HP X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems V1.5 was released in February
2001 on the CY01 Q1 OpenVMS Layered Product CD. This release provides
support for the 2- and 4-port synchronous card (PBXDD) from Digi
International, which replaces the Emulex card (PBXDP), which was
retired in December 2000. This release also includes the X.25 Tracepoint
facility (X29 PORT, X25L3 CIRCUIT) which as available with the VAX/PSI
This functionality is in addition to the capability to run X.25
over TCP/IP (XOT) and support for the Gateway Access Protocol (GAP)
Server function.
Please refer to the SPD for more information
The X.25 Server function provides functionality, formerly called
the multihost in the VAX P.S.I. product, to the HP X.25 for OpenVMS
product and implements a connector node. A connector node serves
as a gateway to allow other HP X.25 for OpenVMS nodes (called client
systems) access to one or more Packet Switched Data Networks (PSDNs).
There can be more than one connector node in a DECnet network, thereby
allowing access to a virtually unlimited number of PSDNs.
Using a variety of client systems and connector nodes (which themselves can be Client systems to other connector nodes), many
configurations can be created. One typical implementation of a Connector node is as a Local Area Network(LAN) node which provides
PSDN access for all the DECnet nodes on the LAN.
The X.25 over TCP/IP (XOT) component enables transmission of X.25 packets over a wide area network composed of TCP/IP connections,
using the methods described in RFC1613. The XOT module and its associated data links can be used as another data link service
provided in place of Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) data links normally used with X.25 PROTOCOL DTE (Data Terminal
Equipment)entities or LLC2 (Logical Link Control - Class 2) data links used on Local Area Networks.
XOT provides a solution for users with legacy X.25 applications that must continue to communicate after migration to a networking
backbone that supports only TCP/IP. XOT also provides support for users migrating from DEMSA or DECnis hardware.