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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Replaces a known image entry with another version of the image, or with modified attributes of the image.

Requires the CMKRNL privilege. Also requires the SYSGBL privilege to create system global sections and the PRMGBL privilege to create permanent global sections.


REPLACE file-spec



Names the file specification of an image installed as a known image.


The REPLACE command updates a known file to the latest, or to a specified version found in the specified directory, or in another directory if the file-spec parameter uses a search list.

You can use the REPLACE command to modify the attributes of currently installed images. Either specify new qualifiers, or change the value of qualifiers used when installing the image with the CREATE (or ADD) command. If you specify no qualifiers, the new image retains the same attributes as the old one. If the REPLACE command modifies neither the installed image file nor its attributes, the REPLACE command allows continued sharing of global sections.

If a process is accessing global sections when the REPLACE command is entered, the global sections are deleted only after the operation initiated by the process completes. However, once the command is entered, no additional processes can access the global sections because they are marked for deletion.




Enables image-level accounting for selected images even if image accounting is disabled on the local node (by using the DCL command SET ACCOUNTING/DISABLE=IMAGE). When image accounting is enabled on the local node, it logs all images, and the /NOACCOUNTING qualifier has no effect.


On Alpha and Integrity server systems, overrides the system parameter ARB_SUPPORT for this installed image.

The following table shows the keywords you can use with the /ARB_SUPPORT qualifier:

Keyword Behavior
None The obsolete kernel data cells are not maintained by the system. Fields are initialized to zero (or set to invalid pointers) at process creation.
Clear The obsolete kernel data cells are cleared (or set to invalid pointers) when the code would have set up values for backward compatibility.
Read-only The obsolete cells are updated with corresponding security information stored in the current Persona Security Block (PSB) when a $PERSONA_ASSUME is issued.
Full (default) Data is moved from the obsolete cells to the currently active PSB on any security-based operation.

For more information about obsolete kernel cells, see the ARB_SUPPORT system parameter in an appendix to this manual or in online help.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the authorized privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

Interaction of /PRIVILEGED and /AUTHPRIVILEGES Qualifiers

When you create a new entry, the privileges you assign are also assigned for Authorized Privileges if you do not assign specific authorized privileges with the /AUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier.

When you replace an image, any privileges assigned with the /PRIVILEGED qualifier are not repeated as Authorized Privileges. Also, if you use the REPLACE command with the /NOAUTHPRIVILEGES qualifier, the Authorized Privileges become the same as the Default Privileges (set using the /PRIVILEGED qualifier).

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)



The /EXECUTE_ONLY qualifier is meaningful only to main programs. It allows the image to activate shareable images to which the user has execute access but no read access. All shareable images referenced by the program must be installed, and OpenVMS RMS uses trusted logical names, those created for use in executive or kernel mode.

You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.



Installs the file as a known image with a permanently resident header (native mode images only). An image installed header resident is implicitly installed open.


/NOLOG (default)

Lists the newly created known file entry along with any associated global sections created by the installation.



Installs the file as a permanently open known image.



Installs the file as a known image installed with the working privileges specified.

Usage Notes

  • If a privileged image is not located on the system volume, the image is implicitly installed /OPEN.
  • The set of privileges for a privileged image can be empty. You must, however, list each privilege every time you define or redefine privileges.
  • The /PRIVILEGED qualifier applies only to executable images.
  • You cannot specify this qualifier for an executable image linked with the /TRACEBACK qualifier.
  • You cannot assign privilege names with the /NOPRIVILEGED qualifier.

You can specify one or more of the privilege names described in detail in an appendix to the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security. (ALL is the default.)


/NOPROTECTED (default)

Installs the file as a known image that is protected from user-mode and supervisor-mode write access. You can write into the image only from executive or kernel mode. The /PROTECTED qualifier together with the /SHARE qualifier are used to implement user-written services, which become privileged shareable images.

/PURGE (default)


Specifies that the image can be removed by a purge operation; if you specify /NOPURGE, you can remove the image only by a delete or remove operation.


On Alpha and Integrity server systems, causes image code sections or read-only data sections to be placed in the granularity hint regions and compresses other image sections, which remain located in process space. If you do not specify the /RESIDENT qualifier, neither code nor data is installed resident. If you specify the /RESIDENT qualifier without keyword arguments, code is installed resident, and data is not installed resident.

The image must be linked using the /SECTION_BINDING=(CODE,DATA) qualifier. An image installed with resident code or data is implicitly installed /HEADER_RESIDENT and /SHARED.

You must have PFNMAP privilege to install the image with /RESIDENT qualifier.



Installs the file as a shared known image and creates global sections for the image sections that can be shared. An image installed shared is implicitly installed open.

