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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The SHOW SERVICES command displays service-specific information for one or all services offered by the server. This information includes the device associated with the service, the service class, and the number of connected sessions.

The SHOW SERVICES command supports wildcard expressions. In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are those used in OpenVMS. The percent (%) character matches exactly one character. The asterisk (*) character matches zero or more characters.


SHOW SERVICES [serviceName] [options...]



The name by which the service is known to the local area network. The service name consists of alphanumeric characters or dollar signs ($). It can be up to 255 characters in length. If omitted, the service name defaults to all services.

In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are those used in OpenVMS. The percent (%) character matches exactly one character. The asterisk (*) character matches zero or more characters.


/BRIEF (default)

The BRIEF option provides an abbreviated, one-line summary of information for each service selected. BRIEF is the default.


The FULL option provides all the service-specific information for the services selected.



Service Name         [Service Class] Device or File 
-------------------- --------------- -------------- 
HUDSON                [ODS-2]         _MOVERS$LDA1: 
BAFFIN                [ODS-2]         _MOVERS$LDA1: 
FUNDY                 [ODS-2]         _MOVERS$LDA1: 
3 services found. 

HUDSON [ODS-2]                          Access: Read-only 
  File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks] 
  Flags: 0000000082 {No Writers,Readahead} 
  Rating:       Dynamic, 65535    Password:         Disabled 
  Max Readers:            1000    Max Writers:            0 
  Curr Readers:              0    Curr Writers:           0 
  Reads:                     0    Writes:                 0 
  Blocks Read:               0    Blocks Written:         0 
BAFFIN [ODS-2]                         Access: Read-only 
  File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks] 
  Flags: 0000000082 {No Writers,Readahead} 
  Rating:       Dynamic, 65535    Password:         Disabled 
  Max Readers:            1000    Max Writers:            0 
  Curr Readers:              0    Curr Writers:           0 
  Reads:                     0    Writes:                 0 
  Blocks Read:               0    Blocks Written:         0 
FUNDY [ODS-2]                          Access: Read-only 
  File or device: _MOVERS$LDA1: [750000 blocks] 
  Flags: 00000000D2 {No Writers,Static Rating,Readbehind, 
  Rating:        Static,    42    Password:         Enabled 
  Max Readers:            1000    Max Writers:            0 
  Curr Readers:              0    Curr Writers:           0 
  Reads:                     0    Writes:                 0 
  Blocks Read:               0    Blocks Written:         0 
3 services found. 

The first command displays the one-line default BRIEF summary of all the services that are connected.

The second command displays all of the service-specific information for all the services that are connected. Note that passwords are disabled on the HUDSON and BAFFIN services and enabled on the FUNDY service.


Displays information about client nodes that are connected to services.


SHOW SESSIONS [serviceName] [device-or-partitionName]]



The name by which the service is known to the local area network. The service name can consist of alphanumeric characters, dollar signs ($), and wildcards. It can be up to 255 characters in length. If omitted, the service name defaults to all services.

In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are those used in OpenVMS. The percent (%) character matches exactly one character. The asterisk (*) character matches zero or more characters.


The name of the OpenVMS disk device or partition name is the name as it is to be known to the local area network. The name of the device or partition that you enter must have been created previously.
  • Device names
    Devices served to the local area network are OpenVMS disk devices; use OpenVMS device names when you specify an InfoServer device name. Note that the device name must either match exactly the name that the SHOW SERVICES command displays or must contain wildcards.
    In the InfoServer utility, wildcards, where supported, are the same as those used in OpenVMS. The percent (%) character matches exactly one character. The asterisk (*) character matches zero or more characters.
    A disk specification must end with a colon.
  • Partition names
    Partitions are container files that are served to the network. As such, they have OpenVMS file names with a default file type of .ESS$PARTITION. Partition names, including the device, directory, and file name, can be no more than 242 characters in length.
    Support for partitions is limited in this version. HP strongly suggests that you use LD devices to support partitioned hard drives. See the DCL command LD HELP for more information.



Display all services that match the selection criteria even if no clients have connections. If this qualifier is omitted, only those services with clients connected are displayed.



HUDSON        [ODS-2]     _MOVERS$LDA1: [ 1 Connection] 
1 service found. 

HUDSON        [ODS-2]     _MOVERS$LDA1: [ 1 Connection] 
BAFFIN        [ODS-2]     _MOVERS$LDA1: 
FUNDY         [ODS-2]     _MOVERS$LDA1: 
3 services found. 

The first command displays only the session that has a client connection, HUDSON. The second command displays all sessions, even those with no client connections.


Spawns a process to execute a DCL command. If you do not enter a command, the command terminal is attached to the spawned process. If you do enter a command, that command is executed and, upon completion of the command, control returns to the parent process.


SPAWN [DCL Command]




This command spawns a process to execute a DCL command DIRECTORY. Following execution of the command, control returns to the InfoServer process.


This command starts the LASTport/Disk server and sets various server and cache characteristics.

