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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The command in this example copies selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to a new error log file named ERRLOG.DAT.

The selected events are those that occurred since the specified date on all nodes except PANDA.



The command in this example copies selected events from the default SYS$ERRORLOG:ERRLOG.SYS file to a new error log file named ERRLOG.DAT.

The selected events start with entry 5 and end with entry 10.



This example is identical to the previous example except that rejected events are copied rather than selected events.

The rejected events are those that fall outside the specified entry range.

10.5 ELV Sample Reports

You can use the following TRANSLATE qualifiers to produce variations of the standard report:
  • /BRIEF
  • /FULL
  • /TERSE

See Table 10-1 for more information about report formats.

The following sections contain examples of the reports that result from using these qualifiers. In addition, an example is shown of using no qualifiers to produce a standard report of the default detail level.

10.5.1 /ONE_LINE Example

The report produced when you use the /ONE_LINE qualifier includes only the header information for each event.

The example that follows contains multiple summary reports, one for each node represented in this error log file, and a summary report for the entire file.

EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS___ 
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES                         
2      Volume Mount                        8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES                         
3      Volume Dismount                     8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.15  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES                         
4      Volume Mount                        8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.28  WF35P0  VOLUME_CHANGES                         
Summary for node:                         FRANZ   
Total number of events:                   1 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 1 
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1 
Summary for node:                         WF35P0  
Total number of events:                   3 
Number of the first event:                2 
Number of the last event:                 4 
Earliest event occurred:                   8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12 
Latest event occurred:                     8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.28 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    3 
Summary for node:                         <ALL NODES> 
Total number of events:                   4 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 4 
Earliest event occurred:                   8-FEB-2001 10:15:16.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    4 

10.5.2 /BRIEF Example

The report produced when you use the /BRIEF qualifier includes only the most essential event information along with the header information for each event.

EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS__________ 
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES                         
DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE______ 
   Logging CPU                                       3                                                           
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4                                                           
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160               
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003                                                  
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB                                                    
   Device Unit Number                                200                                                         
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB 
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY   
Total number of events:                   1 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 1 
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1 

10.5.3 No Qualifiers Example

The report produced when you do not use any qualifiers includes only the most commonly useful event information along with the header information for each event.

EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________ 
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES                         
DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE________ 
   Hardware Architecture                             4                    Alpha                                  
   Hardware System Type                              35                   Wildfire                               
   Logging CPU                                       3                                                           
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4                                                           
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160               
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003                                                  
   Seconds Since Boot                                17                                                          
   Error Sequence Number                             46                                                          
   DSR String                                        AlphaServer GS160 6/731 
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB                                                    
   Owner UIC of the Volume                           65537                                                       
   Unit Operation Count                              378                                                         
   Device Unit Number                                200                                                         
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB 
   Volume Number within Set                          0                                                           
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0                                                           
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY   
Total number of events:                   1 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 1 
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1 

10.5.4 /FULL Example

The report produced when you use the /FULL qualifier includes all event information along with the header information for each event.

EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS____________ 
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES                         
DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE_____________   TRANSLATED_VALUE________ 
   Operating System Type                             2                    OpenVMS                                
   Hardware Architecture                             4                    Alpha                                  
   Vendor ID                                         0x00000DEC           hp                                     
   Hardware System Type                              35                   Wildfire                               
   Logging CPU                                       3                                                           
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     4                                                           
   System Marketing Model                            1968                 COMPAQ AlphaServer GS160               
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003                                                  
   Seconds Since Boot                                17                                                          
   Chip Type                                         11                   EV67 (21264A)                          
   Error Sequence Number                             46                                                          
   DSR String                                        AlphaServer GS160 6/731 
   DDR String                                        000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 
   System Serial Number                              0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 
   Time - ISO 8601 Format                            20030814133139,12-0400 
   Operating System Version                          X9WY-SSB                                                    
   Computer Name                                     FRANZ   
   Owner UIC of the Volume                           65537                                                       
   Unit Operation Count                              378                                                         
   Device Unit Number                                200                                                         
   Device Generic Name                               FRANZ$DKB 
   Volume Number within Set                          0                                                           
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0                                                           
   Volume Label                                      OPAL_X9WY   
Total number of events:                   1 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 1 
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1 

10.5.5 /TERSE Example

The following modifications are made to the standard report when you use the /TERSE qualifier:

  • Translations of field values are omitted, resulting in a more compressed report layout.
  • Field values are displayed in hex rather than their default format.
  • Fields that are usually suppressed when they contain a value of zero are output regardless of their value.
  • A concatenated field is output as separate fields rather than as a single field.

