------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TDC Version 2.2 Release Notes (Baselevel V2.2-108) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TDC Version 2.2 is primarily a maintenance release of the Performance Data Collector for OpenVMS software. The principal goal in providing this version is to provide additional configuration and performance metrics required by various applications. TDC Version 2.2-108 installs the most recent versions of all TDC runtime files, incorporating new functionality as well as all corrections and enhancements delivered in previous TDC Version 2.1 and Version 2.2 releases and ECOs. Prior installation of an earlier version of TDC or TDC_RT is not required. TDC_RT Version 2.2-107 was distributed with OpenVMS Version 8.3, and installed as a part of the OpenVMS Version 8.3 installation or upgrade. TDC Version 2.2-108 corrects several issues discovered in V2.2-107, and introduces limited additional functionality. This document contains the following sections: * TDC Version 2.2 Runtime Requirements * TDC Version 2.2 Restrictions * Compatibility with Previous Releases * TDC Version 2.2 Installation Notes * TDC Version-Checking * TDC Version 2.2 New Features * TDC Version 2.2 Release Notes + V2.2-108 notes + V2.2-107 notes + V2.2-105 notes + V2.2-103 notes Software developers should also consult the following file: SYS$COMMON:[TDC.SDK]TDC_SDK_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT That file is provided when the SDK is installed from a "full" TDC kit. --------------- TDC Version 2.2 Runtime Requirements ------------------------- V2.2:RQ1 -- System requirements TDC Version 2.2 requires the following system resources: - Systemwide lock "node:TDC$EXECLET_LOCK" [node is the system node name] - Systemwide lock "TDC$node_XVC_DL2" [node is the system node name] _ Cluster-wide lock tree "TDC$CLUSTER" - The following spin locks: CPU, SCHED and PERFMON - Approximately 50 bytes of non-paged pool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RQ2 -- User requirements A. Privileges TDC Version 2.2 requires the following privileges to collect all data items: - CMKRNL - LOG_IO - NETMBX - PHY_IO - SYSLCK - SYSPRV - WORLD The online help ( TDC> HELP PRIVILEGES ) lists the specific privileges required to collect each TDC data types. TDC Version 2.2 requires SYSLCK privilege to create a detached data collector process. Required privileges must be enabled by the user prior to using the TDC software. B. Working set Users of TDC Version 2.2 should have a working set quota (WSQUO) greater than 7000 pagelets to run the product on Integrity server platforms, or greater than 6000 pagelets to run the product on Alpha platforms. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- TDC Version 2.2 Restrictions -------------------------- V2.2:RS1 Do not start a TDC data collector as a part of the system boot procedure. There has been one report of a boot hang when a TDC collector was started before the system had fully booted. The problem is avoided by waiting until the system has fully booted before starting a TDC collector. This issue applies both to running the TDC collector directly and to running software that itself runs a TDC collector (for example, OpenView Performance Agent for OpenVMS). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS2 The TDC software should be installed only into a directory that is accessible through the SYS$SYSROOT: search list. In general, this includes SYS$SPECIFIC:[TDC] and SYS$COMMON:[TDC]. Also, see file [TDC]TDC_COMPLETE_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT for additional possibilities. Avoid installing the TDC software into an arbitrary directory, such as DISK$PRODS:[TDC]. While the installation may complete successfully, the required runtime images will generally not be found when attempting to run the TDC software. If installation into an arbitrary directory is required for some reason, you'll have to edit a copy of TDC$STARTUP.COM to look for the runtime images in the correct locations; redefinition of various system logicals, such as SYS$SHARE, SYS$STARTUP, SYS$TEST, and SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES may also be necessary. Installation into an arbitrary directory as described above is not supported by OpenVMS engineering. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS3 Internet statistics (TCP/IP) can be collected only when HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is configured as the networking software. Support for other networking software is being investigated for a future release. As of TDC Version 2.2-108, this restriction no longer applies to some TDCWare and Multinet environments; see note V2.2:F6 below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS4 There is an upper limit of 2 gigabytes (4194303 blocks) on the size of individual collection files created by TDC Version 2.2. Attempting to exceed that size will cause the collection operation to exit. The only workaround to this restriction is to create smaller files, perhaps by running the collector daily and storing each day's data in a separate file or by specifying a longer period between data snapshots (/INTERVAL=n [seconds]). