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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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volume size in blocks/cluster factor + 1

Once initialized, the maximum number of files can be increased only by reinitializing the volume.

The default maximum number of files is calculated as follows:

volume size in blocks/(cluster factor + 1) * 2

The INIT$_MAXFILES item code applies only to disks.


This item code applies to ODS-5 disks as well as to ODS-2 disks. For more information, see the INITIALIZE command in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.



A Boolean item code that specifies whether to override any character in the accessibility field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape. For more information, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

To specify INIT$_OVR_ACCESS, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege.



A Boolean item code that specifies whether the caller writes to a magnetic tape that has not yet reached its expiration date. This item code applies only to the magnetic tapes that were created before VAX VMS Version 4.0 and that use the D% format in the volume owner identifier field.

To specify INIT$_OVR_EXP, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege.



A Boolean item code that allows the caller to override processing of the owner identifier field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape.

To specify INIT$_OVR_VOLO, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege.


An input item code that specifies the UIC that will own the volume. The input buffer must contain a longword value, which is the UIC. The default is the UIC of the caller.

For magnetic tapes, no UIC is written unless protection on the magnetic tape is specified. If the INIT$_VPROT item code is specified but the INIT$_OWNER item code is not specified, the UIC of the caller is assigned ownership of the volume.



A Boolean item code that specifies whether data checking should be performed for all read operations on the volume. For more information about data checking, see the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.

The INIT$_READCHECK item code applies only to disks.


An input item code that specifies the number of blocks allocated for a RAM disk with a device type of DT$_RAM_DISK. The input buffer must contain a longword value.



Boolean item codes that control whether special files are enabled on the volume.



Symbolic item codes that specify whether the volume should be formatted in Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 or Structure Level 2. Structure Level 1 is incompatible with the following item codes:

The default protection for a Structure Level 1 disk is full access to system, owner, and group users, and read access to all other users.

The INIT$_STRUCTURE_LEVEL_1 item code applies only to disks.


An input item code that specifies the user name that is associated with the volume. The input buffer must contain a character string from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters, which is the user name. The default is the user name of the caller.



A Boolean item code that indicates whether the disk contains bad block data. INIT$_NO_VERIFIED indicates that any bad block data on the disk should be ignored. For disks with 4096 blocks or more, the default is INIT$_VERIFIED.

INIT$_NO_VERIFIED is the default for the following:

  • Disks with fewer than 4096 blocks
  • DIGITAL Storage Architecture (DSA) devices
  • Disks that are not last-track devices

The INIT$_VERIFIED item codes apply only to disks.


An input item code that specifies the maximum logical volume size. For more information, see the DCL command INITIALIZE/LIMIT.


An input item code that specifies the protection assigned to the volume. The input buffer must contain a longword protection mask that contains four 4-bit fields. Each field grants or denies read, write, create, and delete access to a category of users. Cleared bits grant access; set bits deny access.

The following diagram depicts the structure of the protection mask:

The default is the default protection of the caller.

For magnetic tape, the protection code is written to a specific volume label. The system applies only read and write access restrictions; execute and delete access are ignored. Moreover, the system and the owner are always given read and write access to magnetic tapes, regardless of the protection mask specified.

When you specify a protection mask for a disk volume, access type E (execute) indicates create access.

For Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 volumes, an initial security profile is created from the VOLUME.DEFAULT profile, with the owner and protection as currently defined for INITIALIZE.

You can use the $SET_SECURITY service to modify the security profile after the volume is initialized and mounted.

The caller needs read, write, or control access to the device.


The INIT$_WINDOW item code specifies the number of mapping pointers to be allocated for file windows. The input buffer must contain a longword value in the range 7 to 80. The default is 7.

When a file is opened, the file system uses the mapping pointers to access the data in the file.

The INIT$_WINDOW item code applies only to disks.



A Boolean item code that specifies whether data checking should be performed for all read operations on the volume. For more information about data checking, see the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.

The INIT$_WRITECHECK item code applies only to disks.


The Initialize Volume system service formats a disk or magnetic tape volume and writes a label on the volume. At the end of initialization, the disk is empty except for the system files containing the structure information. All former contents of the volume are lost.

A blank magnetic tape can sometimes cause unrecoverable errors when it is read. $INIT_VOL attempts to read the volume unless the following three conditions are in effect:

  • INIT$_OVR_ACCESS Boolean item code is specified.
  • INIT$_OVR_EXP Boolean item code is specified.
  • Caller has VOLPRO privilege.
    If the caller has VOLPRO privilege, $INIT_VOL initializes a disk without reading the ownership information; otherwise, the ownership of the volume is checked.

A blank disk or a diskette with an incorrect format can sometimes cause a fatal drive error. Such a diskette can be initialized successfully by specifying the INIT$_DENSITY item code to format the diskette.

