCHID is currently a standalone, Integrity server node and is made as a member of a cluster. Only LAN or IP is used for cluster communication and no other interconnect is supported.
(2) Select IP for cluster communication in addition to LAN by entering "YES". The SYSGEN parameter, NISCS_USE_UDP is set to 1 and PEDRIVER uses IP in addition to LAN for cluster communication when the node is rebooted.
(3) The UDP port number to be used for cluster communication. The UDP port number must be same on all members of the cluster. Also, ensure that there is no other cluster in your environment using the same UDP port number and this port number must not be used by any other application.
(4) You can enable IP multicast for cluster communication if your environment allows IP multicast traffic between cluster nodes. Check with your network administrator to see if IP multicasting is enabled in your environment.
(5) Enter the IP multicast address for cluster, if IP multicasting is enabled. By default, the IP multicast address is selected from the administratively scoped IP multicast address range of 239.242.x.y. The last two octets x and y are generated based on the cluster group number. In the above example cluster group number is 1985 and is calculates as follows:
X= 1985/256

Y= 1985 - (256 *x)

The system administrator can override the default multicast address by a unique address for their environment.
(6) TTL is the time to live for IP multicast packets. It specifies the number of hops allowed for IP multicast packets.
(7) Enter "Yes" to enter the IP unicast address for remote nodes of the cluster which are not reachable using IP multicast address.
(8) In this example, is the IP unicast address of node TULIP. Although, IP multicast is selected, TULIP's IP address is entered because the IP multicast connectivity between SITE A and SITE B is presumed to be non-existent in this example.
NOTE: Enter the list of IP unicast address of the cluster. All the information entered in [2], [3], [5], [6], and [7] are entered in the SYS$SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file. The PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file is generated as shown in following example.
Also, the Unicast list in PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT in the local node should contain the remote node IP address for the local node to allow the remote node to join the cluster.

In this example, ORCHID must have TULIP's IP address and TULIP must have ORCHID's IP address. SYSTEM:PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT in node ORCHID:

! CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN creating for CHANGE operation on 10-JUL-

2008 14:14:06.57
(9) Press [Return] after entering the unicast list.
(10) CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM invokes TCPIP$CONFIG.COM to configure the IP interfaces used for cluster communication. Currently, ORCHID is a standalone node, when TCPIP$CONFIG is invoked by the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN procedure, TCP/IP configuration is limited to IPCI. The interface, IE0 is selected for enabling cluster communications. Note: TCPIP$CONFIG must be invoked after joining the cluster for other TCP/IP configuration, such as, FTP, TELNET.
(11) IPv4 address for the IE0 interface is
(12) Network mask for the IE0 interface is
(13) The IE0 interface information along with network mask is entered in the TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT file.
(14) Exit the interface menu after selecting the interface for cluster communication.
(15) The default gateway address for the interface IE0 is entered. Only one default gateway address is allowed for Cluster over IP communication.
(16) After the interface and default gateway are selected, TCPIP$CONFIG updates the TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT with the default route or gateway information. This also completes the TCPIP$CONFIG required for cluster communications using IP. The interface information along with the default route is entered in the TCPIP$CLUSTER.DAT file as shown:

(17) Proceed with cluster configuration.
(18) After rebooting the system, run AUTOGEN. PEDRIVER in ORCHID will start using IP in addition to LAN for cluster communication and must be able to join TULIP.

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