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS5 TDC Version 2.2 does not adapt to abrupt changes to the system time when collecting data. Setting the system time back while a TDC collector is running (for example, from 10:00:00 to 09:00:00) may trigger a flurry of data snapshots with no intervening time between snapshots, and may cause the data collection to halt prematurely if the new system time is earlier than the specified end time for a data collection. Setting the system time ahead while a TDC collector is running (for example, from 09:00:00 to 10:00:00) will introduce a delay between consecutive snapshots. In either event, an application's processing of data collected around a system time change may produce unreliable results. Gradual changes to the system time, as performed by various time synchronization services, should not be a problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS6 While collecting data and storing it in a data collection file, the TDC software maintains exclusive access to the file. This restriction means that the contents of the file are not available for processing until the file has been closed. File metadata (the file header and various internal pointers) are updated at each snapshot. The contents of the file are, therefore, not stable until TDC has closed the file at the end of a collection. This restriction does not apply to reading TDC collection files, in which TDC opens the file in such a way as to allows shared access. One workaround to this restriction is to break a collection up into smaller files. This can be accomplished either through DCL scripts that control the start and stop times of a series of TDC COLLECT commands, or by using the TDC Software Developers Kit (SDK) to develop a customized collector application. The OpenVMS Technical Journal article at < http://h71000.www7.hp.com/openvms/journal/v5/ [continues on next line] intro-to-performance-data-collector.pdf > shows most of an application that splits a 24-hour data collection into a series of 1-hour collections, each storing its data into a unique file. Individual files are then available for processing on an hourly basis. The TDC SDK can also be used to develop software to be loaded as a part of a TDC collection operation. That software, probably in the form of a "consumer processor module," can utilize the TDC-provided data as it is collected and write all data, or a subset of it, to a file whenever needed, in whatever format or shared-access mode is appropriate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:RS7 Disk I/O counts are not tracked for LDx or for DPA devices. Changes to the relevant drivers will be pursued for a future update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Compatibility with Previous Releases --------------------- Software Compatibility ---------------------- V2.2:C1 ECP (Enterprise Capacity and Performance) TDC Version 2.2 is not compatible with ECP Version 5.5A; an upgrade to ECP Version 5.6 or later is required (only if ECP is a part of your system management solution). V2.2:C2 Other than as noted in V2.2:C1, software developed using TDC Version 2.1 should continue to work without changes when run against the TDC Version 2.2 software, but will typically not have access to new features or data. V2.2:C3 Software developed using TDC Version 1.x or Version 2.0 is not compatible with TDC Version 2.2 until it has been rebuilt using the TDC Version 2.2 Software Developers Kit. Data Compatibility ------------------ V2.2:C4 Data files created using TDC Version 2.1 should be readable with TDC Version 2.2, but files created using TDC Version 2.2 are not readable with TDC Version 2.1 software. V2.2:C5 Data files created using TDC Version 1.x or Version 2.0 cannot be read using TDC Version 2.2. Data files created using TDC Version 2.2 cannot be read using TDC Version 1.x or 2.0. V2.2:C6 Data files created using TDC Version 2.2-107 or later cannot be read by earlier TDC releases; data files created by earlier releases CAN be read by TDC Version 2.2-107 and later. In order to process a data file created by TDC Version 2.2-107 or later, it will be necessary to first download and install an updated TDC kit from the web site cited in the "Installation Notes" section below. NOTE THAT THIS INCOMPATIBILITY is solely a function of the TDC software. Once TDC Version 2.2-107 or later has been installed, any software that interoperates with TDC Version 2.2 (for example, ECP Version 5.6A) will function normally. ------------------- TDC Version 2.2 Installation Notes ----------------------- This section addresses various scenarios in which TDC or TDC_RT Version 2.2 is installed on a system on which TDC or TDC_RT Version 2.1 or Version 2.2 was previously installed. "TDC_RT" software is installed with OpenVMS Versions 8.2 and later; it includes the TDC runtime software required for use with the OpenVMS version with which it is installed. "TDC" software is downloaded from the web site at the following URL: http://www.hp.com/products/openvms/tdc It includes runtime software for all supported OpenVMS configurations, as well as a Software Developers Kit (SDK). The runtime software provided by that kit will generally provide corrections to, and minor enhancements over, the TDC_RT software installed with OpenVMS Version 8.2 or later. Before installing TDC, you should stop any applications that utilize TDC(_RT) (for example, the OpenView(R) Performance Agent or any active TDC collectors). The new TDC software will be unable to fully load to perform a data collection until those applications have been stopped, resulting in a temporary inability to collect I/O metrics. A system reboot is NOT required after installing or upgrading the TDC software. In general, installation of a "TDC" kit does NOT remove, and does NOT update, the "TDC_RT" software installed with OpenVMS, and installation of a "TDC_RT" kit does NOT remove or update "TDC" software installed from a downloaded kit. Some HP-supplied and third-party software may have dependencies on the TDC_RT software specifically installed with OpenVMS Version 8.2 or later. Therefore, HP does not recommend removing the TDC_RT software installed with the operating system, even when installing an update by means of a TDC kit downloaded from the above web site. Several of the following sections refer to "baselevel numbers." Each TDC and TDC_RT Version 2.2 installation kit is identified by a version string, similar to "V0202-108," as a part of the kit file name. In the example, "108" is the baselevel number. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst01 -- Installing TDC_RT Version 2.2 Over TDC_RT Version 2.1 This scenario might be relevant if you are performing an OpenVMS upgrade. TDC_RT Version 2.2 completely supersedes TDC_RT Version 2.1; all files shared by the two releases will be appropriately updated, and any files used by TDC_RT Version 2.1 that are not also used by Version 2.2 will be removed from the system. The version of TDC_RT displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC_RT will be updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst02 -- Installing TDC_RT Version 2.2 Over TDC Version 2.1 This scenario might be relevant if you are performing an OpenVMS upgrade. If you are upgrading from OpenVMS Version 8.2 or Version 8.2-1 to a later OpenVMS version, then the above section, V2.2:Inst01, may also be relevant. Files shared by TDC_RT Version 2.2 and TDC Version 2.1 will be updated; this includes the documentation and support files listed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT as common to all kit variants. Image files installed with TDC Version 2.1 will be retained in their installed locations. The TDC Version 2.1 SDK, if installed ([SYS$COMMON:[TDC.SDK...]), will not be touched, and any additional documentation files installed with TDC Version 2.1 will also be retained. You can continue to use the TDC Version 2.1 SDK to develop software to interact with TDC, but you will have to download and install the Version 2.2 kit, with its SDK, to access new data records and other features. The version of TDC displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC will not be changed by the installation of TDC_RT Version 2.2. Subsequent removal of TDC Version 2.1 will not impact integrity of the TDC_RT Version 2.2 installation. Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM will cause the TDC_RT Version 2.2 images, rather than the TDC Version 2.1 images, to be used at runtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst03 -- Installing TDC_RT Version 2.2 Over TDC Version 2.2 This section might be relevant if you are upgrading to OpenVMS Version 8.3 from an earlier version on which you installed TDC Version 2.2. Files shared by TDC_RT Version 2.2 and TDC Version 2.2 will be updated; this includes the documentation and support files listed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT as common to all kit variants. Unless the TDC and TDC_RT kits share the same baselevel number (for example, 104), image files installed with TDC Version 2.2 will be retained in their installed locations. It is very likely that the downloaded TDC Version 2.2 software will be more recent (higher baselevel number) than the TDC_RT Version 2.2 software installed with OpenVMS Version 8.3. The TDC Version 2.2 SDK, if installed (SYS$COMMON:[TDC.SDK...]), will not be touched, and any additional documentation files installed with TDC Version 2.2 will also be retained. The version of TDC displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC will not be changed by the installation of TDC_RT Version 2.2. Subsequent removal of TDC Version 2.2 will not affect the integrity of the TDC_RT Version 2.2 installation (assuming different baselevel numbers). Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM will cause the most recent TDC/TDC_RT Version 2.2 images to be used at runtime, regardless of whether they were installed with TDC Version 2.2 or with TDC_RT Version 2.2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst04 -- Installing TDC Version 2.2 Over TDC_RT Version 2.1 This scenario is likely if you are installing downloaded TDC software onto an OpenVMS Version 8.2 or 8.2-1 system. Files shared by TDC Version 2.2 and TDC_RT Version 2.1 will be updated; this includes the documentation and support files listed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT as common to all kit variants. Image files installed with TDC_RT Version 2.1 will be retained in their installed locations. The version of TDC_RT displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC_RT will not be changed by the installation of TDC Version 2.2. Subsequent removal of TDC_RT Version 2.1 will not affect the integrity of the TDC Version 2.2 installation. Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM will cause the TDC Version 2.2 images, rather than the TDC_RT Version 2.1 images, to be used at runtime. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst05 -- Installing TDC Version 2.2 Over TDC_RT Version 2.2 This scenario is likely if you are installing downloaded TDC software onto an OpenVMS Version 8.8 system. Files shared by TDC Version 2.2 and TDC_RT Version 2.2 will be updated; this includes the documentation and support files listed in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]README.TXT as common to all kit variants. Unless the TDC and TDC_RT kits share the same baselevel number (for example, 104), image files installed with TDC_RT Version 2.2 will be retained in their installed locations. It is very likely that the downloaded TDC Version 2.2 software will be more recent (higher baselevel number) than the TDC_RT Version 2.2 software installed with OpenVMS Version 8.3. The version of TDC_RT displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC_RT will not be changed by the installation of TDC Version 2.2. Subsequent removal of TDC_RT Version 2.2 will not impact integrity of the TDC Version 2.2 installation. Running SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM will cause the most recent TDC/TDC_RT Version 2.2 images to be used at runtime, regardless of whether they were installed with TDC Version 2.2 or with TDC_RT Version 2.2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst06 -- Installing TDC Version 2.2 Over TDC Version 2.1 This scenario is likely if you previously installed TDC Version 2.1 software from the web site and have now downloaded the TDC Version 2.2 software. TDC Version 2.2 completely supersedes TDC Version 2.1; all files shared by the two releases will be appropriately updated, and any files used by TDC Version 2.1 that are not also used by Version 2.2 will be removed from the system. The TDC Version 2.1 SDK, if installed (in SYS$COMMON:[TDC.SDK...]), will be removed during the installation of TDC Version 2.2 (and replaced by the TDC Version 2.2 SDK if that installation option is selected). The version of TDC displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC will be updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:Inst07 -- Installing TDC Version 2.2 Over TDC Version 2.2 This scenario is likely if you previously installed TDC Version 2.2 software from the web site and have now downloaded a newer baselevel of the TDC Version 2.2 software. TDC Version 2.2 completely supersedes any older TDC Version 2.2 kit; all files shared by the two releases will be appropriately updated, and any files used by the older TDC Version 2.2 release that are not also used by the new release will be removed from the system. The TDC Version 2.2 SDK, if installed (in SYS$COMMON:[TDC.SDK...]), will be removed during the installation of a newer TDC Version 2.2 release (and replaced by the newer TDC Version 2.2 SDK if that installation option is selected). The version of TDC displayed by $ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT TDC will be updated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- TDC Version-Checking ------------------------------- Sometimes it is necessary to determine which version of the TDC software is running on a system. The following notes (V2.2:VC01 - V2.2:VC04) describde various ways to determine that. First, note the following two points: * In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, it is possible that the version of TDC installed on a system is not the version actually in use on that system. This situation can arise when the system disk is shared among systems. The TDC startup file (SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM) looks for the most recent version of the TDC software that it can find. If, for example, TDC Version 2.1-83 has been installed into the SYS$SPECIFIC: root, while TDC Version 2.2-108 has been installed into the SYS$COMMON: root, TDC$STARTUP will cause the TDC Version 2.2-108 software to be run -- despite the fact the TDC Version 2.1-83 is actually installed on the system. For that reason, DCL command "$ PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT" may not reliably indicate the version of the TDC software actually in use on the system. * "TDC" and "TDC_RT" represent two different packagings of the same runtime software. Once installed, however, the software is "TDC," no matter the software kit from which it was installed, and the TDC startup file (SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM) will identify the most recent version available to the system and cause that to be run (see above). The installation notes above discuss expected outcomes of installing both products. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:VC01 -- Identifying the TDC software in use (run TDC) The easiest way to identify the version of the TDC software actually available for use on a system is to run the TDC control application: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP $ SET COMMAND SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DCL $ TDC Performance Data Collector for hp OpenVMS TDC$CP, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 API: TDC$APISHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 LIB: TDC$LIBSHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 At startup, the TDC control application displays the versions of all components of the TDC software that it has loaded. In the above display, the version is V2.2-0104 (the first character after the '-' is '2' for Alpha systems or '3' for Integrity systems). "0104" ("104") is the baselevel number. Note that the displayed times are software build times, and not the current time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:VC02 -- Identifying the TDC software in use (logical names) The TDC software that would be run can also be identified on the basis of a set of logical names created by the TDC startup file (SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP.COM) for each of the TDC components: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP $ SHOW LOGICAL/SYSTEM TDC* (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) "TDC$APISHR" = "CLU$COMMON:[SYSLIB]TDC$APISHR$A_V732-0108.EXE" "TDC$CP" = "CLU$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$CP$A_V732-0108.EXE" "TDC$LIBSHR" = "CLU$COMMON:[SYSLIB]TDC$LIBSHR$A_V732-0108.EXE" "TDC_EXEC_C" = "TDC_EXEC_C$A_V732-0108.EXE" In this case, each file NAME ends with a string of the form, "$c_Vnnn-mmmm" where: * 'c' is either 'A' for Alpha systems or 'I' for Integrity systems; * 'nnn' is the OpenVMS version for which the software was built (currently one of: '732', '820', '821', or '830'); * 'mmmm' is the TDC Version 2.2 build number ('0108' for this baselevel). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:VC03 -- Identifying the TDC software that is potentially available $ DIRECTORY SYS$SHARE:TDC$*.EXE will list all TDC shareable images installed in SYS$SHARE: Note V2.2:VC02 discusses how the various software versions can be identified from the file names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:VC04 -- Writing TDC version information to a file You can, if needed, run the TDC control application to write identifying version information into a file, perhaps for processing by a DCL script: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TDC$STARTUP $ SET COMMAND SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DCL $ TDC SHOW VERSION[/FULL]/OUTPUT=tdc.out Performance Data Collector for hp OpenVMS TDC$CP, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 API: TDC$APISHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 LIB: TDC$LIBSHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 $ type tdc.out TDC$CP: TDC$CP, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 TDC$APISHR: TDC$APISHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 TDC$LIBSHR: TDC$LIBSHR, V2.2-20104 for hp OpenVMS (Alpha) V7.3-2, 06-Jan-2006:14:31:04 TDC_EXEC_C: TDC_EXEC_C$A_V732-0104.EXE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- TDC Version 2.2 New Features --------------------------- V2.2:F1 Several new data records have been added for TDC V2.2: PGFL, CPUCFG, and TDC_COLHDR2, and other data records have been extended with new data items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:F2 TDC V2.2 extends the /LOG qualifier that is available when using the TDC control application (TDC$CP) to collect or extract performance data. Output can now be directed to a log file, optionally appending output to an existing file. Details about use of the /LOG qualifier can be found in the TDC_HOW_TO_RUN.TXT file, installed into SYS$COMMON:[TDC]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:F3 As of TDC V2.2, the control application, TDC$CP, will output TDC performance metrics at the conclusion of a collection or extraction operation: run time, CPU time, page faults, I/O. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:F4 TDC V2.2 introduces a number of API updates to simplify application programming. The changes are itemized in TDC_SDK_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT and documented more fully in TDC_PROGRAMMER_GUIDE.PDF. Updated and new sample code are also included with the SDK. