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The Question is: Hello, i have a simple question. I searched into the FAQ and news groups but i didn't found anything. Where can i find an example in FORTRAN to exchange a string 'hello world' by TCPIP between a sender and a receiver program? That's all, thank you very much, Jan Lemmens The Answer is : Example programs are generally available from the Compaq Customer Support Center, as well as via the Compaq DSNlink service. C and Macro32 examples are available in UCX$EXAMPLES on TCP/IP Services versions prior to V5.0, and in TCPIP$EXAMPLES in V5.0 and later. With Fortran, you will be using the sys$qio[w] interface. An example follows: PROGRAM ucx_tcp_server_qio_for2 C ** Modified version of ucx_tcp_server_qio_for.for C which sits waiting for a client connection. When C a cient connects, it waits for the client to send C messages, and displays them. If the message is 'exit', C this program finishes. C ** If the client terminates, this sets a SS$_LINKDISCON C status in the $QIOW IOSB. This program then deassigns C the channel; assigns a new one and awaits for a new C client to connect. C This is a FORTRAN version of the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS C example program UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_SERVER_QIO.C C The best reference for SYS$QIO programming for socket usage is C the "TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS: System Services and C Socket C Programming" manual, chapter 3. C To build: C $ FORTRAN ucx_tcp_server_qio_for C $ LINK ucx_tcp_server_qio_for C To run: C $ RUN ucx_tcp_server_qio_for C Build and run a client program such as C UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_CLIENT_QIO.C, UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_CLIENT_IPC.C C or UCX_TCP_CLIENT_QIO_FOR.FOR which connects to the server and sends C a message to the server. The server simply displays the message and C then exits. C John Wood Compaq Computer (UK) Ltd January 1999 IMPLICIT NONE C ** include useful system definitions INCLUDE '(lib$routines)' INCLUDE '($syssrvnam)' INCLUDE '($iodef)' INCLUDE '($ssdef)' INCLUDE 'sys$library:ucx$inetdef.for' C ** declare variables INTEGER*4 buflen INTEGER*4 retval INTEGER*4 status INTEGER*4 r_retlen INTEGER*4 one INTEGER*4 a, b, c, d INTEGER*4 flags INTEGER*4 efn ! ** event flag number for SYS$QIO INTEGER*2 port, port_1 INTEGER*2 channel, channel_1, channel_2 INTEGER*2 sck_parm(2) INTEGER*4 client_addr INTEGER*1 bytes(4) EQUIVALENCE (client_addr, bytes) C ** there are various ways to define the I/O status block: CCC INTEGER*2 iosb(4) STRUCTURE / iosb_struct / INTEGER*2 status INTEGER*2 transfer_size INTEGER*4 address END STRUCTURE RECORD /iosb_struct/ iosb CHARACTER*512 buf RECORD / sockaddrin / local_host, remote_host STRUCTURE / struct_il2 / INTEGER*4 il2_length INTEGER*4 il2_address ! address END STRUCTURE RECORD /struct_il2/ lhst_adrs STRUCTURE / struct_il3 / INTEGER*4 il3_length INTEGER*4 il3_address ! address INTEGER*4 il3_retlen ! address END STRUCTURE RECORD /struct_il3/ rhst_adrs STRUCTURE / struct_ssp / INTEGER*2 len INTEGER*2 param INTEGER*4 ptr ! address END STRUCTURE RECORD / struct_ssp / options, item_list(1) C ** function declarations INTEGER*2 htons C ************************************************* buflen = SIZEOF( buf ) one = 1 C ** get an available event flag status = lib$get_ef( efn ) ! efn by %REF by default IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) IF (efn .EQ. -1) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( 0 ) ) item_list(1).len = SIZEOF( one ) item_list(1).param = ucx$c_reuseaddr item_list(1).ptr = %LOC( one ) options.len = SIZEOF( item_list ) options.param = ucx$c_sockopt options.ptr = %LOC( item_list ) local_host.SIN$W_FAMILY = UCX$C_AF_INET ! INET family local_host.SIN$L_ADDR = UCX$C_INADDR_ANY ! Any address lhst_adrs.il2_length = SIZEOF( local_host ) lhst_adrs.il2_address = %LOC( local_host ) rhst_adrs.il3_length = SIZEOF( remote_host ) rhst_adrs.il3_address = %LOC( remote_host ) rhst_adrs.il3_retlen = %LOC( r_retlen ) C GOTO 110 ! ** for testing, use hard-coded port number WRITE (6, *) ' Enter port number ' READ (5,*) port GOTO 120 110 CONTINUE ! don't worry about compile-time warnings for this line