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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Command Qualifier

Lists information about a BACKUP save set and about the files in a save set. You can display the list on your terminal or write it to a file.

You can use this qualifier with any operation (save, restore, copy, compare, or journal). If you specify /LIST by itself (not in conjunction with another operation), the input specifier must be a save set; you cannot specify an output specifier.

You can use /LIST with either /BRIEF or /FULL command qualifiers. The default is /BRIEF.

Do not use /LOG together with /LIST when the output for /LIST is directed to the terminal; you will receive confusing output.


/LIST [=file-spec] save-set-spec


Use the /LIST qualifier by itself or in conjunction with any other operation (save, restore, copy, compare, or journal). If /LIST is specified by itself (not with a save, restore, copy, compare or journal operation), the input specifier must refer to a save set, and the output specifier must be omitted.

Before you can list the contents of a save set, the media containing the save set must be inserted into an appropriate drive. If the save set is stored on a disk, the disk must be mounted as a Files--11 volume or as a foreign volume. BACKUP mounts magnetic tapes automatically as part of the list operation.

By default, the list information is displayed on your terminal; however, you can specify a file to which the list information can be written.

When you use the /LIST qualifier with standalone BACKUP and you direct output to a file (/LIST=file-spec), the file specification must refer to either a terminal or a printer.

You can use either the command qualifier /BRIEF or /FULL with the /LIST qualifier. The /BRIEF qualifier directs BACKUP to list each file's size in blocks and its creation date. The /FULL qualifier directs BACKUP to list additional information about each file in the same format as the information provided by the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL. The default is /BRIEF.

Do not use the command qualifier /LOG with /LIST when the output for /LIST is directed to the terminal; if you do, you will receive confusing output.


Listing of save set(s)
Save set:          23MAR02.BCK
Written by:        MOROCI
UIC:               [000200,000200]
Date:              23-MAR-2002 14:18:16.00
Command:           BACKUP [SAVE] DBA2:[SAVE]23MAR00.BCK/SAVE_SET
Operating system:  OpenVMS Alpha Version V7.3-1
BACKUP version:    V7.3-1
CPU ID register:   08000000
Node name:         _SUZI::
Written on:        _DBA2: 
Block size:        32,256 
Group size:        10
Buffer count:      3
[SAVE]LAST.DAT;1                         1  18-JAN-2002 14:11
[SAVE]INFO.TXT;4                         5   4-FEB-2002 13:12
[SAVE]WORK.DAT;3                        33   1-JAN-2002 10:02
Total of 3 files, 39 blocks
End of save set

This command lists the BACKUP summary information and the file name, size, and creation date for each file in the save set. Note that the /SAVE_SET qualifier is required to identify the input specifier as a save set on a Files--11 disk.


Command Qualifier

Determines whether the file specification of each file processed is displayed on SYS$OUTPUT during the operation. The default is /NOLOG.


/[NO]LOG input-specifier output-specifier



In this example, the file specifications of the files restored to the directory named [PLI.WORK] on DBA2 are logged to SYS$OUTPUT.


Output Save-Set Qualifier

Controls whether data records are automatically compacted and blocked together. Data compaction and record blocking increase the amount of data that can be stored on a single tape cartridge.

The compaction ratio depends on the data and the tape drive you use. For more information, see the documentation supplied with your tape drive.

BACKUP allows you to specify different compaction settings on different save sets on a tape. However, not all tape drives support the use of more than one compaction setting on a tape. Whether mixed mode tapes are permitted depends on the model of the tape drive you use.


input-specifier output-save-set-spec /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION


The /MEDIA_FORMAT qualifier can only be used with tape drives that support data compaction.

On Alpha and Integrity server system, you can use the /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION qualifier for hardware data compaction of SCSI tape drives.



This command saves all files in the directory [TESTFILES] and its subdirectories in a save set named TEST.SAV using a TA90E tape drive. The /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION qualifier specifies that the tape drive automatically compacts and blocks together data records on the tape.


Input File-Selection Qualifier

Selects files according to the value of the modified date field (the date the file was last modified) in each file header record.


input-specifier/BEFORE=time /MODIFIED output-specifier

input-specifier /SINCE=time /MODIFIED output-specifier


You must use the /MODIFIED qualifier with either of the input file-selection qualifiers /BEFORE or /SINCE. The date and time you specify with /BEFORE or /SINCE determines which files are processed.

You cannot use /MODIFIED with the input file-selection qualifiers /BACKUP, /CREATED, or /EXPIRED.



This command saves all files in the directory tree [SUNDANCE] whose modification dates precede today (00:00:00.0 o'clock of the current day, month, and year).


