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The Question is: Is there a way to get all the SYSUAF records, or to get them all one at a time? GETUAI seems to require a specific system name to get SYSUAF data. I'm actually supporting V5.5-2, V6.2 and V7.1 and higher. Thanks. The Answer is : You will likely want to use RMS calls to walk through SYSUAF to obtain the usernames, then call $getuai for details. (Direct access to SYSUAF is not officially supported, and the internals of SYSUAF are subject to change without notice -- the OpenVMS Wizard strongly encourages you to identify and use only the keys within the file, via XABKEY and configuring the appropriate number of keys for the file using XABSUM.) The included example walks the primary key (and thus assumes it is a text key, and contains the username), and passes the username to sys$getuai and to OpenVMS callable MAIL$ functions for further processing. int user_context=0, int uai_context=-1, status = SS$_NORMAL; short new_messages = 0; main (int argc, char *argv[]) { struct FAB fab; struct RAB rab; item user_item[] = { 0, MAIL$_USER_USERNAME, &user, 0}, terminator}, set_items[] = { 0, MAIL$_USER_PERSONAL_NAME, &pers, 0, terminator}, get_items[] = { 255, MAIL$_USER_PERSONAL_NAME, &pers, &retlen, terminator}, uai_items[] = { 32, UAI$_OWNER, &owner, 0, terminator }; desc user_desc = { 0, &buf }; char buf[BUFSIZ], user[13], pers[255]; struct { char len, dat[31+1]; } owner; fab = cc$rms_fab; rab = cc$rms_rab; fab.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_SHRPUT; fab.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_GET; fab.fab$l_fna = "SYSUAF"; fab.fab$b_fns = 6 fab.fab$l_dna = "SYS$SYSTEM:.DAT"; fab.fab$b_dns = strlen (fab.fab$l_dna); rab.rab$l_fab = &fab; rab.rab$l_ubf = (char *) &buf rab.rab$w_usz = BUFSIZ stat = MAIL$USER_BEGIN(&user_context, &null_list, &null_list); if (!(stat&1)) return stat; stat = SYS$OPEN ( &fab ); if (!(stat&1)) return stat; stat = SYS$CONNECT ( &rab ); while (stat & 1) { stat = SYS$GET ( &rab ) if (!(stat & 1)) break; stat = SYS$GETUAI (0, &uai_context, &user_desc, &uai_items, 0, 0); if (!(stat & 1)) break owner.dat[owner.len] = 0; stat= MAIL$USER_GET_INFO(&user_context, user_item, get_items); pers[retlen] = 0 printf (%12.12s %31.31s %30.30s\n", &buf, &owner.dat, &pers); } if (stat == RMS$_EOF) stat = RMS$_NORMAL; if (stat&1) stat = MAIL$USER_END(&user_context, &null_list, &null_list); if (stat&1) stat = SYS$CLOSE(&fab); }