C ** for testing, skip prompting user for port port = 4747 120 CONTINUE local_host.sin$w_port = htons( port ) WRITE (6,*) 'Server will use port ', port WRITE (6,*) 'Server port in network format = ', & local_host.sin$w_port C ---------------------------------------- C ** Assign two channels to the UCX device C ** (These calls will fail if UCX is not started on the system...) C ** the string 'ucx$device' is passed by descriptor by default status = sys$assign( 'ucx$device', channel, , ) if (.not. status) call lib$stop( %val(status) ) status = sys$assign( 'ucx$device', channel_2, , ) if (.not. status) call lib$stop( %val(status) ) C ------------------------------------------------- C ** Create the socket and set the REUSEADDR option sck_parm(1) = UCX$C_TCP ! TCP/IP protocol sck_parm(2) = INET_PROTYP$C_STREAM ! stream type of socket status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel ), & %VAL( io$_setmode ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & %REF( sck_parm ), ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & options, ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ------------------------------------------------------------ C ** Bind to chosen port number (after REUSEADDR is set above) status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel ), & %VAL( io$_setmode ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & lhst_adrs, ! p3 : local socket name & %VAL( 3 ), ! p4 : Connection backlog & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) GOTO 222 C ----------------------------------------------- C ** If here, a client has closed the connection. C ** So we de-assign the channel, ready to re-assign it below. 200 CONTINUE status = sys$dassgn( %VAL(channel_1) ) IF (.NOT. status) call lib$stop( %VAL(status) ) TYPE *, 'Lost connection with client; awaiting new connection' C ------------------------------------ C ** Accept a connection from a client 222 CONTINUE status = sys$assign( 'ucx$device', channel_1, , ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL(status) ) status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel ), & %VAL( io$_access .OR. io$m_accept ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & rhst_adrs, ! p3 : Remote IP address & channel_1, ! p4 : Channel for new socket & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) port_1 = htons( remote_host.sin$w_port ) C ** extract & display IP address from remote host C ** copy client address into equivalenced datum client_addr = remote_host.sin$l_addr C ** rem: = 0x10 0x25 0x90 0x8B C ** in remote_host.sin$l_addr format, = 0x8B 90 25 10 = d.c.b.a C ** rem: INTEGER*1 bytes(4) is equivalenced to client_addr a = bytes(1) b = bytes(2) c = bytes(3) d = bytes(4) if (a .lt. 0) a = a + 256 if (b .lt. 0) b = b + 256 if (c .lt. 0) c = c + 256 if (d .lt. 0) d = d + 256 WRITE (6,601) client_addr, a, b, c, d, port_1 601 FORMAT ( ' Connection from client (', I, '): ', I3, '.', & I3, '.', I3, '.', I3, '; port ', I5 ) C ------------------ C ** Read I/O buffer 300 continue status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel_1 ), & %VAL( io$_readvblk ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & %REF( buf ), ! p1 : buffer & %VAL( buflen ), ! p2 : buffer length & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status C ** check that client hasn't closed the connection; if so, go to 200 IF (status .eq. SS$_LINKDISCON) goto 200 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ** If all is well, print message (all 512 bytes!) TYPE *, 'Received ', iosb.transfer_size, ' bytes; text: ', buf IF (buf .EQ. 'exit') GOTO 400 goto 300 C ---------------------------------- C ** Shut down the socket (optional) 400 continue status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel_1 ), & %VAL( io$_deaccess .or. io$m_shutdown ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %val(status) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %val(status) ) C ------------------------------------------------------- C ** Close the sockets -- accepted and listner (optional) status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel_1 ), & %VAL( io$_deaccess ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), & %VAL( channel ), & %VAL( io$_deaccess ), & %REF( iosb ), & , & , & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb.status IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ------------------------------------------------------- C ** Deassign the UCX device channels status = sys$dassgn( %VAL( channel_1 ) ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = sys$dassgn( %VAL( channel ) ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ** free the event flag status = lib$free_ef( efn ) ! passed by %REF by default IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ------------------------------------------------------- C ** Inform user that program ran to completion: C ** if you don't see the following msg, then run the program C ** under the debugger to see where it calls lib$stop() PRINT *, 'All is well that ends well' END C ----------------- INTEGER*2 FUNCTION htons( port ) INTEGER*2 port INTEGER*2 high, low C ** swap the two bytes of 'port' around low = IMOD( port, 256 ) high = port / 256 htons = (256*low) + high END -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM ucx_tcp_client_qio_for2 C ** Modified version of ucx_tcp_client_qio_for.for C which makes a socket connection to a server. It C prompts the user to enter a message which it sends C to the server. If the message is 'exit', the client C sends 'exit' to the server and then finishes. If the C message is 'quit', no message is sent to the server: C this program just finishes. C ** After sending any message other than 'exit', this program C loops; prompting the user for another message to be sent. C This is a FORTRAN version of the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS C example program UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_CLIENT_QIO.C C The best reference for SYS$QIO programming for socket usage is C the "TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS: System Services and C Socket C Programming" manual, chapter 3. C To build: C $ FORTRAN ucx_tcp_client_qio_for C $ LINK ucx_tcp_client_qio_for C To run, first build & run ones of the following server programs: C UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_SERVER_QIO.C C UCX$EXAMPLES:UCX$TCP_SERVER_IPC.C C UCX_TCP_SERVER_QIO_FOR.FOR C Then run this program to connect to the server: C $ RUN ucx_tcp_client_qio_for C This client sends a simple message ('hello there') to the server. C John Wood Compaq Computer (UK) Ltd January 1999 IMPLICIT NONE C ** include useful system definitions INCLUDE '(lib$routines)' INCLUDE '($syssrvnam)' INCLUDE '($iodef)' INCLUDE 'sys$library:ucx$inetdef.for' C ** declare variables INTEGER*4 buflen INTEGER*4 status INTEGER*4 a, b, c, d, e INTEGER*4 flags INTEGER*4 efn ! ** event flag number for SYS$QIO INTEGER*2 port INTEGER*2 channel INTEGER*2 sck_parm(2) C ** there are various ways to define the I/O status block: C ** you could declare a structure, but this program treats C ** it as an array of 16-bit values INTEGER*2 iosb(4) CHARACTER*512 buf / 'Hello There' / RECORD / sockaddrin / remote_host STRUCTURE / struct_il2 / INTEGER*4 il2_length INTEGER*4 il2_address ! address END STRUCTURE RECORD /struct_il2/ rhst_adrs C ** function declarations INTEGER*2 htons C --------------------------------------------------------------- buflen = sizeof( buf ) C ** get an available event flag status = lib$get_ef( efn ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) IF (efn .EQ. -1) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( 0 ) ) rhst_adrs.il2_length = sizeof( remote_host ) rhst_adrs.il2_address = %LOC( remote_host ) sck_parm(1) = UCX$C_TCP ! TCP/IP protocol sck_parm(2) = INET_PROTYP$C_STREAM ! stream type of socket remote_host.SIN$W_FAMILY = UCX$C_AF_INET ! INET family C GOTO 110 ! skip prompting user for IP server details during testing TYPE *, 'Enter IP address and port number for server:' TYPE *, 'use comma "," not . to separate IP address parts' TYPE *, 'E.g. "16,37,144,139, 4747" for 4747' READ (5,501) a, b, c, d, port 501 FORMAT( I, I, I, I, I ) GOTO 120 110 CONTINUE ! can ignore compile-time warnings about this line C ** hard-code IP address of server host during testing (a.b.c.d) a = 16 b = 37 c = 144 d = 139 port = 4747 120 CONTINUE PRINT *, 'Server address = ', a, '.', b, '.', c, '.', d PRINT *, 'Server port = ', port C ** sin$l_adr needs to store an IP address of form a.b.c.d