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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Provides the password associated with the user name that you specify with the JOB card when you submit a batch job through a card reader. Although the PASSWORD card is required, the password on the card is optional if the account has a null password.

The PASSWORD command is valid only in a batch job submitted through a card reader and requires that a dollar sign ($) precede the PASSWORD command on the card.


PASSWORD [password]


To change your password, use the SET PASSWORD command. For information on this command, see the description of SET PASSWORD.



Specifies the password associated with the user name specified with the JOB command. The password can be 1 to 31 characters long.

If you are submitting the job from an account with a null password, omit the password specifier on the PASSWORD card.


The PASSWORD command is used in conjunction with the JOB command. The JOB card identifies the user submitting the batch job through a card reader and is followed by a PASSWORD card giving the password. The password is checked by the system to verify that it matches the password associated with the user name on the JOB card. If the passwords do not match, the job is rejected.

Note that you might want to suppress printing when you originally keypunch the PASSWORD card to prohibit other users from seeing the password when the PASSWORD card is in use.


The JOB and PASSWORD commands precede a batch job submitted from the card reader. An EOJ command marks the end of the job.

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