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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Adds only an identifier to the rights database. It does not add a user account.





Specifies the name of the identifier to be added to the rights database. If you omit the name, you must specify the /USER qualifier. The identifier name is a string of 1 to 32 alphanumeric characters. The name can contain underscores and dollar signs. It must contain at least one nonnumeric character.



Specifies attributes to be associated with the new identifier. The following keywords are valid:
DYNAMIC Allows unprivileged holders of the identifier to remove and to restore the identifier from the process rights list by using the DCL command SET RIGHTS_LIST.
HOLDER_HIDDEN Prevents people from getting a list of users who hold an identifier, unless they own the identifier themselves.
NAME_HIDDEN Allows holders of an identifier to have it translated, either from binary to ASCII or from ASCII to binary, but prevents unauthorized users from translating the identifier.
NOACCESS Makes any access rights of the identifier null and void. If a user is granted an identifier with the No Access attribute, that identifier has no effect on the user's access rights to objects. This attribute is a modifier for an identifier with the Resource or Subsystem attribute.
RESOURCE Allows holders of an identifier to charge disk space to the identifier. Used only for file objects.
SUBSYSTEM Allows holders of the identifier to create and maintain protected subsystems by assigning the Subsystem ACE to the application images in the subsystem. Used only for file objects.

By default, none of these attributes is associated with the new identifier.


Scans the UAF record for the specified user and creates the corresponding identifier. Specify user-spec by user name or UIC. You can use the asterisk wildcard to specify multiple user names or UICs. Full use of the asterisk and percent wildcards is permitted for user names; UICs must be in the form [*,*], [n,*], [*,n], or [n,n]. A wildcard user name specification (*) creates identifiers alphabetically by user name; a wildcard UIC specification ([*,*]) creates them in numerical order by UIC.


Specifies the value to be attached to the identifier. The following formats are valid for the value-specifier:
IDENTIFIER:n An integer value in the range of 65,536 to 268,435,455. You can also specify the value in hexadecimal (precede the value with %X) or octal (precede the value with %O).

The system displays this type of identifier in hexadecimal. To differentiate general identifiers from UIC identifiers, the system adds %X80000000 to the value you specify.

GID:n GID is the POSIX group identifier. It is an integer value in the range 0 to 16,777,215 (%XFFFFFF). The system will add %XA400.0000 to the value you specify and then enter this new value into the system RIGHTSLIST as an identifier.
UIC:uic A UIC value in standard UIC format consists of a member name and, optionally, a group name enclosed in brackets. For example, [360,031].

In numeric UICs, the group number is an octal number in the range of 1 to 37776; the member number is an octal number in the range of 0 to 177776. You can omit leading zeros when you are specifying group and member numbers.

Regardless of the UIC format you use, the system translates a UIC to a 32-bit numeric value.

Alphanumeric UICs are not allowed.

Typically, system managers add identifiers as UIC values to represent system users; the system applies identifiers in integer format to system resources.



%UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier INVENTORY value: [000300,000011] 

The command in this example adds an identifier named INVENTORY to the rights database. By default, the identifier is not marked as a resource.


%UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier PAYROLL value: %X80080011 added to 

This command adds the identifier PAYROLL and marks it as a resource. To differentiate identifiers with integer values from identifiers with UIC values, %X80000000 is added to the specified code.


Adds an entry to the network proxy authorization files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT, and signals DECnet to update its volatile database. Proxy additions take effect immediately on all nodes in a cluster that share the proxy database.


ADD/PROXY node::remote-user local-user[,...]



Specifies a DECnet node name. If you provide a wildcard character (*), the specified remote user on all nodes is served by the account defined as local-user.


Specifies the user name of a user at a remote node. If you specify an asterisk, all users at the specified node are served by the local user.

For systems that are not OpenVMS and that implement DECnet, specifies the UIC of a user at a remote node. You can specify a wildcard character (*) in the group and member fields of the UIC.


Specifies the user names of 1 to 16 users on the local node. If you specify an asterisk, a local-user name equal to remote-user name will be used.

Positional Qualifier


Establishes the specified user name as the default proxy account. The remote user can request proxy access to an authorized account other than the default proxy account by specifying the name of the proxy account in the access control string of the network operation.


The ADD/PROXY command adds an entry to the network proxy authorization files, NETPROXY.DAT and NET$PROXY.DAT, and signals DECnet to update its volatile database. Proxy additions take effect immediately on all nodes in a cluster that share the proxy database.

You can grant a remote user access to one default proxy account and up to 15 other local accounts. To access proxy accounts other than the default proxy account, remote users specify the requested account name in an access control string. To change the default proxy account, use the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY/PROXY.