Usually, this command is executed by SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.COM using data from SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT. HP strongly recommends that you make all modifications in the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT file.

You can use the START SERVER command interactively to use its qualifiers to change server settings as long as no services are currently defined.


If you enter the START SERVER command directly, you must specify all four qualifiers. Otherwise, the system reverts to using default values.





The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of fixed-size buffers (also called buckets.) The /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier determines the size of each bucket. (The /CACHE qualifer determines the number of buckets.)

The numeric value of this parameter is an integer between 3 and 8, inclusive, representing the bucket size in 512-byte blocks. For example:

   3 -   8 blocks (default) 
   4 -  16 blocks 
   5 -  32 blocks 
   6 -  64 blocks 
   7 - 128 blocks 
   8 - 256 blocks 

The default value is 3.

Bucket sizes that are larger than 32 blocks are not appropriate for most users. The OpenVMS client segments I/O requests that are larger than 31 blocks into 31-block chunks, and the default bucket readahead behavior might result in unnecessary I/O activity to the disk.

/CACHE = number-of-buckets (default = 512)

The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of fixed-size buffers (also called buckets. The /CACHE qualifier determines the number of buckets in the cache. The /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier determines the size of each bucket.

Numbers larger than 16384 can adversely affect performance. Consider increasing the /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier to reach the desired cache size.

/MAXIMUM_SERVICES = maxservice (default = 256)

Sets the maximum service count for the server. This is the maximum number of services that can be defined at one time. Each service descriptor consumes nonpaged pool; however, unused service slots consume only 4 bytes each.

The maximum value is 1024.

/WRITE_QUOTA = n (default = 0)

Number of simultaneous synchronous writes permitted within the server. The default of zero means that all write operations are performed synchronously.


$ InfoServer SHOW SERVER

Node BILBO [HP rx2600  (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y 
LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2 
Max Services:        64        Write Quota:          0 
Cache Buckets:     2048        Cache Bucket Size:   32 blocks 
Cache Size:    33554432 bytes 
Hits:                 0        Hit Percentage:       0% 
Misses:               0 
Current Sessions:     0        Peak Sessions:        0 
                   Read             Write 
Requests:             0                 0 
Blocks:               0                 0 
Errors:               0                 0 
Aborted:              0                 0 
Conflicts:            0                 0 

%INFOSRVR-I-STARTED, LASTport/Disk server started. 
$ InfoServer SHOW SERVER

Node BILBO [HP rx2600  (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y 
LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2 
Max Services:    128        Write Quota:          0 
Cache Buckets:  2048        Cache Bucket Size:   32 blocks 
Cache Size: 33554432 bytes 
Hits:              0        Hit Percentage:       0% 
Misses:            0 
Current Sessions:  0        Peak Sessions:        0 
                Read             Write 
Requests:          0                 0 
Blocks:            0                 0 
Errors:            0                 0 
Aborted:           0                 0 
Conflicts:         0                 0 
The first command in this example displays the current information about the server. The second command starts the server and increases the maximum number of services for the server. The third command displays the new information about the server, showing the increased maximum number of services.

Chapter 12
Install Utility

12.1 INSTALL Description

The Install utility (INSTALL) creates known file entries to improve the performance of executable and shareable images, especially those that run frequently, run concurrently with several processes, or allow images to run in a privileged context.

Known file entries last only while the system is operating. If the system is shut down or fails for any reason, you must reinstall all known images after the system is rebooted. For this reason, you are encouraged to include additional INSTALL commands for selected images in the site-specific command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM.

12.2 INSTALL Usage Summary

Use the Install utility (INSTALL) to enhance the performance of selected executable and shareable images, to assign enhanced privileges to images, and to support user-written system services. The system stores the name and attributes of installed images on known file lists.


INSTALL [command]



Specifies an INSTALL command. This parameter is optional. If no command is specified, the utility displays its prompt and waits for command input.


To invoke INSTALL, enter the DCL command INSTALL at the DCL prompt as follows:


The utility responds with the following prompt:


You can then perform INSTALL operations by entering the appropriate INSTALL commands.

To exit from the Install utility, enter the EXIT command at the INSTALL prompt or press Ctrl/Z. Either method returns control to the DCL command level.

Alternatively, you can enter a single INSTALL command on the same line as the command that invokes the utility, for example:


12.3 INSTALL Qualifiers

This section describes the /TRANSLATE qualifier and provides examples of its use.


The /TRANSLATE qualifier forces INSTALL to attempt a logical name translation of a file that you specify.


Before you use the /TRANSLATE qualifier, you must invoke INSTALL as a foreign command:





Within OpenVMS, when you specify a file name without a device, directory, or file type, OpenVMS usually attempts a logical name translation of the file name before it applies device, directory, or file type defaults. However, if you specify a device, directory, or file type, OpenVMS does not attempt a logical name translation.

Using the /TRANSLATE qualifier forces INSTALL to attempt a logical name translation even if a device, directory, or file type is specified.



known image

The first command in this example defines FILE1 as a logical name with an equivalence name of FILE1_EV6. However, because a device (SYS$SHARE:) and file type (.EXE) are supplied, INSTALL treats FILE1 as part of a file specification rather than as a logical name.


a known image

The first command in this example defines FILE1 as a logical name with an equivalence name of FILE1_EV6. Because /TRANSLATE is specified, INSTALL treats FILE1 as a logical name even though a device (SYS$SHARE:) and file type (.EXE) are supplied.

12.4 INSTALL Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the INSTALL commands. The following table summarizes the INSTALL command functions:

Command Function
ADD Synonym for the CREATE command
CREATE Installs the specified image as a known image
DELETE Synonym for the REMOVE command
HELP Describes how to use INSTALL
LIST Displays a description of each specified known image, global sections, and the addresses of known image data structures
PURGE Deletes all known images installed without the /NOPURGE qualifier
REMOVE Deletes a known image
REPLACE Associates a known image with the latest version of the image file or modifies the attributes of an installed image


Installs the specified image file as a known image. The ADD command is a synonym for the CREATE command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


Installs the specified image file as a known image. The CREATE command is a synonym for the ADD command.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


CREATE file-spec



Names the file specification of an image to be installed as a known image. The file specification must name an existing executable or shareable image, which must have been linked with the /NOTRACEBACK qualifier. If you omit the device and directory specification, the default SYS$SYSTEM is used. The default file type is .EXE.

The highest existing version of the file is used by default. However, you can specify another version of the file as the known version of the image. Even if other versions of the file exist, the version that you specify will be the version that satisfies all known file lookups for the image.




Enables image-level accounting for the specified image even if image accounting is disabled (by using the DCL command SET ACCOUNTING/DISABLE=IMAGE). When image accounting is enabled on the local node, it logs all images, and the /NOACCOUNTING qualifier has no effect.


On Alpha and Integrity server systems, overrides the system parameter ARB_SUPPORT for this installed image.

The following table shows the keywords you can use with the /ARB_SUPPORT qualifier:

Keyword Behavior
None The obsolete kernel data cells are not maintained by the system. Fields are initialized to zero or set to invalid pointers at process creation.
Clear The obsolete kernel data cells are cleared or set to invalid pointers when the code would have set up values for backward compatibility.
Read-only The obsolete cells are updated with corresponding security information stored in the current Persona Security Block (PSB) when a $PERSONA_ASSUME is issued.
Full (default) Data is moved from the obsolete cells to the currently active PSB on any security-based operation.

For more information about obsolete kernel cells, see the ARB_SUPPORT system parameter in an appendix to this manual or in online help.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the authorized privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)



The /EXECUTE_ONLY qualifier is meaningful only to main programs. It allows the image to activate shareable images to which the user has execute access but no read access. All shareable images referenced by the program must be installed, and OpenVMS RMS uses trusted logical names (those created for use in executive or kernel mode).

You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.



Installs the file as a known image with a permanently resident header (native mode images only). An image installed header resident is implicitly installed open.


/NOLOG (default)

Lists the newly created known file entry along with any associated global sections created by the installation.



Installs the file as a permanently open known image.



Installs the file as a known image with active privileges specified. If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.

Usage Notes

  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty.
  • You must list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /PRIVILEGED qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOPRIVILEGED qualifier.

Installing Shareable Images

Installing an image with privileges declares that the image is trusted to maintain system integrity and security properly. To maintain that trust, any routine called by the privileged image must also be trusted. For this reason, any shareable images activated for use by a privileged image must be installed. Only trusted logical names (names defined in executive and kernel mode) can be used in locating shareable images to be used by a privileged image.


When you create a new entry, the privileges you assign are also assigned for Authorized Privileges if you do not assign specific authorized privileges with the /AUTHPRIVILEGED qualifier.

When you replace an image, any privileges assigned with the /PRIVILEGED qualifier are not repeated as Authorized Privileges. Also, if you use the REPLACE command with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier, the Authorized Privileges become the same as the Default Privileges (set using the /PRIVILEGED qualifier).

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)

For examples of how to use CREATE commands with /PRIVILEGES qualifiers, see the Examples section at the end of this command.


/NOPROTECTED (default)

Installs the file as a known image that is protected from user-mode and supervisor-mode write access. You can write into the image only from executive or kernel mode. The /PROTECTED qualifier together with the /SHARE qualifier are used to implement user-written services, which become privileged shareable images.

/PURGE (default)


Specifies that the image can be removed by a purge operation; if you specify /NOPURGE, you can remove the image only by a remove operation.


On Alpha and Integrity server systems, causes image code sections or read-only data sections to be placed in the granularity hint regions and compresses other image sections, which remain located in process space. If you do not specify the /RESIDENT qualifier, neither code nor data is installed resident. If you specify the /RESIDENT qualifier without keyword arguments, code is installed resident, and data is not installed resident.

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