URI -> Document
Where URI
is the Universal Resource Identifier for the
document that references our server, and Document
is the
name of the file being refered to. This is a path relative to
DocumentRoot. It is also
possible to ignore logging certain referers by using the
RefererIgnore directive.
http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ -> /docs/Overview.html
RefererLog file
is the name of the file to which referers will be
logged. It is either a full pathname, or a partial pathname
relative to ServerRoot.
Only one RefererLog directive is allowed in the configuration file.
RefererLog logs/referer_log
RefererLog logs/referers
This logs referers to the file logs/referers in the ServerRoot directory.
RefererLog /tmp/httpd-referers
This logs referers to the file /tmp/httpd-referers
RefererLog /dev/null
This effectively turns off referer logging.