C ** in the byte order d:c:b:a remote_host.sin$l_addr = (d * 256 * 256 * 256) + & (c * 256 * 256) + & (b * 256) + & (a) remote_host.sin$w_port = htons( port ) PRINT *, 'Server host address as an integer = ', & remote_host.sin$l_addr PRINT *, 'Server port in network format = ', & remote_host.sin$w_port C ------------------------------------- C ** assign a channel to the UCX device print *, 'Assigning a channel to the UCX device' C ** the string 'ucx$device' is passed by descriptor by default status = sys$assign( 'ucx$device', channel, , ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C -------------------- C ** Create the socket PRINT *, 'Creating the socket' status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), ! Event flag & %VAL( channel ), ! Channel number & %VAL( IO$_SETMODE ), ! I/O function & %REF( iosb ), ! I/O status block & , ! AST rtn address & , ! AST parameter & %REF( sck_parm ), ! p1 : Socket creation parameter & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb(1) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C -------------------------------------------- C ** Connect to specified host and port number PRINT *, 'Connecting to specified host and port number' status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), ! Event flag & %VAL( channel ), ! Channel number & %VAL( IO$_ACCESS ), ! I/O function & %REF( iosb ), ! I/O status block & , ! AST rtn address & , ! AST parameter & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & %REF( rhst_adrs ), ! p3 : remote IP address & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb(1) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C -------------------------------- C ** Get message to send to server 300 CONTINUE TYPE *, 'Enter message to send to server' TYPE *, '(or ''exit'' or ''quit'')' READ (5,511) buf 511 FORMAT( A ) IF (buf .EQ. 'quit') GOTO 400 C ------------------- C ** Write I/O buffer PRINT *, 'Writing I/O buffer ', buf status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), ! Event flag & %VAL( channel ), ! Channel number & %VAL( IO$_WRITEVBLK ), ! I/O function & %REF( iosb ), ! I/O status block & , ! AST rtn address & , ! AST parameter & %REF( buf ), ! p1 : buffer address & %VAL( buflen ), ! p2 : buffer length & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb(1) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) IF (buf .EQ. 'exit') GOTO 400 GOTO 300 C ---------------------------------- C ** Shut down the socket (optional) 400 continue flags = io$_deaccess .OR. io$m_shutdown PRINT *, 'Shutting down the socket' status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), ! Event flag & %VAL( channel ), ! Channel number & %VAL( flags ), ! I/O function & %REF( iosb ), ! I/O status block & , ! AST rtn address & , ! AST parameter & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & %VAL( ucx$c_dsc_all ), ! p4 : Discard all packets & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb(1) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ------------------------------ C ** Close the socket (optional) PRINT *, 'Closing the socket' status = sys$qiow( %VAL( efn ), ! Event flag & %VAL( channel ), ! Channel number & %VAL( IO$_DEACCESS ), ! I/O function & %REF( iosb ), ! I/O status block & , ! AST rtn address & , ! AST parameter & , ! p1 & , ! p2 & , ! p3 & , ! p4 & , ! p5 & ) ! p6 IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) status = iosb(1) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ---------------------------------- C ** Deassign the UCX device channel print *, 'Deassigning the UCX device channel' status = sys$dassgn( %VAL( channel ) ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ** free the event flag status = lib$free_ef( %REF( efn ) ) IF (.NOT. status) CALL lib$stop( %VAL( status ) ) C ------------------------------------------------------- C ** Inform user that program ran to completion: C ** if you don't see the following msg, then run the program C ** under the debugger to see where it calls lib$stop() PRINT *, 'All is well that ends well' END C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER*2 FUNCTION htons( port ) INTEGER*2 port INTEGER*2 high, low C ** swap the two bytes of 'port' around low = IMOD( port, 256 ) high = port / 256 htons = (256*low) + high END