HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
The Question is: I have added an external SCSI drive to my MicroVAX3400. I have completed an image backup from $1$DIA0: (the old system drive) to DUA0: (the new system drive). I would now like to make DUA0: bootable. How do I make it the default boot device so when the system is restarted or I simply enter "B" at the >>> prompt, it automatically starts off of DUA0:? I am doing this so that I have enough drive space to get upto rev on VMS/OpenVMS. Thanks in advance for your help, Doug M. The Answer is : The Wizard would encourage users of systems such as the MicroVAX 3400, most MicroVAX 3500 series systems, and most later series VAX systems to enter a console command such as the following: >>> HELP for assistance with the available console commands. The MicroVAX II and early MicroVAX 3500 were among the last VAX systems that lacked support for a HELP command at the console prompt. MicroVAX systems of this vintage usually used the console symbols BOOT and BFLAG to establish the boot device and default boot flags. These symbols were typically accessed with the SET and SHOW commands.