Proxy login is an effective way to avoid specifying (and, possibly, revealing) passwords in command lines. However, you must use caution in granting access to remote users. While logged in to the local system, remote users can apply the full DCL command set (with the exception of SET HOST). A remote user receives the default privileges of the local user and, therefore, becomes the owner of the local user's files when executing any DCL commands.

To avoid potential security compromises, HP recommends that you create proxy accounts on the local node that are less privileged than a user's normal account on the remote node. By adding an extension such as _N, you can identify the account as belonging to a remote user, while distinguishing it from a native account with the same name on the local node. For example, the following command creates a JONES_N proxy account on the local node that allows the user JONES to access the account from the remote node SAMPLE:

%UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT

For more information about creating proxy accounts, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.



%UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT

Specifies that user WALTER on remote node SAMPLE has proxy access to user ROBIN's account on local node AXEL. Through proxy login, WALTER receives the default privileges of user ROBIN when he accesses node AXEL remotely.


%UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT

Specifies that any user on the remote node MISHA can, by default, use the MARCO account on the local node for DECnet tasks such as remote file access. Remote users can also access the OSCAR proxy account by specifying the user name OSCAR in the access control string.


%UAF-I-NAFADDMSG, record successfully added to NETPROXY.DAT

Specifies that user MARCO on the remote node MISHA can use only the MARCO account on the local node for remote file access.



Adds a proxy from TAO::MARTIN to the local accounts MARTIN (the default) and SALES_READER on a system running DECnet-Plus.


Creates a new SYSUAF record that duplicates an existing UAF record.


COPY oldusername newusername



Name of an existing user record to serve as a template for the new record.


Name for the new user record. The user name is a string of 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters.




Specifies hours of access for all modes of access. The syntax for specifying the range is:

/[NO]ACCESS=([PRIMARY], [n-m], [n], [,...],[SECONDARY], [n-m], [n], [,...])

Specify hours as integers from 0 to 23, inclusive. You can specify single hours (n) or ranges of hours (n-m). If the ending hour of a range is earlier than the starting hour, the range extends from the starting hour through midnight to the ending hour. The first set of hours after the keyword PRIMARY specifies hours on primary days; the second set of hours after the keyword SECONDARY specifies hours on secondary days. Note that hours are inclusive; that is, if you grant access during a given hour, access extends to the end of that hour.

By default, a user has full access every day. See the DCL command SET DAY in the HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information about overriding the defaults for primary and secondary day types.

All the list elements are optional. Unless you specify hours for a day type, access is permitted for the entire day. By specifying an access time, you prevent access at all other times. Adding NO to the qualifier denies the user access to the system for the specified period of time. See the following examples.

/ACCESS Allows unrestricted access
/NOACCESS=SECONDARY Allows access on primary days only
/ACCESS=(9-17) Allows access from 9 A.M. to 5:59 P.M. on all days
/NOACCESS=(PRIMARY, 9-17, SECONDARY, 18-8) Disallows access between 9 A.M. to 5:59 P.M. on primary days but allows access during these hours on secondary days

To specify access hours for specific types of access, see the /BATCH, /DIALUP, /INTERACTIVE, /LOCAL, /NETWORK, and /REMOTE qualifiers.

For information about the effects of login class restrictions, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.


Specifies the default name for the account (for example, a billing name or number). The name can be a string of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. By default, AUTHORIZE does not assign an account name.



Adds an identifier to the rights database file, RIGHTSLIST.DAT, and also adds a user to the user authorization file, SYSUAF. The /NOADD_IDENTIFIER qualifier does not add an identifier to the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file but does, however, add a user to the SYSUAF user record file. Note that the AUTHORIZE command ADD/IDENTIFIER is quite different: it only adds an entry to the rights database file, RIGHTSLIST.DAT.

/ALGORITHM=keyword=type [=value]

Sets the password encryption algorithm for a user. The keyword VMS refers to the algorithm used in the operating system version that is running on your system, whereas a customer algorithm is one that is added through the $HASH_PASSWORD system service by a customer site, by a layered product, or by a third party. The customer algorithm is identified in $HASH_PASSWORD by an integer in the range of 128 to 255. It must correspond with the number used in the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY/ALGORITHM. By default, passwords are encrypted with the VMS algorithm for the current version of the operating system.
Keyword Function
BOTH Set the algorithm for primary and secondary passwords.
CURRENT Set the algorithm for the primary, secondary, both, or no passwords, depending on account status. CURRENT is the default value.
PRIMARY Set the algorithm for the primary password only.
SECONDARY Set the algorithm for the secondary password only.

The following table lists password encryption algorithms:

Type Definition
VMS The algorithm used in the version of the operating system that is running on your system.
CUSTOMER A numeric value in the range of 128 to 255 that identifies a customer algorithm.

