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The Question is: I have a job in an OpenVMS batch queue which is submitted with /RETAIN=error. When the job completes with an error it will retain in the queue and when I use the $ SHOW ENTR/FULL command I can see the exit status which caused the error. I would like to know if it is possibel to determine this exit status using the lexical function F$GETQUI. I have succeeded in determining the 'retained on error' status using the "JOB_STATUS" but I do not know how I can get a hold on the error status of t he job. Please let me know if this is possible and how to get the error status (longword) Thanks in advance Peter Vermeulen The Answer is : The F$GETQUI keyword is CONDITION_VECTOR, but it may be simpler to use the SYNCHRONIZE command. Since the job has completed, SYNCHRONIZE will return immediately, with the completion status of the job in $STATUS. For example: $ TYPE EXITSTAT.COM $ EXIT 'p1' $ SUBMIT/RETAIN=ERROR EXITSTAT/PARAM="%X10018290" Job EXITSTAT (queue SPELL$BATCH, entry 507) started on SPELL$BATCH $ SHOW ENTRY/FULL 507 Entry Jobname Username Blocks Status ----- ------- -------- ------ ------ 507 EXITSTAT WIZARD Retained on error %RMS-W-FNF, file not found On available batch queue SPELL$BATCH Submitted 13-DEC-2000 10:20:46.07 /PARAM=("%X10018290") /PRIORITY=100 /RETAIN=ERROR File: _$1$DKA100:[WIZARD]EXITSTAT.COM;1 Completed 13-DEC-2000 10:20:46.38 on queue SPELL$BATCH $ SYNCHRONIZE/ENTRY=507 $ SHOW SYMBOL $STATUS $ STATUS == "%X10018290" Existing discussions of the f$getqui lexical include the following topics: (813), (1240), (2159), (3951), (4546), (4568), (4903), (5188) (5471), (5567), (5651), (5793), (5982), (6315), (6877), etc.