PGP and PEM both use RSA encryption. The U.S. government has strict export controls over foreign use of this technology, so people outside the U.S. may have a difficult time finding programs which perform the encryption.
You should be able to use the TIS/PEM program with the PEM authorization type. I haven't tried it. This tutorial is written assuming that you are using RIPEM.
As you can tell, parties who wish to use Mosaic and httpd with PEM or PGP encryption will need to communicate beforehand and find a tamper-proof way to exchange their public keys.
The only known problem that I know about is that the messages are currently not timestamped. This means that a malicious user could record your encrypted message with a packet sniffer and repeat it back to the server ad nauseum. Although they would not be able to read the reply, if the request was something you were being charged for, you may have a large bill to pay by the time they're through.
Next, look in the support/auth
directory. This directory
contains your encryption and decryption scripts, as well as bins for
your remote users' public keys.
Edit ripem-dec, ripem-enc, pgp-enc, and pgp-dec and follow the instructions therein. You need not set up PGP if you don't plan to use it, and same with RIPEM.
Now, edit your server configuration file, usually conf/httpd.conf. You will want to add three new directives for PGP and three new directives for PEM depending on which you plan to use (or both).
PEMEncryptCmd /usr/local/etc/httpd/auth/ripem-enc PGPEncryptCmd /usr/local/etc/httpd/auth/pgp-encThese directives change what executables httpd will look for when it is trying to encrypt its reply to a client. Edit the pathnames to taste.
PEMDecryptCmd /usr/local/etc/httpd/auth/ripem-dec PGPDecryptCmd /usr/local/etc/httpd/auth/pgp-decThese directives change what executables httpd will look for when it is trying to decrypt the client's request.
PEMServerEntity PGPServerEntity webmaster@foobar.orgThese directives set your entity name. This should be the same as the name you place on the public/private keys you generate for your server. If you make these directives different than the key names, your server and its client will become hopelessly confused.
You are now ready to protect directories of your server with this authorization scheme.
For a directory you want to protect, you should first set its
AuthType. Use AuthType PGP
for a directory you are
protecting with PGP and AuthType PEM
for a directory you
are protecting with PEM.
The require directive accepts key names as its arguments. The AuthGroupFile directive is valid as well, to create groups of keys. A full example:
AuthType PEM AuthGroupFile /httpd/.htgroup-pem Options None <Limit GET> require user require group pemusersLet's say /httpd/.htgroup-pem reads:
pemusers: In this case, this directory will be protected with PEM encryption and will require that only users and be allowed to access that directory.
Follow the instructions in each of the scripts in the auth subdirectory to customize them to your setup.
There are six new X resources which have been defined for PEM/PGP authentication. They are:
Mosaic*pemEncrypt: /X11/robm/Mosaic/auth/ripem-enc Mosaic*pemDecrypt: /X11/robm/Mosaic/auth/ripem-dec Mosaic*pemEntity: Mosaic*pgpEncrypt: /X11/robm/Mosaic/auth/pgp-enc Mosaic*pgpDecrypt: /X11/robm/Mosaic/auth/pgp-dec Mosaic*pgpEntity: robm@ncsa.uiuc.eduYou should change the Encrypt and Decrypt entries to reflect where you are going to install your encryption and decryption crypts. You should change the Entity lines to the key name you have given the server maintainers for yourself. If you don't, bad things will happen.
GET /docs/protected.html HTTP/1.0 UserAgent: Mosaic/X 2.2Server:
HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized WWW-Authenticate: PEM entity="" Server: NCSA/1.1Client:
GET / HTTP/1.0 Authorization: PEM entity="" Content-type: application/x-www-pem-request --- BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE --- this is the real request, encrypted --- END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE ---Server:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-type: application/x-www-pem-reply --- BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE --- this is the real reply, encrypted --- END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE ---That's it.