The following example selects the VMS algorithm for Sontag's primary password:


If you select a site-specific algorithm, you must give a value to identify the algorithm, as follows:



Specifies the AST queue limit, which is the total number of asynchronous system trap (AST) operations and scheduled wake-up requests that the user can have queued at one time. The default is 300 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.


Specifies the hours of access permitted for batch jobs. For a description of the range specification, see the /ACCESS qualifier. By default, a user can submit batch jobs any time.


Specifies a buffered I/O count limit for the BIOLM field of the UAF record. The buffered I/O count limit is the maximum number of buffered I/O operations, such as terminal I/O, that can be outstanding at one time. The default is 150 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.


Specifies the buffered I/O byte limit for the BYTLM field of the UAF record. The buffered I/O byte limit is the maximum number of bytes of nonpaged system dynamic memory that a user's job can consume at one time. Nonpaged dynamic memory is used for operations such as I/O buffering, mailboxes, and file-access windows. The default is 128,000 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.


Specifies the name of the default command language interpreter (CLI) for the CLI field of the UAF record. The cli-name is a string of 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters and should be DCL, which is the default. This setting is ignored for network jobs.


Specifies user-defined CLI tables for the account. The filespec can contain 1 to 31 characters. The default is SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES. Note that this setting is ignored for network jobs to guarantee that the system-supplied command procedures used to implement network objects function properly.


Specifies the maximum process CPU time for the CPU field of the UAF record. The maximum process CPU time is the maximum amount of CPU time a user's process can take per session. You must specify a delta time value. For a discussion of delta time values, see the OpenVMS User's Manual. The default is 0, which means an infinite amount of time.


Specifies default privileges for the user; that is, those enabled at login time. A NO prefix removes a privilege from the user. By specifying the keyword [NO]ALL with the /DEFPRIVILEGES qualifier, you can disable or enable all user privileges. The default privileges are TMPMBX and NETMBX. Privname is the name of the privilege.


Specifies the name of the user's default device at login. The device-name is a string of 1 to 31 alphanumeric characters. If you omit the colon from the device-name value, AUTHORIZE appends a colon. The default device is SYS$SYSDISK.

If you specify a logical name as the device-name (for example, DISK1: for DUA1:), you must make an entry for the logical name in the LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE in executive mode by using the DCL command DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC.


Specifies hours of access permitted for dialup logins. For a description of the range specification, see the /ACCESS qualifier. The default is full access.


Specifies the direct I/O count limit for the DIOLM field of the UAF record. The direct I/O count limit is the maximum number of direct I/O operations (usually disk) that can be outstanding at one time. The default is 150 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.


Specifies the default directory name for the DIRECTORY field of the UAF record. The directory-name can be 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters. If you do not enclose the directory name in brackets, AUTHORIZE adds the brackets for you. The default directory name is [USER].


Specifies the lock queue limit for the ENQLM field of the UAF record. The lock queue limit is the maximum number of locks that can be queued by the user at one time. The default is 4000 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.

/EXPIRATION=time (default)


Specifies the expiration date and time of the account. The /NOEXPIRATION qualifier removes the expiration date on the account. If you do not specify an expiration time when you add a new account, AUTHORIZE copies the expiration time from the DEFAULT account. (The expiration time on the DEFAULT account is "none" by default.)


Specifies the open file limit for the FILLM field of the UAF record. The open file limit is the maximum number of files that can be open at one time, including active network logical links. The default is 128 on Alpha and Integrity server systems.


Specifies login flags for the user. The prefix NO clears the flag. The options are as follows:
AUDIT Enables or disables mandatory security auditing for a specific user. By default, the system does not audit the activities of specific users (NOAUDIT).
AUTOLOGIN Restricts the user to the automatic login mechanism when logging in to an account. When set, the flag disables login by any terminal that requires entry of a user name and password. The default is to require a user name and password (NOAUTOLOGIN).
CAPTIVE Prevents the user from changing any defaults at login, for example, /CLI or /LGICMD. It prevents the user from escaping the captive login command procedure specified by the /LGICMD qualifier and gaining access to the DCL command level. See "Guidelines for Captive Command Procedures" in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

The CAPTIVE flag also establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off; however, command procedures can still turn on Ctrl/Y interrupts with the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y. By default, an account is not captive (NOCAPTIVE).

