HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here 2 Document Structure
HP OpenVMS I/O User’s Reference Manual: OpenVMS Version 8.4 > Preface

2 Document Structure

This manual is organized into the following chapters and appendixes:

  • Chapter 1 describes the Queue I/O (QIO) interface to file system ancillary control processes (ACPs).

  • Chapters 2 through 9 describe the use of file-structured and real-time I/O device drivers, the drivers for storage devices such as disks and magnetic tapes, and supported devices:

    • Chapter 2 discusses the disk drivers.

    • Chapter 3 discusses the magnetic tape drivers.

    • Chapter 4 discusses the mailbox driver.

    • Chapter 5 discusses the terminal driver.

    • Chapter 6 discusses the pseudoterminal driver.

    • Chapter 7 discusses the shadow-set virtual unit driver.

    • Chapter 8 discusses the Generic Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) class driver.

    • Chapter 9 discusses the local area network (LAN) device drivers.

  • Chapter 10 describes optional features to improve OpenVMS Alpha I/O performance.

  • Appendix A summarizes the QIO function codes, arguments, and function modifiers used by the drivers listed previously.

  • Appendix B describes the enhanced IO$_DIAGNOSE function for SCSI class drivers.

  • Appendix C lists the DEC Multinational character set and the ANSI and DIGITAL private escape sequences for terminals.

  • Appendix D describes the calling conventions for the pseudoterminal driver's control connection routines.

  • Appendix E describes the SYS$UGDRIVER.EXE generic driver, which allows users to support USB devices such as scanners and smart-card readers without writing a USB device driver.