Required Access or Privileges

To initialize a particular volume, the caller must either have volume protection (VOLPRO) privilege or the volume must be one of the following:

  • Blank disk or magnetic tape; that is, a volume that has never been written
  • Disk that is owned by the caller's UIC or by the UIC [0,0]
  • Magnetic tape that allows write access to the caller's UIC or that was not protected when it was initialized

Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_ACCVIO The item list or an address specified in the item list cannot be accessed.
SS$_BADPARAM A buffer length of 0 was specified with a nonzero item code or an illegal item code was specified.
SS$_IVSSRQ A concurrent call to SYS$INIT_VOL is already active for the process.
SS$_NOPRIV The caller does not have sufficient privilege to initialize the volume.
SS$_NOSUCHDEV The specified device does not exist on the host system.
The $INIT_VOL service can also return the following condition values, which are specific to the Initialize Volume utility:
INIT$_ALLOCFAIL Index file allocation failure.
INIT$_BADACCESSED Value for INIT$_ACCESSED item code out of range.
INIT$_BADBLOCKS Invalid syntax in bad block list.
INIT$_BADCLUSTER Value for INIT$_CLUSTER_SIZE item code out of range.
INIT$_BADDENS Invalid value for INIT$_DENSITY item code.
INIT$_BADDIRECTORIES Value for INIT$_DIRECTORIES item code out of range.
INIT$_BADEXTENSION Value for INIT$_EXTENSION item code out of range.
INIT$_BADHEADERS Value for INIT$_HEADER item code out of range.
INIT$_BADMAXFILES Value for INIT$_MAXFILES item code out of range.
INIT$_BADOWNID Invalid value for owner ID.
INIT$_BADRANGE Bad block address not on volume.
INIT$_BADVOLACC Invalid value for INIT$_LABEL_ACCESS item code.
INIT$_BADVOLLBL Invalid value for ANSI tape volume label.
INIT$_BADWINDOWS Value for INIT$_WINDOWS item code out of range.
INIT$_BLKZERO Block 0 is bad---volume not bootable.
INIT$_CLUSTER Unsuitable cluster factor.
INIT$_CONFQUAL Conflicting options were specified.
INIT$_DIAGPACK Disk is a diagnostic pack.
INIT$_ERASEFAIL Volume not completely erased.
INIT$_FACTBAD Cannot read factory bad block data.
INIT$_ILLOPT Item codes not appropriate for the device were specified.
INIT$_INDEX Invalid index file position.
INIT$_LARGECNT Disk too large to be supported.
INIT$_MAXBAD Bad block table overflow.
INIT$_MTLBLLONG Magnetic tape label specified is longer than 6 characters.
INIT$_MTLBLNONA Magnetic tape label specified contains non-ANSI "a" characters.
INIT$_NOBADDATA Bad block data not found on volume.
INIT$_NONLOCAL Device is not a local device.
INIT$_NOTRAN Logical name cannot be translated.
INIT$_NOTSTRUC1 Options not available with Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1.
INIT$_UNKDEV Unknown device type.

$IO_CLEANUP (Alpha and Integrity servers)

On Alpha and Integrity server systems, returns all resources allocated by $IO_SETUP.

This service accepts 64-bit addresses.



C Prototype

int sys$io_cleanup (unsigned __int64 fandl);



OpenVMS usage: fandle
type: 64-bit integer (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

A fandle, passed by value, returned by a previous call to $IO_SETUP.


The Clean Up Fast I/O system service returns various internal resources allocated by the $IO_SETUP system service. Buffer objects passed to $IO_SETUP cannot be deleted until every $IO_SETUP call has had a corresponding $IO_CLEANUP call.

Image rundown executes any required $IO_CLEANUP operations on behalf of the process.

Required Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_BADFANDLE Argument was not a valid fandle.
SS$_BUSY The fandle cannot be cleaned up because an I/O is in progress. Reissue the call to $IO_CLEANUP after the I/O has finished.

$IO_FASTPATH (Alpha and Integrity servers)

On Alpha and Integrity server systems, provides the ability to control the set of Fast Path devices and their assignment to CPUs enabled for Fast Path use.


SYS$IO_FASTPATH efn, cpu_mask,function_code, [iosb], [astadr], [astprm] [,[mask_length]]

C Prototype

int sys$io_fastpath (unsigned int efn, UINT32_PQ cpu_mask, int function_code, struct_iosb *iosb, void (*astadr)(__unknown_params), __int64 astprm, ...)




OpenVMS usage: integer
type: longword bit mask (unsigned)
access: read
mechanism: by value

Number of the event flag to be set when the IO_FASTPATH(W) operation completes. The efn argument is a longword containing the number of the event flag.


OpenVMS usage: bitmap
type: quadword bitmap
access: read
mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference

The cpu_mask argument specifies a set of CPUs to be operated upon.


OpenVMS usage: integer
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read
mechanism: by value

The function_code specifies the operation to be performed. Note that there is currently only one function code:

FP$K_BALANCE_PORTS - Distribute Fast Path ports across CPUs.


OpenVMS usage: integer
type: longword length
access: read
mechanism: by value

The mask_length specifies the length of the cpu_mask bitmap in bytes. If the mask_length is not supplied or is specified as zero, a length of 4 bytes is used.


