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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Selects or rejects records for the specified processes.


/IDENT= ([-]pid[,...])


The /IDENT qualifier uses the value of the process identifier (PID) field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For print job records, it contains the PID of the process that submitted the job.

The /IDENT qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the PID field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

See also the /OWNER qualifier, which selects or rejects records for subprocesses created by specified processes.



$ ACCOUNTING /IDENT=(25634,045A6B)

This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for processes with a PID of 25634 or 045A6B.


$ ACCOUNTING /IDENT=(-25634,045A6B)

This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records except those for processes with a PID of 25634 or 045A6B.


Selects or rejects records for the specified images.


/IMAGE= ([-]image_name[,...])


The /IMAGE qualifier uses the value of the image name field to select records for processing. This field is present only in records of type IMAGE, and contains the name of the image.

Note that the system does not track records of type IMAGE by default. To enable the tracking of IMAGE records, use the SET ACCOUNTING command.

The /IMAGE qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the image name field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

Each image name is a string that gives the file name portion of the image file specification. Do not include the device, directory, or file type.




This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for the DIRECTORY.EXE image.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records except those for the DIRECTORY.EXE image.


Selects or rejects records for print and batch jobs with the specified job names.


/JOB= ([-]job_name[,...])


The /JOB qualifier uses the value of the job name field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For records that contain information about print and batch jobs, it contains the name of the job.

The /JOB qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the job name field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

See also the /QUEUE and /ENTRY qualifiers, which select or reject records for print and batch jobs with specified queue names and queue entry numbers.




This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for print or batch jobs named MYJOB1 or MYJOB2.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a full report of all records except those for print or batch jobs named MYJOB1 or MYJOB2.


Outputs informational messages.




The /LOG qualifier outputs these informational messages to the current SYS$OUTPUT device:
  • For each file processed, the name of the file and the number of records selected and rejected from that file
  • If you use the /SORT qualifier, the total number of records merged in the sort (this is the total number of records selected from all the files that were processed)
  • If you process more than one file, the total number of files that were processed, and the total number of records selected and rejected



%ACC-I-INPUT, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MYFILE1.DAT;7, 297 selected, 16460 rejected 
%ACC-I-INPUT, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSMGR]MYFILE2.DAT;13,302 selected, 16388 rejected 
%ACC-I-MERGE, 599 records to be merged 
%ACC-I-TOTAL, 599 selected, 32848 rejected, 2 input files 

This example processes two accounting files. It writes a brief report of all the records for print jobs, sorted in user name order, to an output file and displays informational messages that tell you which files were processed and how many records were selected and rejected.


Selects or rejects records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by the specified nodes.


/NODE= ([-]node_name[,...])


The /NODE qualifier uses the value of the remote node name field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS requests, it contains the name of the node that made the request.

The /NODE qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the remote node name field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

Do not include the double colon (::) after the name of the node.

See also the /ADDRESS and /REMOTE_ID qualifiers, which select or reject records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by specified node addresses and remote IDs respectively.




This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a full report of all records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by the node HQ291.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records except those for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by the nodes HQ222 or HQ223.

/OUTPUT (Alpha and Integrity servers)

Specifies the output file.

Requires read and write access to the directory in which the output file is created.


/OUTPUT [=filespec]


The /OUTPUT qualifier creates the specified output file and writes the report or copies the selected records to that file.

If you omit the /OUTPUT qualifier, or you use the /OUTPUT qualifier and omit the file specification, the report or selected records are output to the current SYS$OUTPUT device.

If the file specification does not include the device or directory name, your current default device or directory is used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the first input file is used (the first file listed in the parameter to the ACCOUNTING command). If you omit the file type, the default file type is .LIS if you are producing reports, and .DAT if you are copying records.




This example creates the output file MYFILE1.NEW in the default directory. It processes two accounting files, MYFILE1.DAT and MYFILE2.DAT, sorting their records in user name order, then copies these records to the new output file.



This example creates the output file MYDISK:[ACCOUNTING]STAT.LIS, and writes a full report of all the records in MYFILE1.NEW to the new output file.


Selects or rejects records for subprocesses created by the specified processes.


/OWNER= ([-]owner_pid[,...])


The /OWNER qualifier uses the value of the process owner field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For a subprocess, this field contains the process identifier (PID) of the process that created it.

The /OWNER qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the process owner field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

See also the /IDENT qualifier, which selects or rejects records for specified processes.


$ ACCOUNTING /OWNER=(25634,045A6B)

This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for subprocesses created by processes with a PID of 25634 or 045A6B.


Selects or rejects records for the specified priority.


/PRIORITY= ([-]priority[,...])


The /PRIORITY qualifier uses the value of the priority field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For print and batch job records, this field contains the priority of the job in the print or batch queue. For other records, it contains the base process priority.

The /PRIORITY qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the priority field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for processes with a base priority of 3 and for print and batch jobs with a queue priority of 3.