DEFCLI Restricts the user to the default command interpreter by prohibiting the use of the /CLI qualifier at login. By default, a user can choose a CLI (NODEFCLI).
DISCTLY Establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off and are invalid until a SET CONTROL=Y is encountered. This could happen in SYLOGIN.COM or in a procedure called by SYLOGIN.COM. Once a SET CONTROL=Y is executed (which requires no privilege), a user can enter a Ctrl/Y and reach the DCL prompt ($). If the intent of DISCTLY is to force execution of the login command files, then SYLOGIN.COM should issue the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y to turn on Ctrl/Y interrupts before exiting. By default, Ctrl/Y is enabled (NODISCTLY).
DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE Removes the requirement that a user must change an expired password at login. By default, a person can use an expired password only once (NODISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE) and then is forced to change the password after logging in. If the user does not select a new password, the user is locked out of the system.

To use this feature, set a password expiration date with the /PWDLIFETIME qualifier.

DISIMAGE Prevents the user from executing RUN and foreign commands. By default, a user can execute RUN and foreign commands (NODISIMAGE).
DISMAIL Disables mail delivery to the user. By default, mail delivery is enabled (NODISMAIL).
DISNEWMAIL Suppresses announcements of new mail at login. By default, the system announces new mail (NODISNEWMAIL).
DISPWDDIC Disables automatic screening of new passwords against a system dictionary. By default, passwords are automatically screened (NODISPWDDIC).
DISPWDHIS Disables automatic checking of new passwords against a list of the user's old passwords. By default, the system screens new passwords (NODISPWDHIS).
DISPWDSYNCH Suppresses synchronization of the external password for this account. See bit 9 in the SECURITY_POLICY system parameter for systemwide password synchronization control.
DISRECONNECT Disables automatic reconnection to an existing process when a terminal connection has been interrupted. By default, automatic reconnection is enabled (NODISRECONNECT).
DISREPORT Suppresses reports of the last login time, login failures, and other security reports. By default, login information is displayed (NODISREPORT).
DISUSER Disables the account so the user cannot log in. For example, the DEFAULT account is disabled. By default, an account is enabled (NODISUSER).
DISWELCOME Suppresses the welcome message (an informational message displayed during a local login). This message usually indicates the version number of the operating system that is running and the name of the node on which the user is logged in. By default, a system login message appears (NODISWELCOME).
EXTAUTH Considers user to be authenticated by an external user name and password, not by the SYSUAF user name and password. (The system still uses the SYSUAF record to check a user's login restrictions and quotas and to create the user's process profile.)
GENPWD Restricts the user to generated passwords. By default, users choose their own passwords (NOGENPWD).
LOCKPWD Prevents the user from changing the password for the account. By default, users can change their passwords (NOLOCKPWD).
PWD_EXPIRED Marks a password as expired. The user cannot log in if this flag is set. The LOGINOUT.EXE image sets the flag when both of the following conditions exist: a user logs in with the DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE flag set, and the user's password expires. A system manager can clear this flag. By default, passwords are not expired after login (NOPWD_EXPIRED).
PWD2_EXPIRED Marks a secondary password as expired. Users cannot log in if this flag is set. The LOGINOUT.EXE image sets the flag when both of the following conditions exist: a user logs in with the DISFORCE_PWD_CHANGE flag set, and the user's password expires. A system manager can clear this flag. By default, passwords are not set to expire after login (NOPWD2_EXPIRED).
PWDMIX Enables case-sensitive and extended-character passwords.

After PWDMIX is specified, you can then use mixed-case and extended characters in passwords. Be aware that before the PWDMIX flag is enabled, the system stores passwords in all upper-case. Therefore, until you change passwords, you must enter your pre-PWDMIX passwords in upper-case.

To change the password after PWDMIX is enabled:

  • You (the user) can use the DCL command SET PASSWORD, specifying the new mixed-case password (omitting quotation marks).
  • You (the system manager) can use the AUTHORIZE command MODIFY/PASSWORD, and enclose the user's new mixed-case password in quotation marks " " .
RESTRICTED Prevents the user from changing any defaults at login (for example, by specifying /LGICMD) and prohibits user specification of a CLI with the /CLI qualifier. The RESTRICTED flag establishes an environment where Ctrl/Y interrupts are initially turned off; however, command procedures can still turn on Ctrl/Y interrupts with the DCL command SET CONTROL=Y. Typically, this flag is used to prevent an applications user from having unrestricted access to the CLI. By default, a user can change defaults (NORESTRICTED).
VMSAUTH Allows account to use standard (SYSUAF) authentication when the EXTAUTH flag would otherwise require external authentication. This depends on the application. An application specifies the VMS domain of interpretation when calling SYS$ACM to request standard VMS authentication for a user account that normally uses external authentication.



Invokes the password generator to create user passwords. Generated passwords can consist of 1 to 10 characters. Specify one of the following keywords:
BOTH Generate primary and secondary passwords.
CURRENT Do whatever the DEFAULT account does (for example, generate primary, secondary, both, or no passwords). This is the default keyword.
PRIMARY Generate primary password only.
SECONDARY Generate secondary password only.

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