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![]() HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
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The Question is: Hi, I want to define a general operator through adduser utility with minimum security privileges provided (netmbx only). After logging through this general user i want operators(with full security privileges granted ) to login and their corresponding log files be generated. for this i am using the command in my shell script $ set host 0 /log (a)Can you suggest any other method ? (b) the files sethost.log can be edited through any account even though the protection given is $set protection=(S:R,O:R,G:R,W:R) sethost.log can you describe what commands are to bo issued for file protection.?? (c)what are proxy accounts? can proxy account do the same work?? The Answer is : In other words, you wish to maintain a tracing of all activities... There is no particularly supported means for this. Alternative approaches include enabling and using system alarms and system auditing, and configuring privileges and identifiers and access control lists appropriately for the (required) access. Also of interest can be subsystem identifiers and installed (with privileges) images -- of these two, the former often provides an easier and more controllable approach.) The OpenVMS Wizard does not normally recommend generic usernames, as this hinders security -- passwords cannot be changed as easily, and establishing individual responsibility is difficult at best. For details on OpenVMS file protections and security in general, please see the OpenVMS system security manual, and particularly for this case please see the information included there that is related to the resource identifier mechanism, and to the creation and operation of scratch directories and such. Also note that your OpenVMS version is sufficiently ancient as to lack specific security-related changes made in slightly less ancient OpenVMS releases -- specifically V6.0 and later -- and these OpenVMS changes were designed to address the privileges and requirements for superceding files, and the associated file protection checks needed.