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The Question is: I am calling system services routines from a COBOL program, specifically SYS$SNDJBCW and SYS$GETQUI. I have declared the appropriate items and return values as external constants. Example: 01 W96_JBC_AUTONOTSTART PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE EXTERNAL JBC$_AUTONOTSTART. and 01 WS_QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY PIC S9(4) COMP VALUE EXTERNAL QUI$_DISPLAY_ENTRY. However, at link time all these external symbols remain undefined. What do I need to do to resolve the external symbols? The Answer is : Please read the COBOL manual for assistance with this and with other similar COBOL programming questions, and please also read the OpenVMS Programming Concepts manual for information on OpenVMS programming. The former is specific to COBOL programming, while the latter OpenVMS documentation targets on OpenVMS programming interfaces and details. The OpenVMS COBOL programming documentation and the OpenVMS operating system documentation contain information and details for accessing system services from various languages. You must read these manuals. Properly-declared system service calls are resolved automatically during the OpenVMS LINK operation. For general programming information and for pointers to the COBOL programming materials, please see: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/ http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/73final/cobol/ cobum_004.htm#link_sec http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/73final/cobol/ cobum_040.htm#vms_ssr_sec http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/73final/cobol/ cobum_041.htm#ret_stat_con_val_sec COBOL does not provide a mechanism for language-specific include files akin to that of Macro32, C, Fortran or other languages, and thus COBOL relies on external references and linking with object modules built using other languages (such as the Macro32 assembler or the Macro32 compiler) for access to these and other OpenVMS definitions. http://www.openvms.compaq.com/doc/73final/cobol/ cobum_041.htm#inter_ex_sec The OpenVMS Wizard strongly encourages you to become familar with the AskQ website referenced in the OpenVMS FAQ, with the other COBOL-related discussions here in the Ask The Wizard area -- including topics (1091), (1134), (2228), (3061), (6353), and (8137), and particularly to become familiar with the available COBOL and OpenVMS Programming Documentation. -- here is SETSYM.COB identification division. program-id. SETSYM. environment division. data division. working-storage section. 01 LOCAL-SYM pic S9(9) comp value external LIB$K_CLI_LOCAL_SYM. 01 GLOBAL-SYM pic S9(9) comp value external LIB$K_CLI_GLOBAL_SYM. 01 COND-VAL pic S9(9) comp. 88 COND-NORMAL value external SS$_NORMAL. 88 COND-AMBSYMDEF value external LIB$_AMBSYMDEF. procedure division. 1. call "LIB$SET_SYMBOL" using by descriptor "XSET*SYM" by descriptor "Test1A" by reference LOCAL-SYM giving COND-VAL. if COND-AMBSYMDEF display "Ambiguous" else if COND-NORMAL display "OK" else display "Not OK". 2. call "LIB$SET_SYMBOL" using by descriptor "XSETS" by descriptor "Test1B" by reference LOCAL-SYM giving COND-VAL. if COND-AMBSYMDEF display "Ambiguous" else if COND-NORMAL display "OK" else display "Not OK". 3. call "LIB$SET_SYMBOL" using by descriptor "XSETS" by descriptor "Test1C" by reference GLOBAL-SYM giving COND-VAL. if COND-AMBSYMDEF display "Ambiguous" else if COND-NORMAL display "OK" else display "Not OK". 9. stop run. -- here is HLPDEF.MAR .TITLE hlpdef $HLPDEF GLOBAL ; case sensitive! .END -- here is SETSYM.COM $ cobol setsym $ macro hlpdef $ link setsym,hlpdef $ run setsym $ show symbol xset* -- here is the output of SETSYM.COM OK Ambiguous OK XSETS == "Test1C" XSET*SYM = "Test1A"