When you use the ADDRESS_DATA keyword with the /SHARED qualifier, P1 space addresses are assigned for shareable images. With the assigned addresses, the Install utility can determine the content of an address data section when the image is installed rather than when it is activated, reducing CPU and I/O time. A global section is created to allow shared access to address data image sections.



Installs the file as a writable known image as long as you also specify the /SHARED qualifier. The /WRITABLE qualifier only applies to images with image sections that are shareable and writable. The /WRITABLE qualifier is automatically negated if the /NOSHARED qualifier is specified.



The command in this example replaces the known image GRPCOMM with the latest version of the image, while enabling image accounting and removing the OPEN attribute from this version.

The full name of the file specification is assumed to be SYS$SYSTEM:GRPCOMM.EXE.

Chapter 13
LAN Control Program (LANCP) Utility

13.1 LANCP Description

The LAN Control Program (LANCP) utility allows you to configure and control the LAN software and hardware on OpenVMS systems.

You can use LANCP to:

  • Obtain LAN device counters, revision, and configuration information
  • Change the operational parameters of LAN devices on the system
  • Maintain the LAN permanent and volatile device and node databases
  • Control the LANACP LAN Server process (including Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) downline load server related functions)
  • Initiate MOP console carrier and MOP trigger boot operations

On Alpha and Integrity server systems, LANCP and LANACP functionality is equivalent. On Integrity servers, however, FDDI, Token Ring, and ATM are not supported; therefore, the commands involving these devices are not relevant.

13.2 LANCP Usage Summary

You can use the LANCP utility to:
  • Set LAN parameters to customize your LAN environment.
  • Display LAN settings and counters.
  • Provide MOP downline load support for devices such as terminal servers, x-terminals, and LAN-based printers, and for booting satellites in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.


LANCP [command]



Specifies a LANCP command. This parameter is optional. If no command is specified, the utility displays its prompt and waits for command input.


To invoke LANCP, enter the following command at the DCL command prompt:


The LANCP utility responds by displaying the LANCP> prompt, at which you can enter any LANCP command described in this chapter.

To define LANCP as a foreign command, either at the DCL prompt or in a startup or login command file, enter:


Then you can enter the LANCP command at the DCL prompt to invoke the utility and enter LANCP commands.

When you enter the LANCP command:

  • Without specifying any command qualifiers, the LANCP utility displays the LANCP prompt, at which you can enter commands.
  • With command qualifiers, the LANCP utility terminates after it executes the command and returns you to the DCL command prompt.


Some LANCP commands require special privileges.

To exit from the LANCP utility, enter the EXIT command at the LANCP prompt or press Ctrl/Z.

For information about the LANCP utility, enter the HELP command at the LANCP prompt.

13.3 LANCP Commands

This section describes and provides examples of the LANCP commands. The following table summarizes the LANCP commands:

Command Function
@ (Execute Procedure) Executes a command procedure.
CLEAR DEVICE Deletes device data from the LAN volatile device database.
CLEAR DLL or CLEAR MOPDLL Clears MOP downline load counters for all nodes and devices.
CLEAR NODE Deletes a node from the LAN volatile node database.
CONNECT NODE Connects to a LAN device, such as a terminal server, that implements a management interface using the MOP console carrier protocol.
CONVERT DEVICE_DATABASE Converts the device database to the format required by the current version of LANCP.
CONVERT NODE_DATABASE Converts the node database to the format required by the current version of LANCP.
DEFINE DEVICE Enters a device into the LAN permanent device database or modifies an existing entry.
DEFINE NODE Enters a node into the LAN permanent node database or modifies an existing entry.
EXIT Stops execution of LANCP and returns control to the DCL command level.
HELP Provides online help information about the LANCP utility.
LIST DEVICE Displays information in the LAN permanent device database.
LIST NODE Displays information in the LAN permanent node database.
PURGE DEVICE Deletes device data from the LAN permanent device database.
PURGE NODE Deletes a node from the LAN permanent node database.
SET ACP Modifies the operation of the LANACP LAN Server process.
SET DEVICE Enters a device into the LAN volatile device database or modifies an existing entry and sets device parameters.
SET NODE Enters a node into the LAN volatile node database or modifies an existing entry.
SHOW ACP Displays currently set LANCP and LANACP options.
SHOW CONFIGURATION Displays a list of LAN devices on the system.
SHOW DEVICE Displays information in the LAN volatile device database and displays device data.
SHOW DLL or SHOW MOPDLL Displays the current state of MOP downline load services.
SHOW LOG Displays recent downline load activity.
SHOW NODE Displays information in the LAN volatile node database.
SPAWN Creates a subprocess of the current process.
TRIGGER NODE Issues a request to reboot to a remote node.
UPDATE DEVICE Updates a device, primarily to issue a reset to it.

@ (Execute Procedure)

Executes a command procedure or requests the command interpreter to read subsequent command input from a specific file or device.


@ file-spec



Specifies either the input device or the file for the preceding command, or the command procedure to be executed.