The $IO_FASTPATH system service performs operations on the set of Fast Path devices and CPUs enabled for Fast Path use. The $IO_FASTPATHW system service completes synchronously. That is, it returns after the operation is complete.

The FP$K_BALANCE_PORTS function code specifies that the system service is to distribute the set of system assignable Fast Path ports across the intersection of a caller-supplied set of candidate CPUs (cpu_mask) and the current set of usable CPUs. Usable CPUs are the intersection of the set of CPUs both enabled for Fast Path use by IO$_PREFERRED_CPUS and whose current state is RUN.

The service does this by:

  1. Eliminating all CPUs not in the set of usable CPUs from the set of candidate CPUs.
  2. Restoring any user assigned ports that are not currently on the user's preferred CPU to the user's preferred CPU, if that CPU is in the set of usable CPUs.
  3. Spreading the system assignable Fast Path ports, and any Fast Path ports whose user preferred CPU is unavailable, evenly across the set of usable candidate CPUs.
    If the primary CPU is in the set of usable candidate CPUs, the distribution will be biased against the primary CPU in that a port will only be assigned to the primary after ports have been assigned to each of the other usable candidate CPUs.

Required Access or Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_BADPARAM Unsupported value for cpu_mask.
SS$_ILLIOFUNC Illegal function code.


On Alpha and Integrity server systems, performs operations on the set of Fast Path devices and CPUs enabled for Fast Path use.

The $IO_FASTPATHW system service is functionally equivalent to the $IO_FASTPATH service except that it completes synchronously. That is, it returns after the operation is complete.


SYS$IO_FASTPATHW efn, cpu_mask, function_code, [iosb], [astadr], [astprm], [,[mask_length]]

C Prototype

int sys$io_fastpathw (unsigned int efn, UINT32_PQ cpu_mask, int function_code, struct_iosb *iosb, void (*astadr)(_ _unknown_params), _ _int64 astprm, ...)


$IO_PERFORM (Alpha and Integrity servers)

On Alpha and Integrity server systems, starts the Fast I/O operation. The $IO_PERFORM service completes asynchronously. For synchronous completion, use the Perform Fast I/O and Wait ($IO_PERFORMW) service.

This service accepts 64-bit addresses.


SYS$IO_PERFORM fandle ,chan ,iosadr ,bufadr ,buflen ,devdata

C Prototype

int sys$io_perform (unsigned __int64 fandl, unsigned short int chan, struct _iosa *iosadr, void *bufadr, unsigned __int64 buflen, unsigned __int64 devdata);



OpenVMS usage: fandle
type: 64-bit integer (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

A fandle returned by a previous call to $IO_SETUP.


OpenVMS usage: channel
type: word (unsigned)
access: read
mechanism: by value

Software I/O channel number.


OpenVMS usage: address
type: address
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Address of the I/O Status Area (IOSA). This value cannot be 0; that is, an IOSA is required. The iosadr must be aligned to a quadword boundary.


OpenVMS usage: char_string
type: address
access: read only
mechanism: by value

The process buffer address. Must be aligned on a 512-byte boundary.


OpenVMS usage: byte count
type: 64-bit integer
access: read only
mechanism: by value

The byte count for the I/O. The buflen argument must be a multiple of 512 bytes. Drivers have further limitations on the maximum size of an I/O request.


OpenVMS usage: address
type: pointer or integer
access: read only
mechanism: by value

A hardware integer passed unchanged to the driver. For disk devices, this is the media address for the transfer; that is, the virtual block number (VBN) for virtual I/O functions or the logical block number (LBN) for logical I/O functions. This argument is ignored for tape devices.

For drivers with complex parameters, devdata would be the address of a descriptor or buffer specific to the device and function and would be documented with the driver.


The Perform Fast I/O system service initiates an I/O operation on the channel number specified by the chan argument. The bytes specified by the buflen argument are transferred between the location (devdata) on the device driver and the user's buffer starting at the process buffer address (bufadr). The byte count is read or written according to the function code previously specified in the $IO_SETUP call associated with the fandle argument.

Upon completion, the I/O status is written to the IOSA starting at the location specified by iosadr, and an AST is delivered to the astadr address supplied in the $IO_SETUP call associated with fandle. The IOSA address is passed to the AST as the AST parameter.

Required Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_BADBUFADR The data buffer does not reside within the bounds of the data buffer object for the fandle.
SS$_BADIOSADR The IOSA does not reside within the bounds of the IOSA buffer object for this fandle.
SS$_FANDLEBUSY The operation using this fandle is already in progress.
SS$_IVCHAN An invalid channel number was specified; that is, a channel number of 0 or a number larger than the number of channels available.
SS$_UNALIGNED The buffer specified by bufadr or iosadr is not properly aligned.
SS$_WRONGACMODE The request is invalid because the fandle was created from a more privileged access mode, or the channel was assigned from a more privileged access mode.

Condition Values Returned in the I/O Status Block

The HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual lists these device-specific condition values for each device.

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