HP OpenVMS Systemsask the wizard |
The Question is: I have a Vax 4000-60 connected to a SCSI MD410 scanner. The scanner is kaput!!!. The model on the back of the unit says Ricoh IS410. Did Digital modify this Ricoh scanner (microcode,or whatever)? Can this scanner be replaced with a Ricoh IS410 or equi valent? The system still uses the retired Decimage Application Services? The Answer is : The MD410 is based on the Ricoh IS410. The only scanner that was supported by the (now retired) DECimage software was the MD410. There were corrections made to the firmware of the D410 from that of the Ricoh equivalent scanner (to get the MD410 to resolve problems found during testing; to allow the scanner to work reliably on the VAXstation series), and the OpenVMS Wizard does not know if these changes were ever retrofit into any subsequent Ricoh firmware releases or Ricoh scanners.