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:F5 The TDC SHOW FILES command supports use of the LOGIN value for the /SINCE qualifier: TDC> SHOW FILES/SINCE:LOGIN dev:[dir] When running under OpenVMS Version 8.3, the TDC SHOW FILES command also supports use of the JOB_LOGIN value for the /SINCE qualifier: TDC> SHOW FILES/SINCE:JOB_LOGIN dev:[dir] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:F6 Process Software has made available plug-in modules for use with TDC Version 2.2-108 and later. These modules allow TDC to report internet metrics (INET record) in the following environments: Alpha systems running OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 and later: * MultiNet Versions 4.4, 5.0, and 5.1 * TCPware Versions 5.6-2 and 5.7-2 Integrity systems running OpenVMS Version 8.2 and later: * MultiNet Version 5.1 * TCPware Version 5.7-2 The required software can be downloaded from the Process Software support site after 4-Aug-2006: MultiNet: ftp://ftp.multinet.process.com/patches/multinet051/tdc_multinet010.zip TCPware: ftp://ftp.process.com/support/57_2/tdc_tcpware010.zip Once installed, no further action is required: TDC will detect the presence of the software and load it as necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- TDC Version 2.2 Release Notes -------------------------- The following list describes known defects and issues related to using TDC Version 2.2, as well as issues that have been addressed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Start TDC Version 2.2-108 Release Notes -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:20 TDC Version 2.2-108 corrects a problem (ACCVIO) that might occur in previous TDC V2.2 baselevels when CVC records were collected on a non-clustered system. This scenario was most likely to occur when collecting data for analysis with ECP. In that case, the TDC collector would generally be set to collect "ECPALL" metrics. On non-clustered systems, CVC records will not be collected as a part of the ECPALL record group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:19 TDC Version 2.2-108 corrects a problem sometimes observed with TDC(_RT) Version 2.2-107 when collecting DSK (disk) or PRO (process) data on an OpenVMS Version 8.3 system. A failure to synchronize in a timely fashion on the lock that controls access to the TDC executive image (execlet) caused DSK and PRO records to fall back to /DATA_LEVEL=1 mode, such that I/O counts were not monitored. Occurrence of the problem could be recognized on the basis of "IVLOCKID" messages in the TDC log file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:18 TDC Version 2.2-108 corrects a problem sometimes observed when trying to control a detached collector process on non-clustered (standalone) systems. The SHOW/COLLECTORS and STOP commands did not function correctly, though the detached collector would typically run to completion. The problem applied to all previous TDC Version 2.1 and 2.2 releases. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other notes of interest (updated or added with TDC Version 2.2-108) V2.2:C6 (above): data file compatibility V2.2:RS7 (above): restriction V2.2:F6, V2.2:RS3 (above): TCPware and MultiNet environments Installation Notes (below): stop dependent applications for installation, reboot not required ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- End TDC Version 2.2-108 Release Notes ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Start TDC Version 2.2-107 Release Notes -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:17 TDC Version 2.2-107 addresses an issue introduced by V2.2-105 such that a system crash might result if the working set quota available to the collector process was insufficient. The working set requirements for running the TDC collector have also been adjusted upward to better reflect real-world behavior: Integrity systems: from 5000 to 7000 pagelets Alpha systems: from 4000 to 6000 pagelets Higher quotas are recommended for systems for which the value of SYSGEN parameter MAXPROCESSCNT is greater than 500, or if more than 200 disks are visible to the system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:16 TDC Version 2.2-107 addresses a memory leak issue that was present in all prior V2.1 and V2.2 baselevels. The problem was most likely to be observed during long-running collections and resulted from failure to reclaim some of the memory used internally to represent processes when those processes were deleted from the system. The primary user-visible symptom of the problem was a premature halt to the TDC data collection, with various "out of memory" messages in the TDC log file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:15 TDC Version 2.2-107 addresses a collector application crash (ACCVIO) that has been observed on Integrity server systems. The problem was introduced in TDC V2.2-105, and should not have affected collectors running on Alpha systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:14 TDC Version 2.2-107 improves the ability of the collector to track and record disk activity during periods of heavy I/O load. