HP OpenVMS Systems


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OpenVMS Freeware CD License Workaround

The OpenVMS Freeware V3.0 CD-ROM contains a software expiration mechanism embedded in the freeware menu system. When the software expires, it will return the following fatal error when the freeware menu is invoked:

 Loading freeware Menu System...

 *** Your INTOUCH license has expired. ***


To suppress this license expiration and thus re-enable use of the freeware menu subsystem, please set up the following two DCL symbols immediately prior to invoking the freeware menu command procedure:

$ INT_ID1 :=  51330359
$ INT_ID2 :=  65029501

As an alternative to using the menu, you can directly access the directories containing the desired freeware software on the freeware CD-ROM, entirely bypassing the use of the menu. For example, to access the directory containing OpenVMS logos, entire the command:


In each directory, you will find the file FREEWARE_README.TXT, a file that describes the contents of the particular directory.

You will also find listings of the contents of the freeware CD-ROM in the file


The expiration mechanism was unplanned and we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. This product expiration will be disabled in the upcoming V4.0 release of the OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM.