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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The default value of 0 imposes no limit on CPU time usage and is typically the correct value for this parameter.


PQL_DDIOLM sets the default direct I/O limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DENQLM sets the default enqueue limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DFILLM sets the default open file limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DJTQUOTA sets the default job table byte count quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process). PQL_DJTQUOTA specifies the number of bytes of paged pool allocated to the job table. The default value is usually adequate, unless a large number of job logical names or temporary mailboxes are used.


PQL_DPGFLQUOTA sets the default page file quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process). HP recommends that this parameter not be smaller than the PQL_DWSEXTENT parameter.


PQL_DPRCLM sets the default subprocess limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DTQELM sets the default number of timer queue entries for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DWSDEFAULT sets the default working set size for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DWSEXTENT sets the default working set extent for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_DWSQUOTA sets the default working set quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MASTLM sets a minimum limit on the number of pending ASTs for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MBIOLM sets the minimum buffered I/O limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MBYTLM sets the minimum buffered I/O byte limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MCPULM sets the minimum CPU time limit in increments of 10 milliseconds for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MDIOLM sets the minimum direct I/O limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MENQLM sets the minimum limit on the number of locks that can be queued at one time by a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MFILLM sets the minimum open file limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MJTQUOTA sets the minimum job table byte count quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


On VAX systems, PQL_MPGFLQUOTA sets the minimum page file quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process). HP recommends that this parameter be no smaller than PQL_MWSEXTENT.

On Alpha and Integrity servers, PQL_MPGFLQUOTA sets the minimum pagelet file quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MPRCLM sets the minimum subprocess limit for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MTQELM sets the minimum number of timer queue entries for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).


PQL_MWSDEFAULT sets the minimum default working set size for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).

This value overrides a smaller quantity that is set for a user in AUTHORIZE.


PQL_MWSEXTENT sets the minimum working set extent for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).

This value overrides a smaller quantity set for a user in AUTHORIZE.


PQL_MWSQUOTA sets the minimum working set quota for a process created by the Create Process ($CREPRC) system service or the DCL command RUN (Process).

This value overrides a smaller quantity set for a user in AUTHORIZE.

PRCPOLINTERVAL (A on Alpha and Integrity servers,D)

PRCPOLINTERVAL specifies, in seconds, the polling interval used to look for Systems Communications Services (SCS) applications, such as the connection manager and mass storage control protocol disks, on other nodes. All discovered nodes are polled during each interval.

This parameter trades polling overhead against quick recognition of new systems or servers as they appear.


PRIORITY_OFFSET specifies the difference in priority required by the scheduler for one process to preempt the current process. A value of 2, for example, means that if the current process is executing at priority 1, a computable process at priority 2 or 3 is not allowed to preempt the current process. However, a priority 4 or higher process can preempt the current process. This mechanism affects only normal priority (0-15) processes. The default value is 0.

This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


PROCSECTCNT sets the number of section descriptors that a process can contain. Each section descriptor increases the fixed portion of the process header by 32 bytes.

Set a value greater than the maximum number of image sections in any section to be run, as indicated by the linkage memory allocation map for the image.


PU_OPTIONS is reserved for HP use only.


QDSKINTERVAL establishes, in seconds, the disk quorum polling interval. The default value is 3.


QDSKVOTES specifies the number of votes contributed by a quorum disk in a cluster.

QUANTUM (A on Alpha and Integrity servers,D,M)

QUANTUM defines the following:
  • Processor time: maximum amount of processor time a process can receive before control passes to another process of equal priority that is ready to compute
  • Balance set residency: minimum amount of service a compute-state process must receive before being swapped out to secondary storage


(Alpha only) RAD_SUPPORT enables RAD-aware code to be executed on systems that support Resource Affinity Domains (RADs); for example, AlphaServer GS160 systems. A RAD is a set of hardware components (CPUs, memory, and I/O) with common access characteristics.

Bits are defined in the RAD_SUPPORT parameter as follows:

