Advantages in new imagemap.c
Advantage in new imagemap.c are
- Users of imagemapping no longer need to bother the system administrator
because they don't need to do anything with the server configuration files.
- Basically the imagemap.conf file is no longer needed.
- Your virtual URLs will work in this version. This kind of URL is a virtual
pathname to a file on your server (i.e. a
URL to your server without the http://hostname part)
- Your #-ed URLs will also work.
- A new method called point has been added.
The point method implements the "closest point wins" scheme.
So if different point methods are specified, the url is chosen according
to the point closest to the click.
point url coordinate
- Backward Compatibility is provided so the old imagemaps will still work fine.
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Httpd Image Mapping
NCSA HTTPd Development Team / http / Last Modified 6-13-95