$! MOZILLA_DECW.COM $! $! Command file to run Mozilla/CSWB and accept a VMS filespec as P1. $! This command file must exist in the root Mozilla/CSWB directory $! (where MOZILLA.COM resides). $! $ moz_self = f$envir("procedure") $ moz_dir = f$parse(moz_self,,,"device") + f$parse(moz_self,,,"directory") $! $ if p1 .eqs. "" $ then $ write sys$output "No argument passed in" $ @'moz_dir'mozilla $ else $ fs_vms = p1 $ fs_unix = "/" + f$parse(fs_vms,,,"device") - ":" $ fs_vms_dir = f$parse(fs_vms,,,"directory") - "[" - "]" - "<" - ">" $ i=0 $uloop: $ e=f$element(i,".",fs_vms_dir) $ if e .nes. "." $ then $ fs_unix = fs_unix + "/" + e $ i=i+1 $ goto uloop $ endif $ fs_unix = fs_unix + "/" +- f$parse(fs_vms,,,"name") + f$parse(fs_vms,,,"type") $ fs_unix = f$edit(fs_unix,"lowercase") $ write sys$output "VMS: ", fs_vms $ write sys$output "UNIX: ", fs_unix $ @'moz_dir'mozilla file://'fs_unix' $ endif $ exit