SPAWN WAIT 00:01:00
Device Counters EIA0: 
   Value  Counter 
   -----  ------- 
   62030 Seconds since last zeroed 
19910982 Bytes received 
  239192 Bytes sent 
  155812 Packets received 
    4348 Packets sent 
19910982 Multicast bytes received 
  239140 Multicast bytes sent 
  155812 Multicast packets received 
    4346 Multicast packets sent 
       0 Unrecognized unicast destination packets 
  134311 Unrecognized multicast destination packets 
       0 Unavailable station buffers 
       0 Unavailable user buffers 
       0 Alignment errors 
       0 Frame check errors 
       0 Frame size errors 
       0 Frame status errors 
       0 Frame length errors 
       0 Frame too long errors 
       0 Data overruns 
       0 Send data length errors 
       0 Receive data length errors 
       0 Transmit underrun errors 
       0 Transmit failures 
       0 Carrier check failures 
       0 Station failures 
       0 Initially deferred packets sent 
       0 Single collision packets sent 
       0 Multiple collision packets sent 
       0 Excessive collisions 
       0 Late collisions 
       0 Collision detect check failures 
       1 Link up transitions (19-OCT-2004 13:47:50.86) 
       0 Link down transitions 
    None Time of last generic transmit error 
    None Time of last generic receive error

This example creates and runs a command procedure, COUNT.COM, that displays device counters once every minute.


Deletes device data from the LAN volatile device database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


CLEAR DEVICE device-name



Supplies the LAN controller device name. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number.

LAN devices are specified as the name of the template device, which is unit 0. For example, the first PCI Ethernet device is specified as EWA0, the second as EWB0., and so on. You can, for example, specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:.



Deletes data for all LAN devices in the LAN volatile device database. If you specify a device name, all matching LAN devices are selected. For example: E to select all Ethernet devices, F for FDDI, I for Token Ring, EW to select all PCI Ethernet PCI devices.


Deletes device characteristics settings for the LAN device, such as speed, duplex mode, and other device parameters.


Deletes MOP downline load settings for the LAN device.


Deletes driver tracing settings for the LAN device.

If no qualifier is present to select the type of data to delete, the entire device entry is deleted.



This command deletes device EXA0 from the LAN volatile device database.


This command clears MOP downline load counters from the LAN volatile device and node databases for all nodes and devices. This command requires SYSPRV privilege.









This command clears MOP downline load counters from the LAN volatile device and node databases for all nodes and devices.


Deletes a node from the LAN volatile node database. Requires SYSPRV privilege.


CLEAR NODE node-name



Supplies the name of a node in the LAN volatile node database.



Deletes all LAN nodes in the LAN volatile node database. If you specify a node name, all matching nodes are selected; for example, A/ALL deletes all nodes whose name begins with A.



This command deletes the node VAXSYS from the LAN volatile node database.


Opens a MOP console carrier connection to the specified node. This allows a local terminal to act as the console for a remote system.


CONNECT NODE node-specification



Supplies either the node name or the node address of the target node. If you supply the node name, the node address is obtained by looking up the node name in the LAN volatile node database. If you supply the node address, the corresponding node need not be defined in the LAN volatile node database. The canonical form of the address consists of 6 hexadecimal byte characters separated by hyphens. Use a colon as the separator character to indicate the bit-reversed form of the address.



Specifies the LAN controller device name to be used for the connection. For example, you can specify a DEMNA controller as EXA, EXA0, or EXA0:.


Specifies a character that you can use to terminate the connection to the remote node. To terminate a connection, press Ctrl/disconnect-character. You can select any ASCII character from @ through Z, except C, M, Q, S, Y; the default disconnect character is D.


Supplies command input from the specified input file. Input is taken up to end-of-file or a disconnect character. If no disconnect character is encountered, the command input continues from the local terminal. If a local terminal does not exist---that is, if the command is executing in batch mode---end-of-file disconnects the console carrier connection.


Supplies the password to be used when the connection is initiated, in hexadecimal (for example, /PASSWORD=0123456789ABCDEF). The default password is zero. You can omit leading zeros.

/V3 or /V4

Indicates that MOP Version 3 or Version 4 formatted messages, respectively, are to be used to make the connection. By default, LANCP determines the format by sending MOP Request ID messages to the remote node first in MOP Version 4 format, then in Version 3 format, repeating this process until a response is received or timeout occurs.

You can specify the format:

  • To allow connection to nodes that do not support Request ID messages
  • As a means of getting around implementation problems with one of the formats




This command attempts a console-carrier connection to node GALAXY using the Ethernet device EWA0.



This command attempts a console-carrier connection to the given node address using the Ethernet device EWA0, with the specified password.



This command attempts a console-carrier connection to node TERM_SERVER to send the contents of the command file LOGOUT_PORT_3.COM.

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