Selects or rejects records for the specified types of process.


/PROCESS= ([-]process_type[,...])



Specifies which types of process you want to select or reject. The following table shows the keywords available:
Keyword Type of Process
BATCH Batch process
DETACHED Detached process
INTERACTIVE Interactive process
NETWORK Network process
SUBPROCESS Subprocess of any of the other process types


The /PROCESS qualifier uses the value of the process type field to select records for processing. This field is present only in records of type IMAGE and type PROCESS. For records of type IMAGE, this field contains the type of the process in which the image was executed.

The /PROCESS qualifier selects only records that match the specified types of process. If you precede the list with a minus sign, it selects all records except those for the specified types of process.

See also the /TYPE qualifier, which selects or rejects specified types of record.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a full report of the resources used by images running in interactive processes.


Selects or rejects records for print or batch jobs executed by the specified queues.


/QUEUE= ([-]queue_name[,...])


The /QUEUE qualifier uses the value of the queue name field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For records that contain information about print or batch jobs, it contains the name of the queue that executed the job.

The /QUEUE qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the queue name field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

See also the /JOB and /ENTRY qualifiers.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a brief report of all records for jobs executed by the SYS$MYNODE_BATCH queue.


Copies the rejected records to a new file.

Requires read and write access to the directory in which the specified file is created.


/REJECTED =filespec


The /REJECTED qualifier creates the specified file, then copies the records that do not match your selection criteria to this file in binary format. Use the Accounting utility to process this file later.

If the file specification does not include the device or directory name, your current default device or directory is used. If you omit the file name, the file name of the first input file is used (the first file listed in the parameter to the ACCOUNTING command). If you omit the file type, .REJ is used.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It creates two files, PRINT_INFO.DAT and NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT, in the default directory. It copies print job records to PRINT_INFO.DAT and all other records to NOT_PRINT_INFO.DAT.


Selects or rejects records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by the specified remote IDs.


/REMOTE_ID= ([-]remote_id[,...])


The /REMOTE_ID qualifier uses the value of the remote ID field to select records for processing. This field is present in all records except file backward link and file forward link records. For records that contain information about DECnet for OpenVMS requests, this field contains a string that identifies the user who made the request. If the remote process was on an OpenVMS node, this is the user name of the user at the remote node.

The /REMOTE_ID qualifier selects only records that have the specified values in the remote ID field. If you precede the values with a minus sign, it selects all records except those with the specified values.

See also the /NODE and /ADDRESS qualifiers, which select or reject records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by nodes with specified names and addresses respectively.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a full report of all the records for DECnet for OpenVMS requests made by user SMITH at the node HQ223.


Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in a summary report.


/REPORT [=(resource[,...])]



Specifies the resources that you want to summarize in the report. The following table shows the keywords available:
Keyword Description How Summarized
BUFFERED_IO 2 Number of buffered I/Os Total
DIRECT_IO 2 Number of direct I/Os Total
ELAPSED 1, 2 Elapsed time Total
EXECUTION 2 Number of images run by the process Total
FAULTS 2 Number of hard and soft page faults Total
GETS 1 Number of GETs from the file that was printed Total
PAGE_FILE 2 Page file usage Maximum
PAGE_READS 2 Number of hard page faults Total
PAGES 1 Number of pages printed Total
PROCESSOR 2 Total CPU time used Total
QIOS 1 Number of QIOs to the printer Total
RECORDS Number of accounting file records processed Total
VECTOR_PROCESSOR 2 Vector CPU time used (see the description of the /FULL qualifier for further details) Total
VOLUMES 2 Number of volumes mounted Total
WORKING_SET 2 Working set size Maximum

1Present in records of type PRINT
2Present in records of type IMAGE, LOGFAIL, PROCESS, and SYSINIT

The RECORDS keyword is the default if you omit either the keywords or the /REPORT qualifier. It gives the total number of records for each summary key value.


The /REPORT qualifier specifies the resources that you want to summarize in a summary report. The resources are summarized, either as totals or maximum values, for each summary key value specified by the /SUMMARY qualifier.

When a record is processed that does not contain the specified resource field, a default value of 0 is used. For example, if you use the PAGES keyword to summarize the total pages printed, the value of 0 is used for each record that is not of type PRINT.

Note that the resource usage data stored in records of type IMAGE is a subset of the data stored in records of type PROCESS. For example, the CPU time stored in a record of type PROCESS includes the CPU time used by the images executed by that process. To make sure that you do not count the same resource data twice when you are summarizing process resources by totals, use the /TYPE qualifier to exclude records of type IMAGE.

You cannot use the /REPORT qualifier without the /SUMMARY qualifier.




This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a summary report that shows for each image the number of times it was executed and the total CPU time consumed.



This example processes the file SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT. It produces a summary report that shows the total number of images executed by each user. Notice the use of the /TYPE qualifier to exclude records of type IMAGE to avoid double counting.

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