HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
The Question is: I have a SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL question for The Wizard. On one of my (not clustered) VAX/VMS v6.2 systems, the journal file was a year and a half old, and had grown to over 200,000 blocks in size. Using the JBC$COMMAND program as described in wiz_2787 and wiz_3333, I was able to shrink it to a much more accep table size. Thank you! On the other system, the journal file appears to reset itself every 41 minutes. I don't cause this to happen through batch jobs or the like. Why is this happening? Which is the correct behavior? Thanks in advance, and have a Happy New Year. Steve The Answer is : Please first check for available ECO kits (and apply any found), and then please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center directly.