RAD_SUPPORT (default is 79; bits 0-3 and 6 are set) 
 3   2 2   2 2         1 1 
 1   8 7   4 3         6 5         8 7         0 
|00|00| skip|ss|gg|ww|pp|00|00|00|00|0p|df|cr|ae| 
Bit 0 (e): Enable    - Enables RAD support 
Bit 1 (a): Affinity  - Enables Soft RAD Affinity (SRA) scheduling 
                       Also enables the interpretation of the skip 
                       bits, 24-27. 
Bit 2 (r): Replicate - Enables system-space code replication 
Bit 3 (c): Copy      - Enables copy on soft fault 
Bit 4 (f): Fault     - Enables special page fault allocation 
                       Also enables the interpretation of the 
                       allocation bits, 16-23. 
Bit 5 (d): Debug     - Reserved to HP 
Bit 6 (p): Pool      - Enables per-RAD non-paged pool 
Bits 7-15:           - Reserved to HP 
Bits 16-23:          - If bit 4 is set, bits 16-23 are interpreted 
                       as follows: 
Bits 16,17 (pp): Process = Pagefault on process (non global) 
Bits 18,19 (ww): Swapper = Swapper's allocation of pages for 
Bits 20,21 (gg): Global  = Pagefault on global pages 
Bits 22,23 (ss): System  = Pagefault on system space pages 
Encodings for pp, ww, gg, ss: 
Current  (0) - allocate PFNs from the current CPU's RAD 
Random   (1) - allocate PFNs using the "random" algorithm 
Base     (2) - allocate PFNs from the operating system's "base" 
Home     (3) - allocate PFNs from the current process's home RAD 
If bits 16-23 are 0, the defaults for pp, ww, gg, ss are interpreted 
as follows: 
    Process = home RAD 
    Swapper = current RAD (also sets home RAD for process) 
    Global  = random RAD 
    System  = base RAD 
Bits 24-27:   - If bit 1 is set, bits 24-27 are interpreted 
                as a skip count value (power of 2). Example: If 
                bits 24-27 contain a 3, the skip count is 8. 
                If bits 24-27 contain a 5, the skip count is 32. 
                If bits 24-27 are 0, the default of 16 is used 
                as the skip count. 
Bits 28-31:   - Reserved to HP 

For more information about using OpenVMS RAD features, see the OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy and Partitioning Guide.

RECNXINTERVAL (A on Alpha and Integrity servers,D)

RECNXINTERVAL establishes the polling interval, in seconds, during which to attempt reconnection to a remote system.


RESALLOC controls whether resource allocation checking is performed. The default value of 0 disables resource allocation checking.

This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


RESHASHTBL defines the number of entries in the lock management resource name hash table. Each entry requires 4 bytes. A typical tuning goal is to have the RESHASHTBL parameter about four times larger than the total number of resources in use on the system. Managers of systems with memory constraints or systems that are not critically dependent on locking speed could set the table to a smaller size.


RJOBLIM defines the maximum number of remote terminals allowed in the system at any one time.


RMS_CONPOLICY specifies the policy to be used for dealing with high-contention write-shared files. This dynamic parameter can be used to ensure fairness between lock conversions and new lock requests.

Possible values are the following:

Value Explanation
NEVER (Default) Never use the higher overhead option to improve fairness for any write-shared files accessed on the system; minimal overhead.
SOMETIMES Use this option for fairer bucket access (but higher overhead) to any write-shared files with global buffers enabled that are accessed on the system.
ALWAYS Use this option for fairer bucket access (but higher overhead) to all write-shared files accessed on the system.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM/CONTENTION_POLICY=value and display the parameter with the DCL command SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMSD1, RMSD2, RMSD3, RMSD4, RMSD5, RMSD6, and RMSD7 are special parameters reserved for HP use.


This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


RMS_DFMBC specifies a default multiblock count only for record I/O operations, where count is the number of blocks to be allocated for each I/O buffer.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with the SHOW RMS_DEFAULT command.


RMS_DFMBFIDX establishes the default RMS multibuffer count for indexed sequential disk operations. This value defines the number of I/O buffers that RMS allocates for each indexed file. For sequential access, a larger number that allows some of the index buckets to remain in memory can improve performance.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_DFMBFREL establishes the default RMS multibuffer count for relative disk operations. This value defines the number of I/O buffers that RMS allocates for each relative file.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_DFMBFSDK establishes the default RMS multibuffer count for sequential disk operations. This value defines the number of I/O buffers that RMS allocates for sequential disk files.

The default value is usually adequate. However, if read-ahead or write-behind operations are used, a larger number improves performance.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_DFMBFSMT establishes the default RMS multibuffer count for magnetic tape operations. This value defines the number of I/O buffers that RMS allocates for magnetic tape files.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_DFMBFSUR establishes the default multibuffer count for unit record devices.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_DFNBC specifies a default block count for network access to remote, sequential, indexed sequential, and relative files.

The network block count value represents the number of blocks that RMS is prepared to allocate for the I/O buffers used to transmit and receive data. The buffer size used for remote file access, however, is the result of a negotiation between RMS and the remote file access listener (FAL). The buffer size chosen is the smaller of the two sizes presented.

Thus, RMS_DFNBC places an upper limit on the network buffer size that is used. It also places an upper limit on the largest record that can be transferred to or from a remote file. In other words, the largest record that can be transferred must be less than or equal to RMS_DFNBC multiplied by 512 bytes.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_EXTEND_SIZE specifies the number of blocks by which files are extended as they are written. This number should be chosen to balance the amount of extra disk space wasted at the ends of each file against the performance improvement provided by making large extents infrequently.