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:13 File TDC$DELETE_LOGS.TEMPLATE has been updated to recognize that calendar year 2005 is well in the past. With TDC releases prior to Version 2.2-107, detached collector logs created during 2006 were never considered as candidates for deletion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:12 TDC Version 2.2-107 reduces the output generated when installing or upgrading TDC_RT as a part of an OpenVMS installation or upgrade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:11 Before starting a data collection in a detached process, TDC Version 2.2-107 will perform more extensive initialization checks than were performed by previous releases. This can result in the display of messages not seen with previous releases. Those messages should serve to alert you to any potential resource issues that might occur within the detached collector process, particularly if the detached collector will run on the node from which the collect command is issued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- End TDC Version 2.2-107 Release Notes ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Start TDC Version 2.2-105 Release Notes -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:10 TDC Version 2.2-105 addresses an issue that could result in a system crash. The crash resulted when a TDC collector was running and a user initiated spinlock tracing with SDA, but only if a priority-63 process (such as LCKMGR_SERVER) was also running. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:09 TDC Version 2.2-105 addresses several data quality issues present in previous releases (NTI record; DSK record). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:08 TDC Version 2.2-105 addresses several issues that, collectively, led previous releases to behave abnormally when a disk used for TDC output files became full. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:07 TDC Version 2.2-105 addresses several internal error-handling issues that could cause a TDC collector running in a detached process to generate a very large log file in a relatively short period of time, potentially filling the disk on which the log file resides. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:06 TDC Version 2.2-105 addresses several (V2.2-103) issues with use of /LOG=file: * An ACCVIO when /NOCOLLECTION_FILE is also specified * The log file is now opened in such a way that it can be viewed while TDC is running. For example, $ TYPE/TAIL tdc.log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- End TDC Version 2.2-105 Release Notes ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- Start TDC Version 2.2-103 Release Notes ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:05 TDC Version 2.2-103 addresses a number of data quality issues found in TDC Version 2.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:04 Use file SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DELETE_LOGS.TEMPLATE as a basis for removing old .LOG and .COM files created when running the TDC collector in a detached process. Create a copy of the file with the .COM extension, and modify and use it as appropriate for your site. As provided, the usage is: @SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DELETE_LOGS.TEMPLATE P1 P2 P3 where: P1 is a number that specifies a number of days; .COM and .LOG files older than the specified number of days will be deleted. [default = 14 days] [NOTE: all "old" .COM files will be deleted but old .LOG files will be deleted only if they do NOT indicate that an error occurred while TDC was running.] P2 specifies a directory; .COM and .LOG files are created in the login directory of the user running the detached collector. You can use P2 to specify any valid directory to search for TDC .COM and .LOG files. [default = the current directory] [NOTE: not necessarily your login directory] P3 specifies a node name; .COM and .LOG file names are qualified with the name of the node on which the detached collector process was run. If you provide a node name via the P3 argument, then only files created by TDC collections on that node will be deleted. [default = files associated with all nodes] Example: @SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC$DELETE_LOGS.TEMPLATE 10 DISK1:[000000...] would delete all TDC .COM files on DISK1: that are older than 10 days, as well as all TDC .LOG files that do not contain a TDC error message and that are older than 10 days. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:03 The GLX processor module produces a warning message if TDC is run on a platform that is not part of a Galaxy sharing community, even if the system is a Galaxy platform; this is intended behavior. You can ignore the message if you are running TDC on a non-Galaxy platform; the message can, however, provide diagnostic information if it is produced on a Galaxy platform that is participating in a Galaxy sharing community. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:02 The only "text" output formats provided with this release are "LIST", "LISTALL", "LLIST", and "LLISTALL." They are described in SYS$COMMON:[TDC]TDC_HOW_TO_RUN.TXT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V2.2:01 TDC V2.2-103 addresses a collection-startup issue sometimes seen with previous baselevels, as a result of which detached collectors would fail to start. The error reported (in the collection log file) as a result of this issue was: %TDC-E-INITERR, IPC startup failed: 2544 [%SYSTEM-W-VALNOTVALID, value block not valid] %TDC-E-NOSTART, Startup failed, exiting This problem was most likely to occur when the detached TDC collector attempted to start while a cluster transition was in progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- End TDC Version 2.2-103 Release Notes ----------------------