The example that follows shows the results of using the /TERSE qualifier with the /FULL qualifier. You can also use /TERSE with standard reports of any detail level to output event information in terse format.

EVENT  EVENT_TYPE_______________________  TIMESTAMP______________  NODE__  EVENT_CLASS________________ 
1      Volume Mount                       14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12  FRANZ   VOLUME_CHANGES                         
DESCRIPTION____________________________   RANGE___   VALUE________________ 
   Operating System Type                             0x0002               
   Hardware Architecture                             0x0004               
   Vendor ID                                         0x00000DEC           
   Hardware System Type                              0x0000000000000023   
   Logging CPU                                       0x00000003           
   Number of CPU's in Active Set                     0x00000004           
   Device Class                                      0x0000               
   System Marketing Model                            0x000007B0           
   Device Type                                       0x0000               
   OS Flags                               <15:00>:   0x0000               
   Error Mask                             <31:00>:   0x00000003           
   Seconds Since Boot                                0x00000011           
   Chip Type                                         0x0000000B           
   Error Sequence Number                             0x0000002E           
   DSR String                                        265767265536168706C41 
   DDR String                                        000000000000000000000 
   System Serial Number                              000000000000000000000 
   Time - ISO 8601 Format                            333313431383033303032 
   Operating System Version                          0x4253532D59573958   
   Computer Name                                     000002020205A4E415246 
   Owner UIC of the Volume                           0x00010001           
   Unit Error Count                                  0x00000000           
   Unit Operation Count                              0x0000017A           
   Device Unit Number                                0x00C8               
   Device Generic Name                               000424B44245A4E415246 
   Volume Number within Set                          0x0000               
   Number of Volumes within Set                      0x0000               
   Volume Label                                      020595739585F4C41504F 
Total number of events:                   1 
Number of the first event:                1 
Number of the last event:                 1 
Earliest event occurred:                  14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Latest event occurred:                    14-AUG-2003 13:31:39.12 
Number of events by event class:       
        VOLUME_CHANGES                    1 

Chapter 11
InfoServer Utility (Alpha and Integrity servers Only)

11.1 InfoServer Description

On Alpha and Integrity server systems, the InfoServer application allows you to create virtual disk services on the local area network.

Virtual disk services can be created for the following devices:

  • DVD drives
  • Disk drives: SCSI, Fibre Channel, or IDE
  • CD drives
  • Partitions (the equivalent of container files)

Comparison of InfoServer Hardware and the InfoServer Application

The new InfoServer application on OpenVMS differs from previous InfoServer hardware in a number of important ways. Some of the most notable are the following:

  • The use of DCL-style command syntax
  • The requirement that a device must be mounted systemwide before you can create a service for it
  • Support for creating services for DVD drives
  • No support for for tape devices
  • No support for CD-R (CD-recordable) drives.
  • No automount support

11.2 InfoServer Usage Summary

ESS$INFOSERVER is the user interface for the LASTport/Disk server implemented as an application on OpenVMS. Its behavior is similar to that of the hardware InfoServer product.

You can use the InfoServer utility commands to do the following:

  • Create and delete services for virtual disk devices on a local area network.
  • Save a list of active InfoServer services.
  • Modify the attributes of existing services.
  • Display information about the server and the nodes connected to services on the server.
  • Display service-specific information about one or more services.
  • Start the LASTport/disk server and set various server and cache characteristics.

To run the Infoserver, enter the following command:


The system displays the following prompt:


If your system does not display the InfoServer prompt but displays an error message instead, ask your system manager to start the InfoServer server.

Following the InfoServer prompt, you can enter any InfoServer command; for example:

InfoServer> SHOW SERVER 

You can also enter HELP to obtain help on InfoServer commands within the utility:




Specifies an InfoServer command. If you do not specify a command, the utility displays its prompt and waits for command input until you exit the utility.

11.3 InfoServer Commands

The following sections describe and provide examples of InfoServer commands.


Creates a service for a specified device or partition.

Usage rules:

  • All devices must be mounted systemwide to prevent them from being dismounted when a process logs out.
  • A device that has read/write service must be mounted /FOREIGN so that it is not visible to OpenVMS.
  • A device that has read-only service must be mounted with either the /NOWRITE qualifier or the /FOREIGN qualifier so that no one can change it locally.
  • A partition can be served off a disk that is mounted for either read-only or read/write access to OpenVMS.
  • Support for partitions is limited in this release.


CREATE SERVICE serviceName device-or-partitionName



The name by which the service is known to the local area network. The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters and dollar signs ($). It can be 255 characters or fewer in length.


The name of the OpenVMS disk device or partition name is the name being served to the local area network. The name of the device or partition must have been created previously.

