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NameLocationTypeDate  317.71 KB2022-01-05 00:00:00
Fortify/2 145 (1999-09-30)

Long Description:
Fortify is an addon to non US versions of Netscape 2x & 4x browsers, that provides full strength 128-bit encryption facilities. These are used when connecting to an encrypting web server (with the SSL protocol). Without Fortify, the export- grade web browsers are limited to 40-bit encryption facilities, which are substantially weaker, and have been demonstrated to be "crackable". In the Netscape 4.x browsers, Fortify provides these same 128-bit encryption features, plus the ability to generate 1024-bit RSA keys internally (these are typically used for client certificates), plus the ability to send and receive e-mail messages using strong 128-bit encryption (with the S/MIME protocol). (

Program Contact:
Farrell McKay
Program E-mail:

Upload Date:
2022-01-05 00:00:00
Archive Date:
2022-01-10 09:29:58

Program Source:

Runs on:
OS/2 Warp 4 or later

Netscape Navigator
Download via HTTP

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