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The Question is: My hostname doesn't appear on the greeting message on the login banner for the CDE and XWindows, I assume that %localhost% is not set or something, Where can I set the variable %localhost% so the login screen reads "Welcome to "my host name" ? The Answer is : %LocalHost% is available on OpenVMS, uses the DECnet host name (eg: the translation of SYS$NODE_FULLNAME and SYS$NODE), and can be used in the XRESOURCES.DAT file entry: Dtlogin*greeting*labelString: (%DisplayName% is also available on OpenVMS.) The personalized welcome message is also available via: Dtlogin*greeting*persLabelString: Hello %s Make sure your character case is correct, and that the XRESOURCES.DAT file is world read-accessable. (To modify XRESOURCES.DAT, copy over XRESOURCES.DAT from CDE$SYSTEM_COMMON:[CONFIG.C] to CDE$USER_COMMON:[CONFIG.C], modify it, and -- depending on what you change in XRESOURCES.DAT -- restart the server.)