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NameLocationTypeDate  40.57 KB2022-07-02 00:00:00
Gif Info 1.1 (1999-02-25)

Long Description:
A utility for extracting information from GIF files. GIF_INFO is an OS/2 REXX command-line utility that will display information on the structure of a GIF file. This includes height, width, position, color table size, transparency status, and a host of other details. In addition, GIF_INFO can be used to display actual color table and pixel values, for any one of several images in an animated GIF. Lastly, GIF_INFO includes two sets of REXX procedures that can be used to extract information from GIF files. GIF_INFO is freeware; with the usual "use at your own risk" disclaimer. Rexx Script. (

Program Contact:
Daniel Hellerstein
Program E-mail:

Upload Date:
2022-07-02 00:00:00
Archive Date:
2022-07-03 05:26:05

Runs on:
OS/2 Warp 3 or later.

REXX. REXXLIB.DLL and RXGDUTIL.DLL are recommended for full functionality.
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