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SET SERVER REGISTRY_SERVER (Alpha/Integrity servers Only)

Controls the Registry server.

Requires SYSPRV privilege.




The SET SERVER REGISTRY_SERVER command provides a system manager with the ability to start, stop, and restart the Registry server. The Registry server maintains information stored in the Registry database.

The Registry database is used by COM, Advanced Server for OpenVMS, and other applications.

For more information about the Registry database and the $REGISTRY system service, see the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. See also the SHOW SERVER command.



Aborts the Registry server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

Cannot be used with the /EXIT, /RESTART, or /START qualifiers.


Issues the SET command to each Registry server in the cluster, setting the Registry master server last.

Cannot be used with the /MASTER or /NODE qualifiers.


Stops the Registry server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

Cannot be used with the /ABORT, /RESTART, or /START qualifiers.


/NOLOG (default)

Closes the current Registry server log file and creates a new file.


Requires SYSLCK privilege.

Issues the command to the Registry master server only.

Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER, /NODE, or /START qualifiers.


Issues the SET command to the Registry servers on the specified nodes in the order they are entered. The node names must be within the current cluster.

Cannot be used with the /CLUSTER or /MASTER qualifiers.


Restarts the Registry server on the specified node or nodes in the cluster.

Cannot be used with the /ABORT, /EXIT, or /START qualifiers.


/START cannot be used with the /ABORT, /EXIT, or /RESTART qualifiers.

Starts the server process. The following options are available:

To change the default privileges:


To change the default UIC:


To change the default quotas:


You can use the following alternate syntax to specify a list of quotas and their values:


quota is a PQL-style quota name (for example: ASTLM, BIOLM)

See the $CREPRC system service in the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for a list of PQL-style quota names and descriptions.

To change the image dump setting:

/NODUMP (default) 

Forces a process dump in the event of an abnormal process termination. The dump is written to SYS$MANAGER: using the image filename and .DMP extension.




This command restarts the detached Registry server on the master server.



This command closes the current log files and opens new files on all systems across the cluster.



This command stops the detached Registry server process on nodes KAKADU and CAIRNS.

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