Output File Qualifier

Creates a new version of a file if a file with an identical specification already exists at the location to which the file is being restored or copied.


input-specifier output-specifier/NEW_VERSION


If BACKUP attempts to copy or restore a file when a file with an identical directory name, file name, type, and equal or higher version number already exists, a new file is created with the same name and type and a version number one higher than the highest existing version.

If you do not use /NEW_VERSION, /REPLACE, or /OVERLAY, and the version number of the file being restored is equal to or less than the version number of the existing file, BACKUP reports an error in copying or restoring the file.

Note that when copying or restoring files using the /NEW_VERSION qualifier, files are processed in decreasing version number order and are created in ascending order. The result is that the version numbers are inverted.

Because this qualifier causes version numbers to change, using it with the /VERIFY qualifier will cause unpredictable results. HP recommends that you do not use the /NEW_VERSION qualifier with the /VERIFY qualifier.



This example restores all files with the file type of .DAT from the magnetic tape save set NOV30REC.BCK to the directory [RECORDS]. The /NEW_VERSION qualifier instructs BACKUP to restore each file with the file type .DAT regardless of whether a file with the same file specification already exists.


Command Qualifier

Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, on a save operation, /NOINCREMENTAL allows you to control the amount of file data that is saved. Use this qualifier only if you are sure that you want to save specific files and do not want to save all data.

In recent versions of OpenVMS, the /SINCE=BACKUP incremental save operation has been refined so that files that are saved are accurate and not redundant. As a result, the /NOINCREMENTAL and /SINCE=BACKUP qualifiers are not allowed together. This ensures an accurate /INCREMENTAL restore.

/NOINCREMENTAL is valid only in BACKUP save operations. It is not related to the /INCREMENTAL qualifier, which is valid only in restore operations.


/NOINCREMENTAL input-specifier output-specifier


In OpenVMS Version 6.2 and prior versions, the system, by default, did not save files and subdirectories that were under directories that had been modified. In OpenVMS Versions 7.0 and 7.1, to ensure a successful restore, the system saved all files and subdirectories under directories that had been modified. This behavior, however, sometimes resulted in saving files and subdirectories that were not needed for later restore operations.


_$ MAC_DISK:[000000...]*.*;* -

The command in this example executes an incremental save BACKUP operation for an input volume; the command avoids saving all files under recently modified directories.


Output File Qualifier

Writes the input file over a file with an identical specification at the output location.


input-specifier output-specifier/OVERLAY


If BACKUP attempts to copy or restore a file when a file with an identical directory name, file name, type, and version number already exists, the new version of the file is written over the existing version. The file identification of the new version is the same as the file identification of the file that is overwritten.

The physical location of the file on disk does not change. If /OVERLAY is specified, and the new file is larger than the one already present, BACKUP allocates more blocks on the disk and extends the file.

When you do not use /OVERLAY, /REPLACE, or /NEW_VERSION, and the version number of the file being restored is identical to the version number of the existing file, BACKUP reports an error in copying or restoring the file.



The sequential-disk save set MAR30SAV.BCK is restored to the directory tree [RECORDS...]. If a file from the save set has a specification that is identical to a file that already exists in [RECORDS...], the /OVERLAY qualifier directs BACKUP to write over the existing version.


The /OWNER_UIC qualifier has been superseded by /BY_OWNER. HP recommends that you substitute /BY_OWNER for /OWNER_UIC in command procedures and operator instructions. See the description of /BY_OWNER for more information.


Command Qualifier

Specifies that BACKUP is to ignore any volume structure on the input device and is to process the volume in terms of physical blocks. If you write a save set with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command, you must also restore it with the BACKUP/PHYSICAL command.


/PHYSICAL input-specifier output-specifier


For physical copy operations between disks, the output device must be either the same size or a larger-capacity disk.

If the output device is larger than the input device, only disk blocks less than the size of the input device are written to the output device. Depending on the volume structure of the input device, the extra uninitialized blocks at the end of the output device might create an unusable disk volume.

If the input device contains a FILES-11 ODS-2 or ODS-5 volume, you can expand the volume size on the output device after the restore using the SET VOLUME/LIMIT/SIZE DCL command.

For all physical operations, the output disk cannot have a bad block in any location that corresponds to a good block on the input disk. (This restriction does not apply to RA or more recent disk architectures.)


BACKUP/PHYSICAL does not copy the first track (track 0) of RX01 and RX02 diskettes; HP does not support track 0.




This example mounts RX02 diskettes in DYA0 and DYA1 as foreign devices and copies the contents of the diskette mounted in DYA0 to the diskette mounted in DYA1.



This command restores a physical save set named 28SEP.BCK to DBA1.


