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HP OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual

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Chapter 9
9 DECdts Portable Applications Programming Interface
     9.1     DECdts Time Representation
         9.1.1         Absolute Time Representation
         9.1.2         Relative Time Representation
     9.2     Time Structures
         9.2.1         The utc Structure
         9.2.2         The tm Structure
         9.2.3         The timespec Structure
         9.2.4         The reltimespec Structure
         9.2.5         The OpenVMS Time Structure
     9.3     DECdts API Header Files
     9.4     Linking Programs with the DECdts API
     9.5     DECdts API Routine Functions
    Command 49     utc_abstime
    Command 50     utc_addtime
    Command 51     utc_anytime
    Command 52     utc_anyzone
    Command 53     utc_ascanytime
    Command 54     utc_ascgmtime
    Command 55     utc_asclocaltime
    Command 56     utc_ascreltime
    Command 57     utc_binreltime
    Command 58     utc_bintime
    Command 59     utc_boundtime
    Command 60     utc_cmpintervaltime
    Command 61     utc_cmpmidtime
    Command 62     utc_gettime
    Command 63     utc_getusertime
    Command 64     utc_gmtime
    Command 65     utc_gmtzone
    Command 66     utc_localtime
    Command 67     utc_localzone
    Command 68     utc_mkanytime
    Command 69     utc_mkascreltime
    Command 70     utc_mkasctime
    Command 71     utc_mkbinreltime
    Command 72     utc_mkbintime
    Command 73     utc_mkgmtime
    Command 74     utc_mklocaltime
    Command 75     utc_mkreltime
    Command 76     utc_mkvmsanytime
    Command 77     utc_mkvmsgmtime
    Command 78     utc_mkvmslocaltime
    Command 79     utc_mulftime
    Command 80     utc_multime
    Command 81     utc_pointtime
    Command 82     utc_reltime
    Command 83     utc_spantime
    Command 84     utc_subtime
    Command 85     utc_vmsanytime
    Command 86     utc_vmsgmtime
    Command 87     utc_vmslocaltime
     9.6     Example Using the DECdts API Routines
Chapter 10
10 EDT Routines
     10.1     Introduction to EDT Routines
     10.2     Using the EDT Routines: An Example
     10.3     EDT Routines
    Command 88     EDT$EDIT
    Command 89     FILEIO
    Command 90     WORKIO
    Command 91     XLATE
Chapter 11
11 Encryption (ENCRYPT) Routines
     11.1     Introduction to Encryption Routines
     11.2     Encrypt AES Features
         11.2.1         ENCRYPT-AES Key, Flag Mask, and Value
     11.3     How the Routines Work
         11.3.1         Encryption Keys
                Deleting AES Keys
                DES Key and Data Semantics
         11.3.2         File Encryption and Decryption
     11.4     Maintaining Keys
     11.5     Operations on Files
     11.6     Operations on Records and Blocks
     11.7     Routine Descriptions
         11.7.1         Specifying Arguments
         11.7.2         Bitmasks
         11.7.3         Error Handling
    Command 92     ENCRYPT$DECRYPT
    Command 94     ENCRYPT$DEFINE_KEY
    Command 95     ENCRYPT$DELETE_KEY
    Command 96     ENCRYPT$ENCRYPT
    Command 97     ENCRYPT$ENCRYPT_FILE
    Command 99     ENCRYPT$FINI
    Command 100     ENCRYPT$GENERATE_KEY
    Command 101     ENCRYPT$INIT
    Command 102     ENCRYPT$STATISTICS
Chapter 12
12 File Definition Language (FDL) Routines
     12.1     Introduction to FDL Routines
     12.2     Using the FDL Routines: Examples
     12.3     FDL Routines
    Command 103     FDL$CREATE
    Command 104     FDL$GENERATE
    Command 105     FDL$PARSE
    Command 106     FDL$RELEASE
Chapter 13
13 Librarian (LBR) Routines
     13.1     Introduction to LBR Routines
         13.1.1         Types of Libraries
         13.1.2         Structure of Libraries
                Library Headers
                Indexes and Keys
         13.1.3         Summary of LBR Routines
     13.2     Using the LBR Routines: Examples
         13.2.1         Creating, Opening, and Closing a Text Library
         13.2.2         Inserting a Module
         13.2.3         Extracting a Module
         13.2.4         Deleting a Module
         13.2.5         Using Multiple Keys and Multiple Indexes
         13.2.6         Accessing Module Headers
         13.2.7         Reading Library Headers
         13.2.8         Displaying Help Text
         13.2.9         Listing and Processing Index Entries
     13.3     LBR Routines
    Command 107     LBR$CLOSE
    Command 108     LBR$DELETE_DATA
    Command 109     LBR$DELETE_KEY
    Command 110     LBR$FIND
    Command 111     LBR$FLUSH
    Command 112     LBR$GET_HEADER
    Command 113     LBR$GET_HELP
    Command 114     LBR$GET_HISTORY
    Command 115     LBR$GET_INDEX
    Command 116     LBR$GET_RECORD
    Command 117     LBR$INI_CONTROL
    Command 118     LBR$INSERT_KEY
    Command 119     LBR$LOOKUP_KEY
    Command 120     LBR$LOOKUP_TYPE
    Command 121     LBR$MAP_MODULE
    Command 122     LBR$OPEN
    Command 123     LBR$OUTPUT_HELP
    Command 124     LBR$PUT_END
    Command 125     LBR$PUT_HISTORY
    Command 126     LBR$PUT_MODULE
    Command 127     LBR$PUT_RECORD
    Command 128     LBR$REPLACE_KEY
    Command 129     LBR$RET_RMSSTV
    Command 130     LBR$SEARCH
    Command 131     LBR$SET_INDEX
    Command 132     LBR$SET_LOCATE
    Command 133     LBR$SET_MODULE
    Command 134     LBR$SET_MOVE
    Command 135     LBR$UNMAP_MODULE

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