HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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Chapter 7
7 Configuring Fibre Channel as an OpenVMS Cluster Storage Interconnect
     7.1     Overview of OpenVMS Fibre Channel Support
     7.2     Fibre Channel Configuration Support
         7.2.1         Fibre Channel Remedial Kits
         7.2.2         Mixed-Version and Mixed-Architecture Cluster Support
     7.3     Example Configurations
         7.3.1         Single Host with Dual-Ported Storage
         7.3.2         Multiple Hosts With One Dual-Ported Storage Controller
         7.3.3         Multiple Hosts With Storage Controller Redundancy
         7.3.4         Multiple Hosts With Multiple Independent Switches
         7.3.5         Multiple Hosts With Dual Fabrics
         7.3.6         Multiple Hosts With Larger Fabrics
     7.4     Fibre Channel Addresses, WWIDs, and Device Names
         7.4.1         Fibre Channel Addresses and WWIDs
         7.4.2         OpenVMS Names for Fibre Channel Devices
                Fibre Channel Storage Adapter Names
                Fibre Channel Path Names
                Fibre Channel Disk Device Identification
     7.5     Fibre Channel Tape Support
         7.5.1         Minimum Hardware Configuration
         7.5.2         Overview of Fibre Channel Tape Device Naming
                Tape and Medium Changer Device Names
                Use of Worldwide Identifiers (WWIDs)
                File-Based Device Naming
         7.5.3         Management Support for Fibre Channel Tape Devices
         7.5.4         Configuring a Fibre Channel Tape Device
                Basic Configuration Steps: Summary
                Basic Configuration Steps: Details
                Creating User-Specified Device Names
         7.5.5         Changing the Name of an Existing Fibre Channel Tape Device
         7.5.6         Moving a Physical Tape Device on Fibre Channel
         7.5.7         Swapping Out an NSR on Fibre Channel
         7.5.8         Serving a Fibre Channel Tape Device
         7.5.9         Replacing a Fibre Channel Tape Device
         7.5.10         Determining the Physical Location of a Fibre Channel Tape Device
         7.5.11         Accessing a Fibre Channel Tape Device in a Standalone Environment
         7.5.12         Multipath Tape Support
     7.6     Using the AlphaServer Console for Configuring FC (Alpha Only)
         7.6.1         Viewing the FC Configuration from the Console
         7.6.2         Setting Up FC Disks for Booting and Dumping
     7.7     Booting on a Fibre Channel Storage Device on OpenVMS Integrity server Systems
         7.7.1         Installing the Bootable Firmware
         7.7.2         Checking the Firmware Version
         7.7.3         Configuring the Boot Device Paths on the FC
     7.8     Setting Up a Storage Controller for Use with OpenVMS
         7.8.1         Setting Up the Device Identifier for the CCL
         7.8.2         Setting Up the Device Identifier for Disk Devices
     7.9     Creating a Cluster with a Shared FC System Disk
         7.9.1         Configuring Additional Cluster Nodes to Boot with a Shared FC Disk (Integrity servers Only)
         7.9.2         Online Reconfiguration
         7.9.3         HSG Host Connection Table and Devices Not Configured
     7.10     Using Interrupt Coalescing for I/O Performance Gains (Alpha Only)
     7.11     Using Fast Path in Your Configuration
     7.12     FIBRE_SCAN Utility for Displaying Device Information
Chapter 8
8 Configuring OpenVMS Clusters for Availability
     8.1     Availability Requirements
     8.2     How OpenVMS Clusters Provide Availability
         8.2.1         Shared Access to Storage
         8.2.2         Component Redundancy
         8.2.3         Failover Mechanisms
         8.2.4         Related Software Products
     8.3     Strategies for Configuring Highly Available OpenVMS Clusters
         8.3.1         Availability Strategies
     8.4     Strategies for Maintaining Highly Available OpenVMS Clusters
         8.4.1         Strategies for Maintaining Availability
     8.5     Availability in a LAN OpenVMS Cluster
         8.5.1         Components
         8.5.2         Advantages
         8.5.3         Disadvantages
         8.5.4         Key Availability Strategies
     8.6     Configuring Multiple LANs
         8.6.1         Selecting MOP Servers
         8.6.2         Configuring Two LAN Segments
         8.6.3         Configuring Three LAN Segments
     8.7     Availability in a Cluster over IP
         8.7.1         Components
         8.7.2         Advantages
         8.7.3         Key Availability and Performance Strategies
     8.8     Availability in a MEMORY CHANNEL OpenVMS Cluster
         8.8.1         Components
         8.8.2         Advantages
         8.8.3         Disadvantages
         8.8.4         Key Availability Strategies
     8.9     Availability in an OpenVMS Cluster with Satellites
         8.9.1         Components
         8.9.2         Advantages
         8.9.3         Disadvantages
         8.9.4         Key Availability Strategies
     8.10     Multiple-Site OpenVMS Cluster System
         8.10.1         Components
         8.10.2         Advantages
     8.11     Disaster-Tolerant OpenVMS Cluster Configurations

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