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NameLocationTypeDate  40.41 KB2021-12-25 00:00:00
DMI 1.25 for GTirc 2, InetAdv .22+, IRC/2 .75+ (1996-09-30)

Long Description:
Works for IRC clients supporting the RxScript REXX IRC Interface. DMI pretty much expands on the ideas brought forth by IceBerg. Some IceBerg commands that I found useless are now gone (Encryption, etc). Some commands, I either haven't decided to put back in, or haven't finished reworking yet. (

Program Contact:
Dusk To Dawn Computing

Upload Date:
2021-12-25 00:00:00
Archive Date:
2021-12-25 15:12:52

Runs on:
OS/2 Warp 3 or later.

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