When small disk quotas are used, specify a small number such as the disk cluster size to prevent the user's disk quota from being consumed. If the value of 0 is used, RMS allocates large extents and truncates the file back to its actual usage when it closes.

You can set this system parameter with the DCL command SET RMS_DEFAULT/SYSTEM and display the parameter with SHOW RMS_DEFAULT.


RMS_FILEPROT determines the default file protection for system processes such as those that create the error log, operator log, and job controller. It also determines default file protection for processes created by the job controller (all interactive and batch processes).

Because a process always inherits its default file protection from its creator process, RMS_FILEPROT determines default file protection only for users who do not execute the DCL command SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT in their login command procedures or during interactive sessions.

The protection is expressed as a mask. (See the discussion of the $CRMPSC system service in the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more information about specifying protection masks.) By default, the mask is 64000 (decimal) or FA00 (hexadecimal), which represents the following protection:



This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


The RMS path cache in each process holds entries that translate DVI+DID+name to new DVI+DID. These are used to greatly speed up directory path walks. Cache entries representing ordinary directory lookups are invalidated through the volume directory sequence number mechanism (UDB$L_DIRSEQ), which is clocked on every volume dismount and each time a directory is deleted or renamed. However, there is no convenient mechanism for invalidating a cache entry that represents a symlink, whose interpretation is affected by logical names or modification of the symlink. The only way to eliminate stale cache entries is with a timeout. This parameter is the systemwide cache timeout. Special values:

1 = don't keep cache entries -1 = keep cache entries forever


RMS_PROLOGUE specifies the default prologue RMS uses to create indexed files. The default value 0 specifies that RMS should determine the prologue based on characteristics of the file. A value of 2 specifies Prologue 2 or Prologue 1, and 3 specifies Prologue 3. The RMS prologues are described in the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.


(Alpha and Integrity servers) RMS_SEQFILE_WBH can enable the RMS writebehind feature as a system default for any unshared sequential disk file if the file is opened for image I/O with write access specified. The possible settings are the following:
Setting Description
0 (default) Do not enable writebehind feature. Preserve prior behavior of using writebehind only if the user requests it by setting RAB$V_WBH in RAB$L_ROP.
1 Enable writebehind feature as system default, including the allocation of at least two local buffers.


S0_PAGING controls paging of system code:
  • Setting bit 0 disables paging of all Exec code and data.
  • Setting bit 1 disables paging of all RMS code and data.

This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


(Alpha and Integrity servers) S2_SIZE is the number of megabytes to reserve for S2 space. This value does not include the size required for extended file cache (XFC).


If the dump file is saved in the page file, SAVEDUMP specifies whether the page file is saved until the dump file is analyzed. The default value 0 specifies that the page file should not be retained. A value of 1 specifies that the dump written to the page file should be retained until either copied or released using the SDA utility.


Special DYNAMIC parameter reserved for HP use.


The scheduler hard off-load parameter is a CPU bitmask parameter. The bits correspond to CPU IDs. For any bit set, the OpenVMS scheduler does not schedule processes on this CPU unless the process has hard affinity set for the CPU. In addition, a process with the PRIMARY capability requirement will ignore the bit corresponding to the primary CPU.


The scheduler soft off-load parameter is a CPU bitmask parameter. The bits correspond to CPU IDs. For any bit set, the OpenVMS scheduler tries to avoid scheduling processes on this CPU. However, if no other idle CPUs exist, processes are still scheduled on this CPU.


On VAX systems, SCSBUFFCNT is the number of buffer descriptors configured for all systems communication architecture (SCA). If an SCA device is not configured on your system, this parameter is ignored. Generally speaking, each data transfer needs a buffer descriptor and thus the number of buffer descriptors can be a limit on the number of possible simultaneous I/Os. Various performance monitors report when a system is out of buffer descriptors for a given workload which is an indication that a larger value for SCSBUFFCNT is worth considering. Note that AUTOGEN provides feedback for this parameter on VAX systems only.

On Alpha and Integrity servers, the system communication services (SCS) buffers are allocated as needed, and SCSBUFFCNT is reserved for HP use only.


Specifies the lower limit for receive buffers at which point system communication services (SCS) starts to notify the remote SCS of new receive buffers. For each connection, SCS tracks the number of receive buffers available. SCS communicates this number to the SCS at the remote end of the connection. However, SCS does not need to do this for each new receive buffer added. Instead, SCS notifies the remote SCS of new receive buffers if the number of receive buffers falls as low as the SCSFLOWCUSH value.

