RefererLog directive


The RefererLog directive tells HTTPd where to record referers. The Referer header, if present, is recorded in the following format:

URI -> Document

Where URI is the Universal Resource Identifier for the document that references our server, and Document is the name of the file being refered to. This is a path relative to DocumentRoot. It is also possible to ignore logging certain referers by using the RefererIgnore directive.

A Referer Example -> /docs/Overview.html


RefererLog file

file is the name of the file to which referers will be logged. It is either a full pathname, or a partial pathname relative to ServerRoot.

Only one RefererLog directive is allowed in the configuration file.


If you do not specify a RefererLog, HTTPd assumes:

RefererLog logs/referer_log


RefererLog logs/referers

This logs referers to the file logs/referers in the ServerRoot directory.

RefererLog /tmp/httpd-referers

This logs referers to the file /tmp/httpd-referers.

RefererLog /dev/null

This effectively turns off referer logging.

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NCSA HTTPd Development Team / / Last Modified 7-12-95