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Effective and Accessed Dates in DIRECTORY output?

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The Question is:

What is the 'Date of effective usage' or 'Accessed' characteristic of a file
 when you execute a DIRECTORY/FULL command?

The Answer is :

        /NODATE (default)
     Includes the creation, last modification, expiration, backup,
     effective, or recording date for each specified file; the default
     is the /NODATE qualifier. If you use the /DATE qualifier without
     an option, the creation date is provided. Possible options are as
     Option     Description
     ACCESSED   Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 New Features
                and Documentation Overview for information on using
                this option.
     ALL        Specifies all optional dates in the following order:
                creation, last modification, expiration, backup,
                effective, and recording.
     ATTRIBUTES Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 New Features
                and Documentation Overview for information on using
                this option.
     BACKUP     Specifies the last backup date.
     CREATED    Specifies the creation date.
     DATA_      Refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 New Features
     MODIFIED   and Documentation Overview for information on using
                this option.
     EFFECTIVE  Specifies the effective date the contents are valid
                (ISO 9660).
     EXPIRED    Specifies the expiration date.
     MODIFIED   Specifies the last modification date.
     RECORDING  Specifies the recording date on the media (ISO 9660).

answer written or last revised on ( 19-MAR-2003 )

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