The default value is adequate on most systems. If a systems communication architecture (SCA) port is not configured on your system, this parameter is ignored.


If an error occurs while a particular initiator is accessing a SCSI device, that error is latched for all other initiators and is not unlatched and reported to the other initiators until the next time they access the device. Therefore, if the other initiators do not access the device in a timely manner, the reporting of the error can be greatly delayed, which can cause confusion.

The purpose of SCSI_ERROR_POLL is to cause OpenVMS to send a SCSI Test Unit Ready command every hour to each SCSI disk, in an attempt to force latched errors to become unlatched and to be reported immediately. SCSI_ERROR_POLL has a default value of 1. It can, however, be set to 0 by the user in order to stop the error polling activity.

The parameter affects SCSI disks connected by Fibre Channel as well as parallel SCSI. If the disk has multiple paths, then the error polling is performed on all non-served paths to the disk. Tapes and other non-disk devices are not subject to this error polling, regardless of the parameter setting.


(Alpha only) SCSICLUSTER_P[1-4] parameters allow non-HP peripherals (CPU-lookalikes) in SCSI clusters.

This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.


This parameter is reserved for HP use only.


This parameter is reserved for HP use only.


SCSNODE specifies the name of the computer. This parameter is not dynamic.

Specify SCSNODE as a string of up to six characters. Enclose the string in quotation marks.


The maximum size of six characters is strictly enforced. SYSBOOT truncates the value of SCSNODE if the size of the system parameter is set to more than six characters.

If the computer is in an OpenVMS Cluster, specify a value that is unique within the cluster. Do not specify the null string.

If the computer is running DECnet for OpenVMS, the value must be the same as the DECnet node name.


SCSRESPCNT is the total number of response descriptor table entries (RDTEs) configured for use by all system applications.

If SCA or DSA ports are not configured on your system, the system ignores SCSRESPCNT.


Specifies a number that identifies the computer. This parameter is not dynamic. SCSSYSTEMID is the low-order 32 bits of the 48-bit system identification number.

If the computer is in an OpenVMS Cluster, specify a value that is unique within the cluster. Do not use zero as the value.

If the computer is running DECnet for OpenVMS, calculate the value from the DECnet address using the following formula:

SCSSYSTEMID = ((DECnet area number) * 1024) + (DECnet node number) 

Example: If the DECnet address is 2.211, calculate the value as follows:

SCSSYSTEMID = (2 * 1024) + 211 = 2259 


Specifies the high-order 16 bits of the 48-bit system identification number. This parameter must be set to 0. It is reserved by HP for future use.


SECURITY_POLICY allows a system to run in a C2 or B1 configuration and to subset out particular pieces of functionality---to exclude functionality that is outside the evaluated configuration or to preserve compatibility with previous versions of the operating system. See the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security for further information about the C2 and B1 evaluated configurations.

The following bits are defined:

Bit Description
0 Obsolete.
1 Allows multiple user names to connect to DECW$SERVER.
2 Allows unevaluated DECwindows transports (such as TCP/IP).
3 Allows $SIGPRC and $PRCTERM to span job trees.
4 Allows security profile changes to protected objects on a local node when the object server is absent and cannot update the cluster database VMS$OBJECTS.DAT.
5 Allows creation of protected objects on a local node when the object server is absent and cannot update the cluster database VMS$OBJECTS.DAT.
6 Allows SPAWN or LIB$SPAWN commands in CAPTIVE accounts.
7 Reserved to HP.
8 Reserved to HP.
9 Disables password synchronizations among ACME agents on a systemwide pasis. This is functionally equivalent to the SYS$SINGLE_SIGNON logical name bit mask value 4 for LOGINOUT.
10 Allows privileged applications to successfully authenticate a user whose principal name maps to a SYSUAF record that is either expired or whose modal restrictions would otherwise prevent the account from being used.

A SYSUAF record that is disabled or password-expired (in the case of traditional OpenVMS authentication) cannot be bypassed in this manner.

An application with SECURITY privilege specifies the SYS$ACM ACME$M_NOAUTHORIZE function modifier to override authorization checks.

11 Allows any record in the SYSUAF file to be mapped using external authentication.
12 Allows intrusions on a clusterwide or local basis. (If the bit is cleared, intrusions are clusterwide.)
13 Reserved to HP.
14 Allows the internal name and backlink of files and directories to be read if the user has either execute or read access to the file or directory. If this bit is clear, read access is required.

Setting this bit allows the full POSIX pathname of a file or directory to be displayed when some of the directories in the path are execute-only to the user. This feature is required in the following environments:

  • POSIX pathnames are in use.
  • The BASH shell or other GNV components are in use.
  • Applications are using the realpath(), getcwd(), getpwnam(), and related C runtime library functions.

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