Explanations of device and partition names follow.

  • Device names
    Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify an InfoServer device name.
    A disk specification must end with a colon.
  • Partition names
    Partitions are container files that are served to the network. As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file type of .ESS$PARTITION. Partition names, including the device, directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.
    Support for partitions is limited in this version. HP strongly suggests that you use LD devices to support partitioned hard drives. See the DCL command LD HELP for more information.



Specifies a subset of the complete LASTport Disk (LAD) name space.

The purpose of class names is to subdivide name spaces so that clients see only those names that are meaningful to them. The use of class names also allows two services to have the same name and not conflict with one another.

For example, you can use different class names for different on-disk structures that several client systems use. You might use SERVICEA/CLASS=ODS-2 for some client systems and SERVICEA/CLASS=ISO_9660 for other client systems. The service has the same name (SERVICEA), but the class names are different.

The class name you use depends on the client systems that connect to the service being created. The default class name is ODS_2. For example, OpenVMS systems use the ODS_2 name space when attempting to mount an InfoServer device. Note that OpenVMS clients can solicit only those services that are in the ODS_2 service class.

Valid class names are the following:

           V2.0           Names understood by PCSA MS-DOS Clients 
           Unformatted    Virtual disk has no format 
           MSDOS          MSDOS virtual disks 
           ODS_2          VMS virtual disks 
           UNIX           UNIX virtual disks 
           ISO_9660       ISO 9660 CD format 
           HIGH_SIERRA    MS-DOS CD format 
           APPLE          Macintosh HFS format 
           SUN            Sun format 


The SAVE command creates this qualifier. Because passwords are not stored in plain text, the hashed password value is written out as part of the SAVE operation so that the service can be recreated without revealing the password.

Note that if you edit the command procedure that the SAVE command creates and change the service name, the encoded password value is no longer valid. You need to set another password on the service using the /PASSWORD qualifer.


/NOPASSWORD (default)

Specifies an optional access control password for the service. The client system must specify the password to access the service.

The password-string can be 39 alphanumeric ASCII characters in length. If no password is specified, the client system is not required to provide a password to access the service.

The text password is hashed and stored in encrypted form in memory with the other service information.



Clients use the service rating to select a service in the case of multiple matching services. The service with the highest service rating is selected.

The system adjusts the dynamic service rating based on load. You can also set a static rating between 0 and 65535. The system does not adjust static ratings.

One use of static ratings is to migrate clients from one copy of a service to another. If you set a static rating of 0 on services you want to migrate clients away from, no new clients will connect to a 0-rated service; instead, they will connect to higher-rated services. When all current clients have disconnected from a service, you can safely delete it.

/READAHEAD (default)


When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, the /READAHEAD qualifier specifies that the read is to be from the first block requested to the end of the bucket boundary. Read-ahead can speed up sequential operations by preloading disk blocks that are needed into the cache.

If you specify both the /READAHEAD and the /READBEHIND qualifiers, any block requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range of blocks to be read into the cache.



When a disk read is required to fill a cache block, the /READBEHIND qualifier specifies that the read is to include all blocks from the beginning of the cache bucket boundary up to and including the requested blocks.

If you specify both the /READAHEAD and /READBEHIND qualifiers, any block requested within a cache bucket causes the entire bucket range of blocks to be read into the cache.

/READERS=number (default is READERS=1000)


Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous client connections allowed for read access. The default is 1000 readers. A value of 0 indicates write-only access.

If a client requests read-only or read/write access to a service, the system counts this as one reader.


/NOWRITERS (default)

Specifies that the service is to allow access to a single writer.




Disk MOVMAN$DQA0:, device type Compaq  CRD-8322B, is online, file-oriented 
    device, shareable, served to cluster via MSCP Server, error logging is 
 Error count                 0    Operations completed   
 Owner process              ""    Owner UIC                  [SYSTEM] 
 Owner process ID     00000000    Dev Prot        S:RWPL,O:RWPL,G:R,W 
 Reference count             0    Default buffer size             512 
 Total blocks         16515072    Sectors per track                63 
 Total cylinders         16384    Tracks per cylinder              16 

Volume is write locked 
OVMSIPS11 mounted on _MOVMAN$DQA0:    

%INFOSRVR-I-CRESERV, service VMS_SIPS_V11 [ODS-2] created for 

This example shows how to create a service for a CD device:

  • The SHOW DEVICE.../FULL command displays a complete list of information about the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.
  • The MOUNT/SYSTEM command mounts the OVMSIPS11 volume on the _MOVMAN$DQA0: CD.
  • The InfoServer CREATE SERVICE command creates the VMS_SIPS_V11 service on the _MOVMAN$DQA0 CD.


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