Command Qualifier

Use the /PROGRESS_REPORT qualifier to display the progress of a BACKUP operation on the current output device in every 'n' seconds. This qualifier expects an integer value from the user and does not have any default value.

(When you use BACKUP to back up or restore data interactively, press Ctrl/T to display the progress of the operation.)



The value for n is the frequency of the message display, in seconds.



%BACKUP-I-PROGRESS, progress report generated at 18-JAN-2006 18:07:55.08 
Restoring file: DKA100:[KITS.CDSA]HP-I64VMS-CDSA-T0202-134-1.PCSI$COMPRESSED;1 
Saveset volume:1, saveset block:1705 (32256 byte blocks) 
52.44MB restored out of 1.23GB, 4% completed 
Restore rate: 895KB/sec, estimated completion time: 18:30:59.10 
%BACKUP-I-PROGRESS, progress report generated at 18-JAN-2006 18:08:55.08 
Saveset volume:1, saveset block:3547 (32256 byte blocks) 
109.11MB restored out of 1.23GB, 8% completed 
Restore rate: 967KB/sec, estimated completion time: 18:29:16.05 

In this example, the command restores a save set called SAVESET.BCK into DKA100. When you specify /PROGRESS=60, a progress report is displayed on the screen every 60 seconds, indicating the progress of the operation.


Output Save-Set Qualifier

When you create a save set on disk, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to an output save set. When you create a save set on magnetic tape, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the magnetic tape volume. (All save sets created subsequently on the tape will receive this same protection until the tape is initialized.)


input-specifier output-save-set-spec/PROTECTION[=(code)]


Because the file system treats a BACKUP save set as a single file, it is crucial that you protect save sets adequately. If you do not specify adequate protection, anyone who has access to a save set can access any file in the save set.

The protection code indicates the type of access (read, write, execute, and delete) available to the four categories of users (system, owner, group, and world). For more information about specifying protection codes, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.

If the save set is written to either a Files--11 disk or a sequential disk and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies the process default protection to the save set. If /PROTECTION is specified, any protection categories not specified default to your default process protection.

Protection information is written to the volume header record of a magnetic tape, and applies to all save sets stored on the tape. If you specify /PROTECTION, any protection categories that you do not specify default to your default process protection.

To initialize a magnetic tape with the correct protection, specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with the /PROTECTION qualifier. If you do not specify /REWIND with /PROTECTION, the protection information, if any, in the volume header record is not changed. However, specifying /PROTECTION without /REWIND ensures that continuation volumes receive the correct protection.

If the save set is written to magnetic tape and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies no protection to the tape.

In order to initialize a magnetic tape volume that was previously initialized with the /PROTECTION qualifier, you must own the volume (your UIC matches the UIC of the volume) or have the VOLPRO privilege.



_From: [CLEAVER...]

This command saves the directory tree [CLEAVER...] to a save set named ACCOUNTS.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The output save-set qualifier /BY_OWNER assigns an owner UIC of [301,310] to the magnetic tape. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape read, write, execute, and delete access. SYSTEM users are assigned read, write, and execute access; GROUP users are assigned read and execute access; and WORLD users are assigned no access.


_From: DUA0:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 2 on _MFA2: for writing
Press return when ready: [Return]

This first BACKUP command creates an image backup of the disk DUA0 in a save set named DAILY.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save-set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape and SYSTEM users read, write, execute, and delete access; GROUP and WORLD users are assigned no access.

The second BACKUP command uses the same tape for an image backup of the disk DUA2. When the tape is full, BACKUP requests another volume. Because the /PROTECTION qualifier was specified with second BACKUP command, the continuation volume receives the desired protection.


Command Qualifier

Records the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of each file header record once a file is successfully saved or copied.


/RECORD input-specifier output-specifier


The /RECORD qualifier can be used only in save or copy operations on Files--11 Structure Level 2 or 5 volumes. To use the /RECORD qualifier on files, the user privilege SYSPRV is required.

When you use /RECORD in a copy or save operation, BACKUP writes the date and time that the copy or save set was created in the BACKUP date field of each file header record.

When you use /RECORD to perform incremental save operations on a disk volume, do not allow other users to use /RECORD in their BACKUP operations on the same disk volume. If other users specify /RECORD, the dates in the BACKUP date fields of file header records will change. This makes it impossible for you to save all files created or modified since you last performed a save operation.

If you use the command qualifier /VERIFY with /RECORD, files that fail verification are not recorded.

If /RECORD is not specified, the BACKUP date field of each processed file is not changed.

You cannot use the /RECORD qualifier with the command qualifiers /DELETE, /COMPARE, or /PHYSICAL.



This command saves all files on DBA1 that have been created or modified since the last save operation and records the current date and time in each file header record.

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